Best Of 2000 - BB Style

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Regalmeans:
[B] I was just thinking that Erin - geez guys what do I have to do to get famous (or infamous) around here…is Becca really the only junior you love <G>? What about me, ErinB, and the rest of the gang who sit on the porch steps and steal the cidar from time to time? Huh? huh?

feeling very unloved…


SARRY!!! I love you!!!

I’m just infamous! And suck up the most. and Talk the LOUDEST!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MAZ:
[B] Awww, I love ya too “Real Mom”…but “in previous life”…Am I dead?

P.S. When are you coming? The red carpet is rolled out and the Emmy for Most Sophisticated Humour is awaiting!!

Biblically speaking, BBB (Before Bulletin Board), I knew you whence MAZ; only to re-encounter you here, which biblically speaking would redefine our relationship as ABB (after BB).

Sweetness, they don’t give out a Sophisticated Humour award at the Emmys - we’re talking American television here.

Oddly enough, it seems I have become very popular over the holidays and our travel plans have been derailed . I will assume you are venturing north of the border for the holidays, though, and let’s just say, you’d better call or email me - there’s a follically challenged mogul waiting with bated breath for your arrival.

Blast you, now that song won’t leave my head!

Oh Lord, Kumbaya

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by slugger:

Best Lurker-turned-Poster: Regalmeans

Whoa Slugger I feel honored to be mentioned - especially as I think I lurked for all of 2 months and then signed on (thus gracing the world with my presence) last Jan and have since posted almost 800 times… LOL Thanks, and yeah this thread is certainly amusing isn’t it…


First, let me say that while I don’t KNOW Jeb, judging by the very nature of all of his posts, I highly doubt this was meant in any way but as fun, kind, and had no deep rooted evil schemes. I think this is fun, and can’t wait to find time to put my own thoughts up!
A ground rule of this thread was that EVERYONE MUST PARTICIPATE! If everyone participates, adn adds their own thoughts and feelings, a very large majority of the people will be included in these, and hopefully we can take it as the fun that I personally feel it was intented to be.

I like Jair’s idea of adding categories. If someone- ANYONE sticks out as having a good post somewhere, or a general good thing, or outstanding attribute in the “Bulletin Board Personality” make a category to fit it!! Take the parent categories, and expand them! Half of what makes some of the threads turn bad is people worrying about them turning bad, which brings on a whole new front of furies. Lets just have fun with it!! I certainly hope no feelings are hurt, but if we all use the good judgement I KNOW(!) we all have!! (Yes, even Colin!) Then it can and will just be tons of fun!

DISCLAIMER: My boredom is boundless today!

Well, Y2K is almost over and time for all of those insufferable “Best Of” lists to start emerging. Here’s my contribution.

Ground rules: be nice, stay on topic (as if), no flaming and behave. Have fun! (Remember, its the holiday season!)

Participation is mandatory.

Best Thread (Overall):

Most Informative Thread (horse related, of course!):

Best Thread-into-Action (goes to an idea/recommendation/thought that actually proved to have a positive outcome):

Most Humorous Thread:

Dead Horse Award (goes to thread topic that was rehashed way too much, should be banished for next year and NOT to be reopened here):

Hall of Shame Award (goes to best deleted thread):

Most Improved Poster (goes to anyone who has improved deportment and exhibited redeemable qualities):

Most Informative Member (horsemanship, training tips, etc.):

Best Motivational Member:

Best Annoying Member (meant in a GOOD WAY!):

Most Humorous Member:

Most Sorely Missed Alter-ego:

Best Bud You Met from the BB (objectionable content or seedy scenarios do not qualify!):

Best BB Duo:

Rodney Dangerfield Lifetime Achievement Award (goes to most maligned and misunderstood member):

Best Lurker-turned-Poster:

Fashionplate Barbie Award (needs no explanation):

Best recurring annoying topic that has nothing to do with anything:

Kumbaya Award (goes to thread where everyone actually got along):

Member you would most likely call to bail you out of jail:

Member most likely to call you from jail:

