Best places to live, climate-wise

If you still want seasons then I think Flagstaff, AZ has about a perfect climate. There are 4 distinct seasons - it never stays cold in the winter for more than a day or two and there is tons of sunshine in the winter so even when you get lots of snow - and we average about 100" a year normally - it usually melts off very fast. The summer never gets too hot (maybe a couple of days)and has very low humidity, but it cools off great at night (right now it is in the 70’s during the day and 40’s at night) Because there is very little water there are very few biting insects. My ponies love it except that because there isn’t much water there isn’t much pasture (some but it’s not great)

Oops. Forgot about the hurricanes!

Each day is a gift… that’s why today is called the present!

No we don’t have pelican’s pulling sleighs but I have seen a sleigh pulled by longhorns

well I’m still pushing CA, where else do you ge ta pic like this out your back porch, besides Maui! Sorry if it’s Huge!!!

“Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, Darling!”
Nothing is foolproof to a talented fool.

someone would answer you.I’d like to
know the best horse climate too!
My friend was in Reno NV and liked
the weather hot days cool nights but
I think they get REAL winters.

I’ve heard that San Diego has perfect
I hope someone thinks they have
perfect horse weather and they tell
us where they live.

The secret is to move around a lot. Florida in the winter is nice; that’s why we have Palm Beach and Ocala. In the spring, we have nice shows here in GA and as long as you keep going NORTH, (staying ahead of the bugs, heat and thunderstorms if poss.) you wind up in Vermont, which has lovely summers as well as nice horseshows (could say the same for other areas in the NE like RI, NH, or ME.) However, by October those places start getting COOOOOLLLD… head south again.

Make sure to stop in VA in the fall. Wonderful hunting country (PA too) plus nice horseshows - Culpepper, for one, KHP for another.

See how easy it is???


What about New Mexico?
I have never been there, but I have friends who recently moved there and they love it.

San Diego or a bit north of San Diego is nice, and Santa Barbara.
I loved living in Sacramento, but it was hot, dry hot though.

Colin would most likely vote for Utah.

The humidity in the summer, miserable winters…but the fall as mentioned above, is to die for.
I am glad to live in San Diego, though…It’s August, and I haven’t used the AC once, yet. Yippie!
I am fairly close to the coast, so get the cool breezes.
I am sooo spoiled!!!

i agree with everyone that posted Canadda, but… i would place a place above B.C. although i know its nice…but the BEST climate/riding/place in the world! is The maritimes. Mainly Nova Scotia!
Think of warm summers, but not too hot, most of you would probably find this just right! At 7, you can ride, and you can ride in the morning til noon, i know others that ride later in the afternoon, but i don’t respond well to any kind of heat! The falls are absolutly perfect. Beautiful, in the day time, you can ride w/o a heavy sweater. As 5 approaches, you can ride witha light sweater.
Winter, we get snow, perfect for riding in. But it never goes below -20, and usually in the -9 to -15 range, some days we even get it above. Not to much ice either. Spring is wet, but still, some places it gets drier, and everyone gets their horses ready for show season easily!

As for putting it before B.C. i only know this because my friend moved from B.C. and likes the weather better down here, also i know a few others that prefer… the downside? i don’t see one…

btw, we are all friendly, and love new people!


Temperate climate - never hotter than 80 in the summer, and in the winter only rarely at freezing.

Rain blows in and out.

Great footing. Greater HORSES.

(And lots of single, nice looking HORSE MEN… )

The North Carolina mountains, the Polk County / Tryon area in particular. They are in the isothermal belt and enjoy cool summers and warm winters.
Charlotte NC is also quite nice - spring, fall & winter, although summers can get hot - but no worse than say, Cincinnati Ohio.

Ride it Like You Stole It…

wow it’s biggger than huge! eek! sorry I can’t fix it!

“Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, Darling!”
Nothing is foolproof to a talented fool.

It doesn’t get super hot, or super cold, but the air is so wet that it’s just miserable!
In the winter it’s really the kind of cold that gets into your bones it’s so wet. The roads get super icy, and there’s no snow for traction. Plus, there’s just something wrong with winter with ice, but hardly any snow. The summers are in about the mid 80’s, but the air is so thick with humidity it’s hard to breath! I’m generally dripping sweat by 9:30 am, and my shirt is soaked by 3 if I’ve been in the barn or riding at all.

I’m originally from MN, and I can honestly say 30 above in WV is colder than -30 in MN, because of the wetness (got to test this over Christmas break). 82 degrees in WV is hotter than 102 in MN. And it’s not just the MN girl who’s complaining about the heat - the kids from Florida, Mexico and California are too.

Falls are absolutely beautiful here. I love that it’s a whole long season here, vs a few weeks between summer and winter. It’s generally super sunny, with a light breeze and the air is just crisp enough. I love it! The trees also seem to keep their fall colored leaves for an especially long time.

I always picture Vermont as having the perfect climate. I don’t know why, I’ve never been there. I just picture a perpetual fall I think.

I was going to start talking about climatic virtues here, but good grief!!! all the beautiful land is being bought up and the land cost is rising. I think I’ll shut up…

Portland perfect? HAH! Yes, we have a gorgeous three-month summer, followed by nine months of wet, gray, muddy hell. I’m sick of it, so I’m moving to California. Anybody want to buy a 30 acre horse farm?

I adore your area.
I have not been there since the early and mid 70’s, and I found it so friendly and peaceful.
The horses were wonderful and good riders too.

I am hoping to have my friend from up there down to visit in a few weeks.

I can tell you it is not South TEXAS!! In the Summer it it a million degrees with equal humidity, In the Fall it is only a 1,000 degrees in the winter just as your blood has thinned out for all the heat it is freezing cold and wet and just plain nasty and again in the Spring you have crazy weather one day it is freezing out the next it is hot then that night the temp drops to 40 degrees. No, Texas is not the perfect climate

Hearing about all these foreign lands with great weather and fab horses, I must wonder WHY is the hunter industry based on the East Coast? SERIOUSLY EVERY EAST COAST STATE HAS BAD WEATHER!

Maine- cold
NH- Cold
VT- Cold
Mass.- Cold
Conn.- Cold
NY- Cold
NJ- Cold
PA- Cold
Del.- Cold
Maryland- Cold/Hot
WV- Humid
VA- Humid
NC- Humid

Each day is a gift… that’s why today is called the present!

Hellllloooooo. Average temp on Oahu - 78. February might be a little rainy. Every other month, if it’s raining, wait 5 minutes, or drive 5 minutes. Tradewinds all year except a week or two when the Kona winds blow and suddenly everyone says, "Hey brah, stay humid today, yah?

Michael of Cavallo Farm and I used to teach on Oahu and we occasionally shared a ring. Once he took the ‘tree’ side for two lessons in a row. NOT fair! So the weather gods got him the next class when it rained ONLY on his OPEN side of the ring. I sat under the tree and LAUGHED while he got wet!

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by daytimedrama:
…where else do you ge ta pic like this out your back porch…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Mars, the red planet?

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”