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Best Of 2000 - BB Style

DISCLAIMER: My boredom is boundless today!

Well, Y2K is almost over and time for all of those insufferable “Best Of” lists to start emerging. Here’s my contribution.

Ground rules: be nice, stay on topic (as if), no flaming and behave. Have fun! (Remember, its the holiday season!)

Participation is mandatory.

Best Thread (Overall):

Most Informative Thread (horse related, of course!):

Best Thread-into-Action (goes to an idea/recommendation/thought that actually proved to have a positive outcome):

Most Humorous Thread:

Dead Horse Award (goes to thread topic that was rehashed way too much, should be banished for next year and NOT to be reopened here):

Hall of Shame Award (goes to best deleted thread):

Most Improved Poster (goes to anyone who has improved deportment and exhibited redeemable qualities):

Most Informative Member (horsemanship, training tips, etc.):

Best Motivational Member:

Best Annoying Member (meant in a GOOD WAY!):

Most Humorous Member:

Most Sorely Missed Alter-ego:

Best Bud You Met from the BB (objectionable content or seedy scenarios do not qualify!):

Best BB Duo:

Rodney Dangerfield Lifetime Achievement Award (goes to most maligned and misunderstood member):

Best Lurker-turned-Poster:

Fashionplate Barbie Award (needs no explanation):

Best recurring annoying topic that has nothing to do with anything:

Kumbaya Award (goes to thread where everyone actually got along):

Member you would most likely call to bail you out of jail:

Member most likely to call you from jail:

Meriam Webster Trophy (goes to member who has proven a mastery of the English language - spelling still does NOT count):

William Faulkner Medal (goes to member who best uses stream-of-consciousness, rambling, disjointed posts…but in a GOOD WAY!):

Shoulda Been There Award (goes to scenario that you missed, but was recounted in such wonderful detail, it made you sorry you weren’t there):

Group Hug/Warm Moment: (Here’s your chance to redeem yourself for making Erin’s life miserable. Write something great about how much you’ve grown as a person/rider/horse owner by being allowed to participate in this forum. (Must be heartfelt and hella sappy!)

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeb:
[B] Someone else might be able to verify this or correct me, but I was under the impression that Kumbya is an old African-American Spiritual song…I believe the older version was sung as “Come By Here, My Lord” as well.

Of course, I could be completely wrong![/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jeb you are correct - KUMBYA = come by here my lord

Kumbya indeed!

Sorry to be the downer voice here - I have LOVED reading all these posts. I’ve laughed out loud, blushed, and completely smeared my mascara a la Tammy Fay by whiping away the tears.

But don’t you guys think this is the kind of alienating, “cliquey” thread that some of the other BB members are complaining about?

Or is that the point?

Pretend for a moment that your name isn’t mentioned on here … and yet you post frequently. I worry that sometimes these kinds of threads hurt people’s feelings.

I’m not looking for replies - just consider the thought OK?

Oh, Big Hoof, Bigger Hoof, what is next, Biggest Hoof or Hoof-n-mouth?

In response to alienating anyone, of course that was NOT my intent. I just thought of this thread as a way to recount all the good information, the laughs, the nice folks we’ve all come to know and love, the lessons we have learned, etc. (“I’d like to teach the world to sing…”)

Just a way to thank everyone for the participation this year and sharing of views and ideas. (“Thanks for the memories…”)

If you were not singled out by anyone, don’t feel bad at all! Be very proud that you haven’t gotten under anyone’s skin, been called down by Erin, gotten flash-fried for posting your opinions, or sunk to the depth of silliness that alot of us have. (“Did you ever know that you’re my hero…”)

Can we feel the LOVE yet? (“Kumbaya, my Lord…”)

BTW - would it scare anybody for me to tell you that I actually get paid to be a Facilitator for a very large corporation? I mean, I actually fly all over the country to spread my special kind of love! And lemme tell ya, it’s a beautiful thing to be able to MAKE a group of executives sing Kumbaya, while swaying back and forth with their hands in the air! I’ve just scared myself, I think.

[This message has been edited by Jeb (edited 12-01-2000).]

Gosh, 5 posts and it’s already doomed!

Recap on Ground Rules: be nice, have fun, no flaming (of any sort!) - got my finger on the delete button…

Interesting how people perceive the words of others, however harmless they may be.


I just wanted to say thanks to those who mentioned me so kindly, and to apologize to those many folks whose names I didn’t mention but deserved it.