Meriam Webster Trophy (goes to member who has proven a mastery of the English language - spelling still does NOT count):

William Faulkner Medal (goes to member who best uses stream-of-consciousness, rambling, disjointed posts…but in a GOOD WAY!):

Shoulda Been There Award (goes to scenario that you missed, but was recounted in such wonderful detail, it made you sorry you weren’t there):

Group Hug/Warm Moment: (Here’s your chance to redeem yourself for making Erin’s life miserable. Write something great about how much you’ve grown as a person/rider/horse owner by being allowed to participate in this forum. (Must be heartfelt and hella sappy!)

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Homer:

Hmm…I smell Colin…

I wouldn’t want to do that!

Best Thread (Overall): Either The Weight Issues ones b/c they were really constuctive and did alot of good or else the ones about AHSA rules changes b/c they may have a real impact on the horseworld…

Most Informative Thread (horse related, of course!): Approved helmet thank you Dru!

Best Thread-into-Action (goes to an idea/recommendation/thought that actually proved to have a positive outcome): The one proposing a master’s section for divisions like A/A etc.

Most Humorous Thread: I have to pick just one? Umm… I know! The ones about ‘favorite trainer sayings’ and ‘best replies to trainer sayings’

Dead Horse Award (goes to thread topic that was rehashed way too much, should be banished for next year and NOT to be reopened here): Anything to do with Towerheads & KK

Hall of Shame Award (goes to best deleted thread): CHAIN NOSEBANDS ALL THE WAY

Most Improved Poster (goes to anyone who has improved deportment and exhibited redeemable
qualities): Kelsy?

Most Informative Member (horsemanship, training tips, etc.): Snowbird b/c of all the AHSA Stuff! Or Dru…Or Pwynnorman (SP?)

Best Motivational Member:

Best Annoying Member (meant in a GOOD WAY!): COLIN

Most Humorous Member: Heidi

Most Sorely Missed Alter-ego: VA Trainer

Best Bud You Met from the BB (objectionable content or seedy scenarios do not qualify!): umm… I’ve become friend with alot of people like Kelsy, Sandstone, Weatherford, CTT, Jane Ervin, etc… I’d probably have to say CTT or Jane since I talk to them the most!

Best BB Duo: Colin/Sea Urchin

Best Lurker-turned-Poster: CTT - remeber the first thread about her ‘Portia’s Friend’? Where would we be without her?

Fashionplate Barbie Award (needs no explanation): DUFFY or BECCA

Best recurring annoying topic that has nothing to do with anything: anything but the thongs

Kumbaya Award (goes to thread where everyone actually got along): Let’s Meet

Member you would most likely call to bail you out of jail: Weatherford

Member most likely to call you from jail: No one would call me!

Meriam Webster Trophy (goes to member who has proven a mastery of the English language - spelling still does NOT count): Many many many

William Faulkner Medal (goes to member who best uses stream-of-consciousness, rambling, disjointed posts…but in a GOOD WAY!): i’m sure thats’ me sometimes …

Shoulda Been There Award (goes to scenario that you missed, but was recounted in such wonderful detail, it made you sorry you weren’t there): MOSBY’S!!!

Group Hug/Warm Moment: (Here’s your chance to redeem yourself for making Erin’s life miserable. Write something great about how much you’ve grown as a person/rider/horse owner by being allowed to participate in this forum. (Must be heartfelt and hella sappy!)

Hey I NEVER make Erin’s life miserable…right Erin? But seriously it’s been great getting to know you all and I’ve learned so much…

Other things you should include
Junior Award (any junior who is just special)

In living color award (the person you really want to meet just to see if they are as insane as you image)

The Thread which strayed the most from orignal topic: (IE those TOWERHEAD ones which turned into save the baby carrots/quiche/m&ms etc rants.


[This message has been edited by Regalmeans (edited 11-30-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kris10rb:
Can I be a member of UJUMP? HAHA<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sure, join the club! As long as you’re not popular. Are you popular? Anyone know this kid? No? Ok, sure, come on in
Welcome to UJUMP!

