Best Of 2000 - BB Style

Hey, Moesha, watch the name-calling. I think you can make your point without using words like the one I just deleted.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ErinB:
Yes, yes, what could be simpler? Easier than devouring a baby quiche, I’d imagine!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Exactly… And much easier then exploiting oh so innocent candy canes…
(BTW ErinB do you have AIM? my IM is Regalmeans - we should talk sometime!)

Both of you… ENOUGH! Take it outside.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by J. Turner:
<sniff, sniff> No one mentioned my "how to do your hair under a helmet. I’m feeling totally jilted and certainly not part of the group hug! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, the thread about how to properly do long hair (I hang upside down and loose braid mine from the top of my head towards the ground a la Dr. Seuss and then cram my helmet on just to hack) ran right around the same time as my “how to show in hand” and, when I found out the proper attire requirements for in-hand I cried out “That’s me!”

That or driving. Either way, I don’t have to deal with the hair problem.

Consider yourself hugged! My hair comes to well below my shoulders, I don’t know why as it isn’t a fashion statement. In fact, I noticed an unpleasant sensation rolling over in bed where my hair gets caught in my armpits so hence the who-ville style braid

Besides, no one commented on my “Princess Leia Ears” remark so…

Aaaaw thanks VTRider. But why did you take out he I love that kid?


CTT - hugs I’m glad you read this, and thank you again for everything…

Regalmeans, Erinb, Becca and I know there are a few others so you’ll have to excuse me - I am constantly impressed by your maturity and intelligence. I think this is a wonderful forum in which to get comfortable with yourself. Keep it up, the board wouldn’t be the same without you.

Heidi, thank you for the nomination, I am touched that someone actually heard me. LOL.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Regalmeans:
Hey Rockyponyrider any one who says nice things about my horse (re photo thread) is okay by me I officially add you to my list of ‘cool people ignored by this survey’…anyone else want to join? LOL<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

haha thanks!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by astraled:
[B][b]Kum Ba Ya
Kum ba ya, my Lord, kum ba ya.
Kum ba ya, my Lord, kum ba ya.
Kum ba ya, my Lord, kum ba ya.
Oh Lord, Kum ba ya.
Someone’s crying, Lord, kum ba ya…

Someone’s sleeping Lord, kum ba ya…

Someone’s singing Lord, kum ba ya…[/B]

All together now!

I hope my Nyquil kicks in soon [/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, that was just beautiful…sing it again.

Great thread, by the way!

Yes, Canter, I thought about that too. But then I thought that if everyone posts their thoughts on the subejct, rather than just one group of people, then it becomes a way for everyone to join in and give their opinions/feelings, which I very much think is what Jeb intended in starting it. That expands it out beyond any particular group. (Notice my post did not contain the words “Colin” or “Moesha” )

Homer…of course. Now I know what the H stands for. LOL

That is down right insulting RagstoRules!!

Please refrain from casting aspersions on fellow BB members in the future.

[This message has been edited by Jair (edited 11-30-2000).]

Gee, Sarah, you really think I’d bail YOU out of jail? (Or you just figure I’ve got deep enough pockets??hehe!) Actually, Portia can attest to the fact that it might be ME who needs the bailing (along with Erin) for letting you guys get SO wild over those poor mashed vegies. I mean, PETF is just HOUNDING us! Collections taken now.

And, Sarah, I promise to call you when I get there…

Oh, and if ANYONE can tell me how to fix the IE/Netscape that continually CRASHES when I go to this BB, please EMAIL ME! Also, warning DO NOT DOWNLOAD IE 5.5 - which, I believe is (was, as it is now deleted and I am still crashing) the source of the crashing.

Well, Kelsey is only 14 and she was slammed for her “insensitivety” sorry but in this day and age 13 needs to know better!

It’s not the comment, but the way it was written.

<sniff, sniff> No one mentioned my "how to do your hair under a helmet. I’m feeling totally jilted and certainly not part of the group hug!

Someone who makes bigoted statements about others really has no place calling anyone immature.

Secondly, how do you know how old I am? So please don’t make any wrong assumptions. In fact don’t refer to me at all on this BB. I’ll leave you alone and please stay away from me.