Ever since I posted my version, I’ve been thinking of people who certainly deserve to be mentioned and kicking myself for forgetting them. Then I realized how many people that would end up being. You know – “but Kachoo is such a good writer and so funny, how could I not mention her, and GoodToGo said this that was so insightful, and Cactuskate and horsenut were so nice about that, and Inverness did this, and TXJumper did that, and how could I not mention Cougar-2 and HSM and Sebastian” and so forth – I guess that’s why those people who win awards stand up there babbling and saying, “I want to thank…” everybody and their mother.

So, for everybody out there, just because your name isn’t mentioned, don’t think it means anything bad or that you are forgotten or overlooked. Maybe it just means you’re not a pain in the butt (or at least, you haven’t been one lately)!

[This message has been edited by Portia (edited 12-01-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Everythingbutwings:
[B] Uh, Colin, Rags is a boy. (Golly I have been waiting a long time to do that )

He is almost 13 and frequently is on the bb when he ought to be in school or doing homework or mucking stalls or something else the wee ones are assigned.[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well…I was just giving “it” the benefit of the doubt. No slamming my precious Jair and Moesha!! I won’t stand for it!

Yes, yes, what could be simpler? Easier than devouring a baby quiche, I’d imagine!

I read your post again and calling me a coal miners daughter and Ms. Allentown Steel. Well first I am a boy. Second my dad is not a coal miner and neither is my mom. Also I don’t even live close to Allentown, and they make steel in Pittsburg. You are very immature for your age.


Best Thread (Overall): I like this one! This one is so cool because it says my name in it. Yay!

Most Informative Thread (horse related, of course!): Hm…Not sure!

Best Thread-into-Action (goes to an idea/recommendation/thought that actually proved to have a positive outcome): I suppose the Eating Disorder threads.

Most Humorous Thread: Marion’s thread where we got to say “HONK” and “QUACK”

Dead Horse Award (goes to thread topic that was rehashed way too much, should be banished for next year and NOT to be reopened here): KK thread!

Hall of Shame Award (goes to best deleted thread): My Grooms topic… grr…

Most Improved Poster (goes to anyone who has improved deportment and exhibited redeemable qualities): Oh gosh, I can’t put me but I’m so honored to be named one of the Most Improved!

Most Informative Member (horsemanship, training tips, etc.): Marion!

Best Motivational Member: Hm… VTRider

Best Annoying Member (meant in a GOOD WAY!): Oh, I would be mean to answer this one.

Most Humorous Member: Moesha

Most Sorely Missed Alter-ego: I’m not sure.

Best Bud You Met from the BB (objectionable content or seedy scenarios do not qualify!): Sarah (Regalmeans)- I think she’s the only one who I really didn’t talk to/know before I came here! But Sarah is just SO nice.

Best BB Duo: Sandstone and… ME!

Rodney Dangerfield Lifetime Achievement Award (goes to most maligned and misunderstood member): DUNNO

Best Lurker-turned-Poster: Hm… well…I don’t know who once was a lurker!

Fashionplate Barbie Award (needs no explanation): Jax

Best recurring annoying topic that has nothing to do with anything: The Quiche thing, I don’t get it lol.

Kumbaya Award (goes to thread where everyone actually got along): Hm… the Thank You Card to Erin

Member you would most likely call to bail you out of jail: MARION! (Sandstone)

Member most likely to call you from jail: MARION AGAIN!

Meriam Webster Trophy (goes to member who has proven a mastery of the English language - spelling still does NOT count): Inverness

William Faulkner Medal (goes to member who best uses stream-of-consciousness, rambling, disjointed posts…but in a GOOD WAY!): CTT

Shoulda Been There Award (goes to scenario that you missed, but was recounted in such wonderful detail, it made you sorry you weren’t there):

Group Hug/Warm Moment: (Here’s your chance to redeem yourself for making Erin’s life miserable. Write something great about how much you’ve grown as a person/rider/horse owner by being allowed to participate in this forum. (Must be heartfelt and hella sappy!)
I have gotten to talk to some really great/nice people.

Why thank you Anyplace! I’m glad to see that all of my English classes at University have served me well

Although I dare say my professors would be horrified to see the medium in which I do most of my writing!