Thanks for the replies! Better get mine end before it flatlines! (Did I mention to PLAY NICE?)

Best Thread (Overall): Suffering Pines

Most Informative Thread (horse related, of course!): Approved helmet specs via Dru

Best Thread-into-Action (goes to an idea/recommendation/thought that actually proved to have a positive outcome):
Middleburg/AIDS, rules changes.

Most Humorous Thread: any that was deleted.

Dead Horse Award (goes to thread topic that was rehashed way too much, should be banished for next year and NOT to be reopened here): shirt colors!

Hall of Shame Award (goes to best deleted thread): ditto on Moesha and the Mexicans!

Most Improved Poster (goes to anyone who has improved deportment and exhibited redeemable qualities): ditto on Kelsy!

Most Informative Member (horsemanship, training tips, etc.): Dru and KS. And Inverness for asking everything I was afraid too.

Best Motivational Member: Louise, Duffy - always compassionate and encouraging.

Best Annoying Member (meant in a GOOD WAY!): Luv ya Colin!

Most Humorous Member: Colin, Moesha, Heidi.

Most Sorely Missed Alter-ego: KAVU, no Brenna, no Kavu!!

Best Bud You Met from the BB (objectionable content or seedy scenarios do not qualify!):
Haven’t met anyone in person, but: Duffy, DMK, SU, Jair - I enjoy the emails/IMs!

Best BB Duo: Jair and Pacificsolo

Rodney Dangerfield Lifetime Achievement Award (goes to most maligned and misunderstood member): Sea Urchin is odds-on, but I’m leaning towards Pacificsolo. I admire her convictions with her compassion for others.

Best Lurker-turned-Poster: CTT

Fashionplate Barbie Award (needs no explanation): Duffy, I mean - anyone who hits the OnStar button in her car and Hadfield’s answers…no brainer there.

Best recurring annoying topic that has nothing to do with anything: Various veggie plights.

Kumbaya Award (goes to thread where everyone actually got along): can’t remember one off hand!

Member you would most likely call to bail you out of jail: Duffy, but can online spouses be made to testify?

Member most likely to call you from jail: We all know who she is.

Meriam Webster Trophy (goes to member who has proven a mastery of the English language - spelling still does NOT count): Inverness, in her quest for paragraphs.

William Faulkner Medal (goes to member who best uses stream-of-consciousness, rambling, disjointed posts…but in a GOOD WAY!):
Moesha - for being able to put Bigfoot, pygmies, Ralph Lauren, Siberia, and Xani all into once hilarious sentence.

Shoulda Been There Award (goes to scenario that you missed, but was recounted in such wonderful detail, it made you sorry you weren’t there): Moseby’s or Las Vegas World Cup.

Group Hug/Warm Moment: (Here’s your chance to redeem yourself for making Erin’s life miserable. Write something great about how much you’ve grown as a person/rider/horse owner by being allowed to participate in this forum. (Must be heartfelt and hella sappy!)

I’ve learned so much, and laughed so much. Stay sweet and you’ll go far in life. Don’t forget to sign MY yearbook, too!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Regalmeans:
Exactly… And much easier then exploiting oh so innocent candy canes…
(BTW ErinB do you have AIM? my IM is Regalmeans - we should talk sometime!)

Yep, I’ve added you to my buddy list. Mine is PonyPrincess1485. Looking forward to talking lol!
And J. Turner- your post was great. It actually did give me some pointers although my hair is pretty much a hopeless case. I guess you’re not a junior. Perhaps you could start JUMPU- Just stop Underestimating Mature, Polite Underdogs… or something (sorry, the best one I could come up with at the moment!)

Best Thread (Overall): Drunken Brawl at Raleigh

Most Informative Thread (horse related, of course!): Where to Get Tailored Sportmans Cheap

Best Thread-into-Action (goes to an
idea/recommendation/thought that actually proved to have a positive outcome): Where to Get Tailored Sportmans Cheap

Most Humorous Thread: Drunken Brawl at Raleigh

Dead Horse Award (goes to thread topic that was rehashed way too much, should be banished for next year and NOT to be reopened here): definitely Towerheads!!

