My horse has been getting some truly heinous rubs on his shoulder and forearm from his blanket. He wears a cotton sheet and a Big D stable blanket on top. The problem with the blankets I think stems from the fact that he’s really downhill, so they hang very low on his chest, and the top edge rubs his point of shoulder while the bottom gets his forearm when he bends down. From front to back the blankets fit great, but his front end is so strange that we haven’t found the right solution for that part of him.
So far, I’ve spent about a month using the Mega-Tek Rebuilder on the rubs every day, which worked last year for his rubs (which were much smaller and only on his shoulders, but he grew a big hairy coat this year and we ended up clipping him, which normally we don’t do). I’ve also been spraying Show Sheen on the area to give it a little slip, but nothing. They’re just these big ol bald spots. My trainer suggested hunting down a blanket liner/shoulder guard for him, but I haven’t found anything that goes down far enough for the rub on his leg (it starts about 3 inches down his forearm and is probably 5-6 inches long).
Does anyone have any thoughts for products/equipment/SOME solution for this? We’re gearing up for some big shows next month and I’d really like to fix it!