Best Thread (Overall):Either Raleigh Drunken Brawl or any of the saddle threads…soooo helpful! Kryswn’s perspective has really made me think…look out!
Most Informative Thread (horse related, of course!): Probably the thread regarding weight. I think it made me sad but some of the posts were so helpful to hear for a counselor in training. I’d love to eventually work with equestrians mostly, and this confirms a lot of my theories and guesses. Also, helped me understand some friends better.
Best Thread-into-Action (goes to an idea/recommendation/thought that actually proved to have a positive outcome):AIDS thread.
Most Humorous Thread:Either Colin’s Utah Horseshows thread or the Raleigh Brawl…so many are so good, though!
Dead Horse Award (goes to thread topic that was rehashed way too much, should be banished for next year and NOT to be reopened here):KK and Towerheads! Yes folks, even I am tired of it!
Hall of Shame Award (goes to best deleted thread):Chain Nosebands, though I admit to be one that really believed this woman (VA Trainer, also known as Colin)was a horse abuser! Boy was I embarased when I learned the truth!
Most Improved Poster (goes to anyone who has improved deportment and exhibited redeemable qualities):Kelsey!
Most Informative Member (horsemanship, training tips, etc.):Portia, ETBW, Lucky Duck, Duffy, Kennett Square, Snowbird, and Whetherford.
Best Motivational Member:Either CTT, DevilDog20, or Jeb
Best Annoying Member (meant in a GOOD WAY!):HEHE! COLIN!! All the way, baby! But, I cannot imagine this board without ya!
Most Humorous Member:HUM…Moesha, Jair, ETBW, Colin, and Inverness…so many more…so litle room (in my brain!).
Most Sorely Missed Alter-ego:VA Trainer
Best Bud You Met from the BB (objectionable content or seedy scenarios do not qualify!):
Whetherford. Haven’t met her, but hope to someday
Of course, durring some of my tougher times, I recieved em from so many, I could hardly keep up! I have enjoyed all the private em’s with so many of you…and you all know who I am reffering to! Some issues really brought us closer than I ever imagined.
Best BB Duo: Either Jair and Jeb or Colin and Moesha…all are great! Of course, I do really enjoy reading Kennett Square and Inverness! Those are so funny!
Rodney Dangerfield Lifetime Achievement Award (goes to most maligned and misunderstood member):Sea Urchin, Jumphigh, and Colin’s alter egos!
Best Lurker-turned-Poster:CTT
Fashionplate Barbie Award (needs no explanation) uffy and Becca!
Best recurring annoying topic that has nothing to do with anything:THOSE DARN VEGGIES!
Kumbaya Award (goes to thread where everyone actually got along):Where? Just kidding! I enjoyed the Alternative lifestyles thread,mostly because it let me get to know Jair, who is such a cool guy!
Member you would most likely call to bail you out of jail: Sea Urchin I really just want to meet him!
Member most likely to call you from jail: LuckyDuck…don’t ask!
Meriam Webster Trophy (goes to member who has proven a mastery of the English language - spelling still does NOT count): Inverness…she lets me know when my paragraphs need special attention!
William Faulkner Medal (goes to member who best uses stream-of-consciousness, rambling, disjointed posts…but in a GOOD WAY!):PWYNN!
Shoulda Been There Award (goes to scenario that you missed, but was recounted in such wonderful detail, it made you sorry you weren’t there):NC Horseshow on Prison Camp Road…YIKES! But to see that woman in her tiarra…
Group Hug/Warm Moment: (Here’s your chance to redeem yourself for making Erin’s life miserable. Write something great about how much you’ve grown as a person/rider/horse owner by being allowed to participate in this forum. (Must be heartfelt and hella sappy!)
OK, I have learned how to not take myself too seriously (except when hate mail is involved! ). I have learned that my horse’s hoof size isn’t necessarily the end of my dreams with him. I have learned to make decisions regarding horse-care with a finer attention to detail. I have learned that while some are snobby, most are really cool in this horse-world I have loved and been in for twenty years! I have learned that most people want to help if you just ask. I have learned that I miss having a lot of horse-friends around me. I have learned if I could ever afford a TC saddle, I’d buy one! Mostly, I’ve learned that people on this BB really do care about me. That has been really neat and sometimes a real tear-jerker!
OK…Was that sappy enough?
And Jeb, thank you for understanding me. You have no idea what your words have meant for me tonight.