Hall of Shame Award (goes to best deleted thread): There haven’t been to many that were deleted LOL!!!

Most Improved Poster (goes to anyone who has improved deportment and exhibited redeemable qualities): TeriKessler

Most Informative Member (horsemanship, training tips, etc.): easy…DMK

Best Motivational Member: Kennett Square

Best Annoying Member (meant in a GOOD WAY!): Sea Urchin b/c he never steps up to the plate to defend himself when we try to bring him out of his cave

Most Humorous Member: 3-way tie…Moesha, Jeb and Colin

Most Sorely Missed Alter-ego: VA Trainer

Best Bud You Met from the BB (objectionable content or seedy scenarios do not qualify!):
another easy one Duffy, AHC, DMK, Anyplace Farm, Kennett Square, Sea Urchin, Colin, BIG Hoof and Moesha

Best BB Duo: Colin and Sea Urchin…hand down

Rodney Dangerfield Lifetime Achievement Award (goes to most maligned and misunderstood member): poor little Kelsy

Best Lurker-turned-Poster: MAZ

Fashionplate Barbie Award (needs no explanation): don’t know what this means…Fashion sense would be Duffy…but I hear tell she is breaking out the rust breeches at the Barracks…check back with me in 2 weeks, may have to switch to someone else

Best recurring annoying topic that has nothing to do with anything: Let me see that thong th thong thong thong

Kumbaya Award (goes to thread where everyone actually got along): Any of the “Hi, I’m new” threads

Member you would most likely call to bail you out of jail: DUFFY!!!

Member most likely to call you from jail: DUFFY!!!

Meriam Webster Trophy (goes to member who has proven a mastery of the English language - spelling still does NOT count): RagsRules

William Faulkner Medal (goes to member who best uses stream-of-consciousness, rambling, disjointed posts…but in a GOOD WAY!): Anyplace Farm…great girl!!

Shoulda Been There Award (goes to scenario that you missed, but was recounted in such wonderful detail, it made you sorry you weren’t there): Drunken Brawl at Raleigh

Group Hug/Warm Moment: (Here’s your chance to redeem yourself for making Erin’s life miserable. Write something great about how much you’ve grown as a person/rider/horse owner by being allowed to participate in this forum. (Must be heartfelt and hella sappy!) If not for this BB - I wouldn’t have met one of the greatest people I have ever come to know…Ms. Duffy. She has been a world of help to me…as have DMK and Colin when it comes to riding tips. If not for the pals I have met on this BB, I would have a permanent imprint of my head on my desk where I sleep all day long!! Great thread Jeb!!!

[This message has been edited by VTrider (edited 11-30-2000).]

[This message has been edited by VTrider (edited 11-30-2000).]

Well, I’m an idiot and can’t figure out how to cut and paste into this little white box, and it’s just too late to actually type the whole survey, so let me just say…

I LOVE this board. Thanks to everyone (well, almost everyone ) who has participated. It gives me a great place to “hang out” when I’m too uninspired to do anything else, and an equally good place to post when I get overly excited by something horsey (please don’t read too much into that comment!) I’ve learned a bunch!

The most recent thing I’ve learned is that I need to start my OWN clique. Anyone else at that awful age where you are too old to be a junior, but too young to be one of the adults? Nobody mentioned my name AND I can’t join UJUMP . Humph. I think I’ll just go to bed.

Oh, okay. Everyone is forgiven. I’d miss this board too much if I left!