Well since Portia is an attorney used to picking her words carefully I really don’t mind bein a pain in the butt at all. My kids will vouch for the fact that I’ve always been a pain in the butt and it’s really not new for me.

But, thank you for all those who think they learned something from my posts.
Here’s My tentaive list:

Best Thread (Overall): Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, etc. on the Circuit. And especially all of CTT input. She is a very caring person.

Most Informative Thread: Too many to pick just one. The rules change threads,because the results may even get something done.

The Weight Issue threads, that led to at least one of our members getting the
help needed for an eating disorder;

Dead Horse Award: If I ever see the anymore bashing of other another BB or person.

Hall of Shame Award: The metal pipe incident

Most Informative Member: Way too many to pick just one: but Pwynn and Doubleeez and Weatherford.

Laura, CTT, Lucky Duck, Weatherford, wtywmn, louise and others, on real issues that we don’t want to talk about but lurk in the background of our sport and our lives;
Jane Ervin, and Heather, about a lot of different things on training and horses in general;

Best Motivational Member: Portia with her level head and tolerance.

Inverness, for coming back to the sport and sharing the learning experiences with us.

Best Bud You Met from the BB: Happily, again too many to name. All those who
have been so helpful with our projects by sharing their opinions and were there to keep me going when I thought there was no point to try any more. I hope they know who they are.

Best recurring annoying topic that has nothing to do with anything: Baby Quiche, of
course. Long may they live! May Peta learn that vegetables have feelings too!

[This message has been edited by Snowbird (edited 12-02-2000).]

Best Thread (Overall): None

Most Informative Thread (horse related, of course!): None

Best Thread-into-Action (goes to an idea/recommendation/thought that actually proved to have a positive outcome): Middleburg Classic Aids fundraiser

Most Humorous Thread: Good to go and the shark club

Dead Horse Award (goes to thread topic that was rehashed way too much, should be banished for next year and NOT to be reopened here): thread complaing about silly threads, helmut rules, towerheads

Hall of Shame Award (goes to best deleted thread): Sea Urchins A/A horse quest

Most Improved Poster (goes to anyone who has improved deportment and exhibited redeemable qualities): Kelsey

Most Informative Member (horsemanship, training tips, etc.): Snowbird, Weaherford, Pyrnomann??,

Best Motivational Member: Jair

Best Annoying Member (meant in a GOOD WAY!):
Anyplace farm, Vtrider, Colin, Jeb, Duffy, Sea Urchin, Erin, etc. who found nothing wrong with a homophobes post!

Most Humorous Member:Good to Go, Iequit8, Slugger, HN73

Most Sorely Missed Alter-ego: Harris

Best Bud You Met from the BB (objectionable content or seedy scenarios do not qualify!):

Best BB Duo:Good to Go and Kennett Square’s Hair!!

Rodney Dangerfield Lifetime Achievement Award (goes to most maligned and misunderstood member): That thing from Utah!

Best Lurker-turned-Poster:None

Fashionplate Barbie Award (needs no explanation):Northeast

Best recurring annoying topic that has nothing to do with anything: Self righteousness from people who really do not have a clue about showing hunters and jumpers.

Kumbaya Award (goes to thread where everyone actually got along): Middleburg Classic

Member you would most likely call to bail you out of jail:None

Member most likely to call you from jail:None

Meriam Webster Trophy (goes to member who has proven a mastery of the English language - spelling still does NOT count): UP&Coming

William Faulkner Medal (goes to member who best uses stream-of-consciousness, rambling, disjointed posts…but in a GOOD WAY!):Pinkpanther

Shoulda Been There Award (goes to scenario that you missed, but was recounted in such wonderful detail, it made you sorry you weren’t there): Mosby’s party

Group Hug/Warm Moment: (Here’s your chance to redeem yourself for making Erin’s life miserable. Write something great about how much you’ve grown as a person/rider/horse owner by being allowed to participate in this forum. (Must be heartfelt and hella sappy!) None


CTT, Your post made the begining of a bad day turn good…you always put a smile on my face at the most perfect and amazing times…thank you for your compliments. You have brightened my day beyond words
BTW, how are things going? I know you’re busy, but I’d love to hear about the changes, dissapointments and joys.

p.s. I’m glad you saw this thread