Not complaining, but I keep getting a “Done” and the page is white with nothing on it. Is this my ancient computer, or something else? I see others seem to be having problems.
It’s not your computer, it’s this board.
Today (Monday, 4/7) it has been a nightmare, most especially from just before 1pm until now.
It will task and task (hourglass) and nothing happens. So then when it finally comes to life it has double posted your post…
Board is almost behaving all the time, and I personally really appreciate the efforts being made!!!
Okay, not always. Today was a nightmare. From just before noon til after 1pm today.
Spoke too soon! :lol:
There is a multi-front “attack” being initiated to make continued improvements–hardware upgrades, maintenence schedule changes, as well as bandwidth solutions–so while the tech guys have already made some changes, they’re not finished.
Hopefully, we’ll be smooth as silk again soon!
So, are we to assume this has been the issue this week? There have been some real down times…today, for example around 2:00pm for 40 minutes or more.
They’re still in the midst of ordering/implementing some hardware upgrades, so the site will probably still have some slower periods when things are busy until they’re installed. Hopefully, that won’t be the case after the upgrade is complete.
BB Horrible Sunday Night, 4/27
Wow, the board was horrible most of later Sunday night. I couldn’t access it for over two hours.
Any good come from it?
VB, I combined your other thread here as the answers are the same–they’re still working on it. The go-ahead has been given to get a second server to help split the load, but until that’s implemented, there will likely be periods when the board is slow when lots of people are on.
Sunday may have been slow due to Rolex wrapping up-, or the techies may have been working on something since the weekends are typically a slower period–not sure specifically.
A general note: Thought I’d remind everyone that in some cases it may help to clear your computer’s cache of temporary internet files and cookies if the board is acting horribly. I had to remind myself of this last week after I couldn’t get on for two hours one morning! Cleared my cache and the board was perfect. :uhoh:
Not saying it’s the solution for everyone, but something to try if it’s particularly creaky one day. :winkgrin:
Other than that, I promise they’re working on it!
Took me 2 hours to get to this point…maybe the boarded needed some cleansing fiber…?
me too, having problems getting on - tried for close to forty-five minutes sunday and today. did some housecleaning of files, still have problems…
Board was sticky all day… but y’know, it meant I got to clean today. Husband’s happy.
This is the first I could get on in 2 days and it took forever. And I can’t guarantee this post will even get through! Hope things get better soon. I’m going through withdrawal!
Oh my gosh - I’m here I’m here I’m here -
It’s been “gurgling” for days now…I couldn’t get on last night - even at Midnight on a Sunday - so it couldn’t have been high traffic.
Oh thank you for working on it - we need our COTH fix daily -
(we’re actually kind of pitiful aren’t we?) :yes:
Okay, I’ve only read what is on the last page, so apologies if this information has already been provided by someone else…
But in the past week ago, increasingly, yes, long time loading, but once I’m in, and want to go from one page to the next, it will either load in a nanosecond or…take me to an AOL search page that says ‘we can’t find the site you are looking for.’ Which is curious since I haven’t subscribed to AOL for years. Just posting this in case it is useful to the techies.
Its playing up all hours…
I tried to post about it earlier and got the following message and my posting vanished!
Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat) Server at Port 80
What criteria will be used for getting rid of “old posts”? Will they all be archived somewhere and if so will there be a search facility? would like to know for making decisions whether to save anything.
Yeah, disregard my last post!
I have a query in to the techies to touch base about whether they were working on anything Sun. and yesterday and will refer them to this thread for updates. I actually could barely get on yesterday too after posting my last message! :eek: They do have some big “behind the scene” changes they’re working on, so they may have been tweaking something that tied up the server.
Thomas 1, re: deleting old threads – Every three or four months, we’ll do a mass prune of the board of threads where the last post is older than a given number of days (90 or 120, for example). For the larger forums, like Off Course and H/J, we save threads with 100 posts or more; for smaller forums, like endurance, hunting, etc. the cut-off is 60 or 40 posts.
It’s an imperfect system, since it removes plenty of shorty-but-goodies and saves most of the trainwreacks by default, but we don’t have the capacity to store everything. To give some idea, the last prune removed around 10,000 threads!
Before the most recent prune and in advance of all future ones, I plan to post a “heads-up” announcement to let everyone know a prune is coming. That gives a reminder to print or save older, shorter threads you want to keep OR to recommend older, shorter threads for the Reference forum, where they’ll be safe from thread deforestation.
Thanks for your patience everyone, and we hope to be bringing your daily COTH fix without interruption or hesitation ASAP!!
I’m having trouble with the Chronicle home page, as well.
I’m guessing at least part of the problem is the amount of traffic generated by Rolex. But I haven’t been able to log on to the Chron page to read the last reports from Beth and Molly, either. It keeps saying my username and/or password are invalid. I requested that my pwd be sent to me to make sure, and it’s the one I was trying to use. I’m fairly certain that my subscription hasn’t expired …
It is good to know that I’m not alone in the uber slow, if not outright in ability to actually access pages or post responses. I know there was mention of high volumes of page views in one 24-hour period (100,000) and the recent Rolex weekend must’ve brought in more users as well but I assumed lesser trafficed forums like Racing would be still nimble to read and post. No such luck. Hopefully the upgrades will break the logjam in using the BB