Warning Im typeing with one hand, Tired and heavely sedated from exhaustion. Too tired to do spell check so someone please correct it if you must(hint hint Weatherfod)

Ok I know I have been out of touch for the past fue weeks but reagelmeans told m about this thread and I sat there and read it and just the number of times I saw my name up there brought this big grin to my face. Its been a crazy month and I wish I had more time to do things but I wanted to say my little tib before putting this to reast this thread. Im to tired to realy think at the momen but I want to give my best list in m own words to the people who have touched me in so many ways.

Weatherford what can I say you are one of the deaest people to me. you ae a friend and a mentour to me and somehow manage to keep me calm when the wold seams to crazy and things are too much you are just as grate in person as you are here on the boards.

Snowbird you always have these words and wise wisdome to share You can make some of the most horable times seam so alive and poetic. You have become one of the easiet people for me to talk to and get the truth even if it slaps me in the face. Usualy when
that hapens I need it.

Majical I half to add you cause you have brought so much meaning to my life. you are this wonderfull woman that is slowly opening these magnificent doors to a bigger life. you have brought smiles and tears to my eyes cause you have helped me in so many ways as I have done the same for you. Who would have known that you were truly that magnificent if it wasn’t for you being yourself to me.

Laura what can i say you are one of the most kind hearted people I know. Yes one of these days I will get the film done but thats on hold till I get a fue more tings dealt with. You have listend to me talk and have sat there helping me accomplish the imposible. Thanks sis for being so great.

Pwynn you are alway there makeingme wishfor the better. I think you and i make a good team when we put our heads together. you are so magnificent and have so much to offer. I wish more could experience your kind nature.

Portia if it wasn’t for you I would have never came here and would never have experienced this world. It truly is you thatwe all need to thank cause you are what brought me here. Just remember that all of what i have done and said could not have been without you. Thanks.

Devildog what can I say. hey those breeches were a steel wern’t they. I just half to rubb it in. Although you hae your militent side you are one of the most laid back and careing people I know. Or mabey its just I mellowed out with an E9 mother and a O6 father growing up. But this person everyone is one of the most inteligent and funest person to have a talk about anything and fo I finding someone who can actualy know more than me on things gets skairy. I hope your futre marage is wondefull. You deserve only the best

Amanda ( I only know you as Tex in my heart) to think of all of those funny talks we have ha in the past. Sometimes what you half to tell me is worth the gosip in gold. Hope charlie brings you so much joy cause you deserve it. He has come along way and you two always seam to amaze me when I get the newest set of pick to see which reminds me time for updates.

Pasificsolo I think you know what I think of you. Shuch a friend and always there to help me pick my head up when I needed it. threw the hard times this past september you gave me curage to hang in.

Olmos Heaven Everyone this is the funny one of them all as fare as proximity stories. I have classes 5 minuiets from where she works and somehow nither of us manage to have enough time to meet for lunch. I promise next year. But You ae one of the best people to talk to when I need the local edge Not to mention you helped me so many times I kow that this lunch when we do see each other will half to be on me. Actualy there is not enough money to repay you for what you have done for me. you are a good friend when I need someone to vent to when concerning local issues. Thanks Babe.

Reaglemeans… Sarah you are such a survivor. If only everyo one could have read all of those emails you sent me. You and majical are my gratest achievement in life and to be able to stand up and say that my achievemet is not superficial but just talking about hings in life is the gratest gift I have ever been given. I have truly been blessed to know you and in time I wish to have the chanct to meet this butifull young lady I have heard so much about at the same time seen grow into this powerfull selfconfadent person. the truly majical part is sarah is reading your posts before ever knowing me and since you have known me. you are no longer afraid nomater how hard it is to speak up and say what you want. That in itself is a virtue and Im sure Majical can tell you how many times i have drilled that line into her head.

Hidi you make me laugh and smile and make things so special. Its the little things in the past you have done for me that means so much.

Collin well when I need to rollover and laugh you suply it in full force. So whens the next good deed for the year. I half to admit the chain noseband one was quite smooth.

JO in due time you will become as special to me as you see how special these people are to me

Louise you are THE BEST! always makeing things alittle better as the days go on. I hope for you that all that wondress guidence will bestowed on the genreations ahead of us that will wish to have know someone like you.

Erin you are the best person helping me reach goals and levals of confadence that only a ya ago I never knew I had in me.

