I have found that cheaper prices in boots does not always mean better value. Sometimes your more expensive quality boots will last for years…
Most comfortable fashionable boots: Old Gringo. I have a friend that rides in hers…I prefer to wear out. The goat skin tops are like cloth. The stitching is to die for.
Most comfortable/durable riding boots: Lucchese exotics. I have a pair of caiman boots that I have worn for 4 years…and they hold up great and are comfortable. They are pricey- but again…still look great after considerable wear through all kinds of weather.
I would say that the Lucchese/Old Gringos are more comfortable than the Ariat: Maestro, Challenger, and Crowne Pro paddocks that I have as a comparison.
I do not care for the quality of the Twisted X and for some reason, I did not find the Ariat Fat Baby’s comfortable. They seemed more like barn boots than riding boots to me. If you are looking for a 9B cheap…pm me- I have a pair that I wore 3x’s and then retired. Just not for me 
Another brand you might look at is Anderson Bean. I have seen quite a few people who have them and like them. I have not owned them personally.
Your main deciding factors should consider what kind of sole you want (leather, crepe, etc.) and what kind of toe. Some riders feel that the crepe soles are too thick/dangerous to ride. They are unbeatable for doing work/showing on concrete though. Just a thought.