Breast Cancer....My Journey

What good news…really happy for you

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That is wonderful news, I’m so happy for you!

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Dear Eclipse, that is such good news!

I know that the good news doesn’t mean that your difficulties are over. It’s good to allow yourself to cry, it really is.
Surgery and medical procedures are such unpleasant ordeals.

We’ll hang in with you throughout. Lots of love sent your way, from Colorado.

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So very happy for you! The feelings of relief is overwhelming, isn’t it?

Now that the immediate fear and anxiety is abating try to relax so you’ll be more prepared to start the reconstruction stages.

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@eclipse that is such great news! I’ve been thinking about you and am so happy for you.

Is a bit of levity appropriate? Funny story from my sister’s experience. First, you have to picture my sister - she’s TINY, maybe 100 lbs soaking wet. And, um, everything about her is tiny…in fact, they said that they found her lump so early because she has such a small chest, in many people it wouldn’t have been noticed until much later.

Anyway, the surgeon was talking with her and describing all of the steps and what would happen. He got to the tissue expander part, paused, looked at her for a moment, and said “That won’t take long at all!” :lol:


Wonderful news eclipse! Very happy for you!

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I’ve always found that a little levity is “the best medicine”. My friends that have been in extremis (unfortunately numerous) have felt likewise. It is difficult to know the nature of our fellow COTH friends unless we’ve met IRL.

I tend to resort to humor myself. Don’t worry. If your sense of cheer and humor is not appreciated, it isn’t, and most people will give you some slack.
I recently offended a friend, who has always had a good sense of humor, but who is grappling with serious health issues, by making an, what I thought was humorous, but was apparently inappropriate and not appreciated, analogy.

If we don’t reach out for fear of saying the wrong thing, then we’ll be silent and what good ever comes of silence if we care about our fellow human beings?

Better to try and fail, then to never give enough of a damn to speak in the first place, however inept our words may be.


What a great post @skydy, so true in all respects.

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Humour is always welcome…I believe laughter goes a long way!


So just had my first expansion (possibly my last if it doesn’t need more in a month) and it was easy! My original plastic surgeon was actually just filling in for this guy, who it turns out is incredibly handsome (well if you have to have fake boobs it might as well be from somebody nice to look at hahahahha). Plus I’ve lucked out again with a top plastics guy and one that also deals with many horse people!

So, I’m now just 3-4 months out from my final implant and surgery to make the other side match!


What a great attitude…hoping it’s all easy for you

Well if you have to have your TaTa’s played with it might as well be by a looker! :lol:

Glad it was easy and hope it may be your last expansion.


So happy everything is going so well for you eclipse. And a handsome doctor just makes it even better IMO. :smiley:

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Just a quick update… met my medical oncologist today and another wonderful lady! Chemo and radiation is definitely NOT needed… I was stage 1, grade 1 1.8 cm tumour with 3 clear lymph nodes and no signs of micro metastasis, very good clear margins. Estrogen/progesterone positive but HER Negative which is why no chemo/ radiation or Herceptin! This is the BEST results you can get as we now have hormone therapy (thank you Tamoxifen).

I will I’ll stay on Tamoxifen until menopause and then change to a different hormone surpression. All meds are kindly covered by our Alberta Health Care! Next Thursday I find out if I’m ok to start riding again


That’s awesome, fingers crossed you get cleared to ride…and it warms up so you can.

That’s wonderful news, I hope you are riding very soon!

Great news!


Wonderful news!!! Fingers crossed for a great return to the saddle!

We have heated indoor arenas, so the weather never stops us from riding! LOL

Super news! Hope your first day back in the saddle will be a great one :yes: