If ya’ll didn’t watch the video with the sound on, your comments may be uninformed.
I watched it on mute and I’m absolutely horrified.
I didn’t catch that the Pony was being disciplined for biting. That’s absolutely ridiculous.
I’m having trouble understanding what else his treatment of the pony might be for that it wouldn’t be “absolutely ridiculous.” What kind of training would you say is going on there?
There is an active Change.org petition, Justice for pony abused by Olympian. It includes the jumping video which is equally horrific, and dare I say, fetishistic.
I couldn’t watch more than 5 seconds. If your damn feet can touch the ground when mounted, you don’t belong on the horse. Disgusting excuse for a human being.
For me the moral is - I need to step up and do more to support local and regional groups.
I didn’t watch the video but I did read the article. The FEI did their job by investigating thoroughly. The ban for 3 years is a solid punishment. Sends a strong message. I did not know the FEI looked into abuse that happens outside of competitions. I’m glad for that. I’m glad we all have cell phones with video.
He AND his heathen son.
Big ego, controlling bastard. He should be monitored or ALL horses removed from him as they do with abused pets when the legal system gets it right. I’d love 10 minutes with him in a small room and a baseball bat in my hands …
The sound of the bit being smashed into his teeth is sickening.
Now I’ve seen the jumping video too. That the pony even attempted to jump is amazing. That man needs to be beaten.
I thought that sound was a crop and then I realized it was the full armed jerking of the rein. Awful.
It made me sick to watch. Disgusting and heartbreaking. And he is an Olympian???
Hopefully not ever again!
Literally makes me sick to my stomach. What poor animals suffer at the hands of some humans. Surely he’ll never ride another Olympics.
Naw, he’ll continue on. Just needs to construct a bit set up like Marilyn Little so the viciousness stays contained. Then, make no videos.
A national or international organization punishing someone for something he did on his private property with his privately owned animals, abusive or not, is tyrannical behavior.
Private clubs can enforce standards of behaviour even outside their club. The rider is the one being tyrannical over a little pony. The club (FEI) is well within their powers to declare that behaviour not in keeping with their club’s standards and banning him from membership.
(Similar to trainers who killed horses for insurance money, or trainers who sexually assaulted people).
I know I don’t want to compete against people who use horrific training practices, and I don’t think this is the image we want our sport to have.
No, it is not. Must organizations have codes of conduct to which members agree when they join. If they violate that code it is entirely within the organization’s right to ban or suspend their membership. And in this case let’s remember we are talking about criminal activity. Animal abuse is illegal.