Oooh another opportunity to rant under the guise of filling out a survey…

Here goes:

Best Thread (Overall):
-Gore Vs. Bush - it was illuminating, most informative, occassionally funny and scared the bejesus out of me. Did provide, however, great insight into the American populace;

Most Informative Thread (horse related, of course!):
-The most recent posts by Pwynnorman and Snowbird on proposed rule changes;

Best Thread-into-Action (goes to an idea/recommendation/thought that actually proved to have a positive outcome):
-Colin’s BB Aids’ drive;

Most Humorous Thread:
-Oh no doubt about that one, Dog Park Etiquette; though Canter and Jair’s nationalistic pride did provide many hours of amusement;

Dead Horse Award (goes to thread topic that was rehashed way too much, should be banished for next year and NOT to be reopened here):
-Gore vs. Bush for all the reasons noted above;

Hall of Shame Award (goes to best deleted thread):

Most Improved Poster (goes to anyone who has improved deportment and exhibited redeemable qualities):
-Anyplace Farm and Kelsy;

Most Informative Member (horsemanship, training tips, etc.):
-DMK, Weatherford, Snowbird, LCR Scott

Best Motivational Member:
-is ‘motivational’ a euphemism for ‘incite to riot?’…Colin, Moesha, Anyplace Farm…this list could go on.

Best Annoying Member (meant in a GOOD WAY!):
-hands down, the ever lovely and amusing Colin;

Most Humorous Member:
-Jeb, DMK, Anyplace Farm, Canter, Jair, Quinn, Slugger; again there are many on this BB who should be writing standup;

Most Sorely Missed Alter-ego:

Best Bud You Met from the BB (objectionable content or seedy scenarios do not qualify!):
-Canter, LCR Scott, and MAZ (in previous life);

Best BB Duo:
-our very own Peaches n Herb – Colin and Sea Urchin, KS and Sea Urchin, Jeb and DMK, Anyplace Farm and it seems EVERYONE;

Rodney Dangerfield Lifetime Achievement Award (goes to most maligned and misunderstood member):
-Kelsy, Colin and, of course, Erin;

Best Lurker-turned-Poster:
-MAZ and Quinn;

Fashionplate Barbie Award (needs no explanation):

Best recurring annoying topic that has nothing to do with anything:
-the ever-so-memorable Thong thread in its various incarnations;

Kumbaya Award (goes to thread where everyone actually got along):
-80 days till Christmas;

Member you would most likely call to bail you out of jail:
-tie between Quinn and LCR Scott;

Member most likely to call you from jail:
-Snowbird and Canter

Meriam Webster Trophy (goes to member who has proven a mastery of the English language - spelling still does NOT count):
-Jeb and DMK;

William Faulkner Medal (goes to member who best uses stream-of-consciousness, rambling, disjointed posts…but in a GOOD WAY!):
-Moesha and Snowbird;

Group Hug/Warm Moment:
-This BB is uniquely nutty, informative, enraging, baffling and heartening. And sad to say but I prefer the virtual company of many of you to the in-your-face company of others in my ‘real’ life – mostly my mother in law but Jair’s gonna have a talk with her soon so we’ll see .

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Becca:
[B] SARRY!!! I love you!!!

I’m just infamous! And suck up the most. and Talk the LOUDEST!![/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LOL BECCA! I feel loved now I bow before the master and take the advice - suck up and self promote - its the way to the top, huh?

Awwwww… we’re all bonding here…isn’t it great?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RagsRules:
[B]Aaaaw thanks VTRider. But why did you take out he I love that kid?


B/c of some earlier complications in this thread…but I do think that you mean well most of the time. Your subjects like…“stirrups” are a nice change of pace though. Plus, It wasn’t that long ago that I was 13, and I know that partaking in a situation where there is mainly adult participation can be hard…Kudos to you for trying.

Thanks guys. Kum Ba Ya for sure!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BossHoss:
I made it on a list but not an Alter-Ego list??? Must try harder on this board!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, darlin’, but your many alter-egos were on the E-search board. Here, you’ve thankfully confined yourself to one identity. That is, as far as I know…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BossHoss:

PS–Heidi?? quote: Biblically speaking, BBB (Before Bulletin Board), I knew you whence MAZ; only to re-encounter you here, which biblically speaking would redefine our relationship as ABB (after BB).
You mean to say your relationship with MAZ was, uh, biblical???

I had the same thought, but then realized I didn’t want to know the details!