Ok Im about to pass outzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Funniest Threads -

Mispronounced/Unpronounceable Show Names

Laughing in the Face of Death

Horse Show Moms

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rocky Pony Rider:
haha it’s okay if yall don’t like me…i understand…i have to go back to my hol ein the wall and continue crying…

Hey Rockyponyrider any one who says nice things about my horse (re photo thread) is okay by me I officially add you to my list of ‘cool people ignored by this survey’…anyone else want to join? LOL

[B]Kum Ba Ya
Kum ba ya, my Lord, kum ba ya.
Kum ba ya, my Lord, kum ba ya.
Kum ba ya, my Lord, kum ba ya.
Oh Lord, Kum ba ya.
Someone’s crying, Lord, kum ba ya…

Someone’s sleeping Lord, kum ba ya…

Someone’s singing Lord, kum ba ya…[/B]

All together now!

I hope my Nyquil kicks in soon

Best Thread (Overall): Will have to keep thinking. Too many to choose from.

Most Informative Thread (horse related, of course!): Rule change proposals, Helouise Hints for the Horseperson.

Best Thread-into-Action (goes to an idea/recommendation/thought that actually proved to have a positive outcome): Middleburg Aids Benefit

Most Humorous Thread: Thongs, Mosby’s, too many to list!

Dead Horse Award (goes to thread topic that was rehashed way too much, should be banished for next year and NOT to be reopened here): Helmet harnesses, helmets, surveys.

Hall of Shame Award (goes to best deleted thread):

Most Improved Poster (goes to anyone who has improved deportment and exhibited redeemable qualities): Teri Kessler

Most Informative Member (horsemanship, training tips, etc.): Portia, Jumphigh

Best Motivational Member: Doubleez

Best Annoying Member (meant in a GOOD WAY!):

Most Humorous Member: Anyplace Farm, Heidi, Moesha, DMK

Most Sorely Missed Alter-ego: Pewter

Best Bud You Met from the BB (objectionable content or seedy scenarios do not qualify!):
AHC, Jair

Best BB Duo: Inverness/Kennett Square, Jeb/Moesha/Jair, Canter/Canter

Rodney Dangerfield Lifetime Achievement Award (goes to most maligned and misunderstood member): Colin

Best Lurker-turned-Poster: Regalmeans

Fashionplate Barbie Award (needs no explanation): Jair, Duffy

Best recurring annoying topic that has nothing to do with anything: Absolut

Kumbaya Award (goes to thread where everyone actually got along): Mosby’s, Moonfarms

Member you would most likely call to bail you out of jail: AHC

Member most likely to call you from jail:

Meriam Webster Trophy (goes to member who has proven a mastery of the English language - spelling still does NOT count):Heidi, Moesha

William Faulkner Medal (goes to member who best uses stream-of-consciousness, rambling, disjointed posts…but in a GOOD WAY!): Canter, Pwynnnorman

Shoulda Been There Award (goes to scenario that you missed, but was recounted in such wonderful detail, it made you sorry you weren’t there): Mosby’s!

Group Hug/Warm Moment: (Here’s your chance to redeem yourself for making Erin’s life miserable. Write something great about how much you’ve grown as a person/rider/horse owner by being allowed to participate in this forum. (Must be heartfelt and hella sappy!) Moesha’s sincere attempts to find Sea Urchin a horse. I’ll still looking and talking to folks, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Who wasn’t moved by such generousity of spirit?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Canter:
Pretend for a moment that your name isn’t mentioned on here … and yet you post frequently. I worry that sometimes these kinds of threads hurt people’s feelings.

Point well taken. But my name was mentioned and look what that did - it made me feel pretty rotten there for awhile. So being mentioned isn’t that important.

I don’t think Jeb intended this to be cliquey at all. He is a very nice person with a great sense of humour, and I think he just wanted EVERYONE to vote on best threads etc. If you are worried, perhaps you should use some of Jeb’s categories and start some extra threads - maybe “Best Informative Thread” etc… Ones that are generic enough that they don’t name usernames if you are worried about hurting peoples feelings.

[This message has been edited by Jair (edited 12-01-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeb:
[B]Oh, Big Hoof, Bigger Hoof, what is next, Biggest Hoof or Hoof-n-mouth?

Can we feel the LOVE yet? (“Kumbaya, my Lord…”)[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmm…I smell Colin…

What time do they start drinking down there Mr. Jeb?

[This message has been edited by Homer (edited 12-01-2000).]

I’m sorry Jeb, but blame Ms. Allentown Steel 1972!

Can I be a member of UJUMP? HAHA