Breast Cancer....My Journey

Glad to hear the surgery went well. Good healing thoughts from Colorado!

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Small update…good news first, drain came out today but plastic surgeon explained that she had to go to an expander because when my oncologist did the surgery he found another tumor closer to my armpit so had to remove that and a bit more muscle. So he didn’t want the permanent implant yet as I will most likely have to now have radiation as a definite and hopefully it has still not gone into the lymph nodes so we can just do radiation! Glad I got in for my surgery fast as this was spreading bloody fast :frowning:


I’m glad that you had surgery quickly as well, I pray that they have it all.


eclipse, glad to hear the positive news and that you are remaining positive about the outcome. I feel that how you feel and think is key in recovery both emotionally and physically.

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I’m glad you got in quickly as well!

My cervical/uterine cancer was still contained when it was found but quickly working itself to the outside of my uterus, Doctor said another three weeks and the outcome most likely would have been terminal.

Youre handling this so very well!

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Wow I’m so very glad you found yours in time!! I think I’m only handling it well because I can’t think of the alternative . A cancer diagnosis certainly brings out people strong side… not a side I ever envisioned for myself, but I’ve been dealt this and hopefully can overcome it like many others have!! Plus, I also believe riding also makes us tougher than many!

You have good doctors that are on the ball, will get you thru this.
Today’s medicine really can do wonders.
Glad they found this in time to be of help.

I know plenty today that are fine after having breast cancer.
A friend’s wife had it twice and she is fine now.

Horse people are tough, but we also tend not to want help.
When you have a serious illness, remember to let them help you.
It will make going thru treatments easier.

Hoping you will have this behind you soon.

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Wishing you a Happy and HEALTHY New Year Eclipse. I’m so glad you did not delay your surgery and that you are dealing so well with this.

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Still thinking of you, hoping the New Year is br8ngung healing

I think some of the nerves are starting to regenerate as the numbness behind my arm has gone, but the skin just in front of my armpit and on the top of my breast is unbareably a burning sensation. Plus, I’m getting some phantom pain sensations, near where my nipple used to be…so weird. I see my oncologist tomorrow, so will ask if there’s anything to help with this “sunburn” feeling…it’s not pleasant! Otherwise all seems ok so far, I just get tired fast and sore!


Sorry you’re feeling that harsh burning sensation, could be the nerve endings also regenerating. Hopefully your oncologist will have answers and maybe prescribe something better to deal with these pains and the residual soreness.

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Hang in there eclipse. Sending good vibes to you.

A friend that had diabetes and they had to amputate his leg had those kinds of burning pains and the doctor gave him some capsaicin cream that helped.
He said the doctor mentioned the brain had to be re-trained to ignore those signals meant pain in the now non-exiting leg and the cream would help shortcircuit that loop.

Not sure how that kind of phantom pain on breast would work.
May be very different than when a limb is missing.

That was decades ago, I am sure they have better things today.

I have a cream that has menthol in it to help and I have to desensitize the area by patting it. The patting does help take the sensation away! He also said to get some facecloths and rub the area as the different roughness can help. Sadly though, many women experience post mastectomy pain that is often not talked about. Once my scar has healed, I can also go to physio therapy and they’ll do some treatments including scar massage, and shoulder exercises etc…although I do have good shoulder movement and can already lift above and behind my head! My plastic surgeon will probably prescribe a muscle relaxer for when I get expanded…I am now referring to expanders as, instruments of torture, because they are! Lol

bluey, they say the pain is the same because the breast is amputated but just the skin is left and not even the full skin, this the expanders! There’s just no bones removed, but nerves, blood vessels etc…all gone!

My pathology results were not yet in though. Should get those next week!

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I’m glad you have such a good range of motion already, that’s great! I hope the desensitizing helps the pain, especially with the cream.

Get plenty of rest! Sending healing vibes to you.

You are so brave…sending you healing thoughts and thanks for all the sharing

Pathology results are in…lymph nodes are CLEAR, all signs of tumors removed with excellent clear margins. The largest tumor was 1.8cm so all stage 1. Looks like No further treatment except for Tamoxifen will be necessary. I will be going to our Tom Baker Cancer Center so they can go over in detail the results and why no radiation, along with the medication and potential side effects and why HER -, estrogen/progesterone positive is better etc etc.

I am so relieved, I sat on the ground and finally cried it all out! Now onto the next reconstruction, which will hopefully now be sooner than later!


That’s fantastic news, so happy for you.

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OP, excellent news!!!

Keep us posted on your progress :wink:


Good news is always such a great way to start the year.

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