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Best Vacuum for getting dog hair off the carpet?

I am pretty sure that this is spam, but I will also mention that I have fried Shark vacuums. I have a Dyson animal that is fantastic. You DO need to clean out the filters regularly, but mine is about 10 years old, and will suck the color off of the rug, when it is clean. The thing is still amazing.

I have a Shark and a Dyson. Shark lift away pet plus is the CLEAR winner. The Shark pulls as much dirt and hair as the Dyson but the Shark is lighter, takes less storage space and is more “transformable”. The Shark is so much more nimble. It can be any vacuum I want in seconds. Cleaning all the filters is a snap. The only thing that bogs the Shark down is polyfill pieces from dog toy innards and firewood slivers. I try to avoid those but they are sneaky.

I had the Bissell pet plus which survived about a year and half. Hubby bought the Dyson (because he was sick of trying to fix the Bissell) for my Birthday and I had already ordered the Shark. So we compared them head to head. Has anyone decided to return a vacuum to Amazon? The cost of shipping will make you decide that two vacuums is not a bad thing. So the Dyson lives in my shop and vacuums my office.

1000sq foot old farm house, 2 dogs (1 a super shedder) 3 cats, horses out the back door and very active outdoor life. Both vacuums are 5 years old and both going strong.