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Beware of some OTTB sellers, Churchill Hunt Club

CHC–you might do well to refelct on the maxim that if one finds oneself in a hole, the first order of business is to cease excavation.[/QUOTE]

We are not in a hole. If we cease operations, then thousands of horses will go to slaughter.

You Coth haters may hate me. But, my heart is in the right place. We do great work and save lots of lives.

Unfortunately there will always be people out there that are vicious and start lies. I don’t fully understand because I am not like that. These people enjoy harming others. This is a very unhealthy way of thinking. Down right sick. Getting enjoyment on harming others.

Otherwise they would not come on this coth forum and say the things they say. Questions are fine. Disagreements are fine. Personal attacks and vicious statements are not fine. You criticize me for my spelling. That’s ok. I own up to not proof reading at the end of the day.
But The Coth Haters. I could say your behavior is deplorable. At least I know how to conduct myself. I don’t get mad. I answer with courtesy. Again, I will never understand Evil. I don’t wish harm on anyone. Including all my coth haters. I hope the best for you.



Why bother reading the whole thread, Sandy of CHC has already convinced me she’s not trustworthy with the multiple identical posts. I will NEVER give my money to a seller who forces me to use their vet. (I could care less that I can share radiographs with my own vet.) It’s worse than bad business. It’s highly offensive at best, and definitely leaves potential buyers thinking some more nefarious behavior is going on. No and no again.

OK usually I don’t like for people to jump on someone for typos, but this poster is a recividist murderer of the english language, many times over.

Last time I looked, “stocking” was not a crime. Maybe in KY?

OMG it’s contagious! It should say “recidivist” above. Must not drink wine while posting!

The landlord was stocking our 17 year old daughter. He has continued to stock up in Lexington.

Really? Did she not have socks of her own, that he wanted to give her some stockings? What was he stocking up on in Lexington?

These people are evil and vishes.

How is someone vishes? Never seen that word before.

Needless to say…there were lots of other gems in this post but it’s really not worth the time. Someone that can’t spell or write any better than this post obviously was not capable of running any kind of legitimate business such as a school getting federal funding.

Do your homework, find out about a seller, then heed the warnings.

Lawd have mercy.

I can’t take it anymore.

I before E, except after C.

If you are going to post crazy ass ramblings, please at least spell said crazy ass ramblings correctly. It makes the experIEnce so much more enjoyable. FrIEnd or not. Kthxbai.

I think she left off the apostrophe.
It’s 'vishes.
Short for dervishes.

commenting on another personal vicious attack

The landlord was stocking our 17 year old daughter. He has continued to stock up in Lexington.

Really? Did she not have socks of her own, that he wanted to give her some stockings? What was he stocking up on in Lexington?

These people are evil and vishes.

How is someone vishes? Never seen that word before.

Needless to say…there were lots of other gems in this post but it’s really not worth the time. Someone that can’t spell or write any better than this post obviously was not capable of running any kind of legitimate business such as a school getting federal funding.

Do your homework, find out about a seller, then heed the warnings.[/QUOTE]

Your right those are some Ridiculous errors. They are amussing.

The funny thing is. I started A very successful and built a 2 million dollar comp. Wow. I may have a few silly spelling errors. But, I work very hard and I do know what im doing. With that said. I am again disapointed at the personal attacks. They dont bother me. As I said before I have nothing to prove. Ive done it all.
I worry about the vicious people that say things like you do. Its not relevent to churchill hunt club and the horses that we save and find good homes. Its pure evil which comes from jealousy .
Yes, churchill hunt club now churchill thoroughbreds is also very successful. I am very good at what i do and the horses prosper because of it. And you know what.

I think she left off the apostrophe.
It’s 'vishes.
Short for dervishes.[/QUOTE]

Ravishing vicious dervishing fishes. We could make ceviche. Yummy.

to Redmare01

Lawd have mercy.

I can’t take it anymore.

I before E, except after C.

If you are going to post crazy ass ramblings, please at least spell said crazy ass ramblings correctly. It makes the experIEnce so much more enjoyable. FrIEnd or not. Kthxbai.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, dont you have anything better to do in life. Petty high school behaviour. You will never get ahead acting like this. I find you amussing. You would never get to where i have gotten. Not with that behaviour. Time To Grow UP…

Babycakes, you’re in a crater the likes of the Mohole Project.

I know, I know, I have it figured out! Surely you recognize the family resemblance in the writing style. CHC must be the Sherry(s) sister!

:DLOL, I’m amussed.

[QUOTE=Churchill Hunt Club;6478542]
Your right those are some Ridiculous errors. They are amussing.

The funny thing is. I started A very successful and built a 2 million dollar comp. Wow. I may have a few silly spelling errors. But, I work very hard and I do know what im doing. With that said. I am again disapointed at the personal attacks. They dont bother me. As I said before I have nothing to prove. Ive done it all.
I worry about the vicious people that say things like you do. Its not relevent to churchill hunt club and the horses that we save and find good homes. Its pure evil which comes from jealousy .
Yes, churchill hunt club now churchill thoroughbreds is also very successful. I am very good at what i do and the horses prosper because of it. And you know what.

I guarantee you that you most definitely are going away, it’s just a question of how much fun we get to have with you before you get the big B.

[QUOTE=Churchill Hunt Club;6478554]
Seriously, dont you have anything better to do in life. Petty high school behaviour. You will never get ahead acting like this. I find you amussing. You would never get to where i have gotten. Not with that behaviour. Time To Grow UP…[/QUOTE]

Aw. Thanks, but I would rather not get to where you are. Think I’ll just stay over here on the side of the evil vishes. My hair is a little mussed, though, how did you know? And, for future reference, I think I prefer “nicely tousled”. :yes:

Well- New Vocations adopts out TONS of horses- and their horses never jump around courses at that height- ESPECIALLY a two year old. Doesnt matter if it is once or ten times. No TWO year old should be doing that!
I believe with your posts, that you have proven everything the OP has stated, and just reinforced many points people have brought up.

New Vocations has some terrific looking horses on their website (there’s one guy I would go pick up tomorrow if I could) but even their riders make mistakes on camera. I wont point it out, but if you look at the videos of the thoroughbreds they have up for adoption now, even a fairly inexperienced rider should be able to pick out the problem rider and understand why it might be harmful to a young racehorse.

People make mistakes…some people make bigger mistakes than others.

Generally successful businesses do not declare bankruptcy - just a thought…

Has anyone else noticed that every time she posts, the number of horses she’s supposedly ‘rescued’ goes up exponentially?


Interesting how she’s SAVED so many, yet nobody seems to know who the heck she is except to post ‘buyer beware’ stories. I’d think someone so philanthropic would have been on every newsfeed in the country, especially considering all the rescues together don’t save THOUSANDS of horses a year.

The story here is amusing enough - nothing much to do on another hot night in mid-west hell, but watch the nightly news of towns burning up…but the misspelling, grammatical errors and duplicate posts (how does she do THAT…COTH always tells me if I’ve double posted) have given me a MAJOR migraine!!! Think I’ll take some pain pills and tune in tomorrow for more trash talk from CHC!! Thanks.

[QUOTE=Churchill Hunt Club;6476448]

To help clear up any questions you may have. post a question and I will do my best to awnser it. I am an open book. I am actually very glad to respond personallly openly for all to read…[/QUOTE]

Why were you (or someone riding one of your sales horses), jumping a 2 yr old over 4’ outside courses? Do you feel that is in the best interest of the horse’s health?