Before you start answering based on the title alone, please read the following. (I know it’s kinda long)
This August I bought a 7 year old green pony. When I got him he went in a plain D ring snaffle but after running through one too many fences my trainer suggested I switch him to a corkscrew full cheek. At first this worked great and he backed off wonderfully and we even showed successfully in a small 2’ class. Recently though when he gets faced with a jump he throws his head straight in the air bulges to the outside and runs. Coming in overbent and wiggly ruins any spot that might have been there and then we land and practically race through the corner. Now I have since switched him to a plain full cheek as in my experience it is better to go gentle and work on getting him soft and relaxed and go back to the basics of flat work, poles, low grids, poles in front of jumps, etc. Unfortunately, this is worse because he still has problems over fences but now I can’t stop him from charging the fences at 100 mph. Our courses are disasters (and by course I mean four singles with poles in front) It is not a scary uncontrollable fast and I am not worried for myself, but it is certainly not what I want for a nice hunter pony and it makes it very hard to get to the fence.
First, yes I have checked his teeth, back, withers, pretty much everything to determine it’s not pain or unfit tack.
Second, this is not by any means my first greenie and I have soft hands and am not pulling on his mouth. I’m a firm believer in asking nicely and not getting tight and fighting.
Third, he has a standing martingale on and has hacked in a neck stretcher but I refuse to put draw reins on him in a bit I don’t think he likes.
Fourth, IMO he doesn’t like the corkscrew and so I will not put him in anything harsher than that (this includes slow twists).
He’s on his fourth bit in as many months and instead of me working my way through the bit section one at a time I was hoping you guys could help me out. If you have any ideas for something he might accept better or tips on how to stop his jumping behavior I’m all ears.