Breast Reduction

[QUOTE=Derby Lyn Farms;6526769]
Saw the post in off course and came over here. I am a D and would love something smaller. I wear 2 bra’s to ride or do any athletic activity. I have so much neck and shoulder pain, migraines and daily headaches.[/QUOTE]

I cringe when I hear people talk about wearing multiple bras to ride. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get a real fitting.

I am in no way against people getting reductions, but you are just making matters worse by wearing 2-3 improperly fitted bras at the same time.

I have been there. Falling out the top, floppping out the bottom, crazy neck pain, shoulder pain, etc. It was greatly reduced by wearing a single bra that fits. For the first time in my life I could sit with my shoulders back on a horse, and suddenly I stopped having so many refusals on jumping courses.

There are great options out there that are not medieval torture devices like the Enell or minimizers. Smashing your breast tissue down is NOT the solution. My sports bra is a 32H, so I know that they do exist.

I cringe when I hear people talk about wearing multiple bras to ride. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get a real fitting.

There are great options out there that are not medieval torture devices like the Enell or minimizers. Smashing your breast tissue down is NOT the solution. My sports bra is a 32H, so I know that they do exist.[/QUOTE]

Back before I had my reduction, and was wearing 3 sports bras (2004 and earlier), no one made bras that big (38E). if they did, no one could tell me where to get one; I hadn’t heard of Enell until years after. And forget the minimizer, it did NOTHING–didn’t minimize, didn’t squish, nada. There was no support at all! It was like riding without a bra. Getting properly fitted wasn’t “in” like it is now with stores like Intimacy and whatnot. I would get “fitted” at Victoria’s Secret and they would say, “Sorry, we don’t have your size!”

Like I mentioned previously, my reduction was deemed a medical emergency. I wasn’t getting a reduction for anything else but that. Being 19 with granny boobies is no fun, and I dealt with a lot of emotional, mental, AND physical abuse because of my large breasts. I couldn’t walk down a street in Boston without getting fondled, THAT’S how bad it was.

I can’t even tell you how happy I am that I can now walk into a department store, or a sporting goods store, and find a FABULOUS sports bra that supports me and doesn’t give me a uniboob. I wish I had that pre-reduction, but I still believe, and so do my doctors, that the only thing that was going to save my neck, shoulders, and back was a reduction. I was not mention to carry that weight around, and my shoulder still bear the grooves from the weight: if you feel inside the groove, it’s skin to bone because the muscle tore and separated under the weight of the bra.

I don’t advocate multiple bras, but back then it was my only option. A lot has changed in 8 years.

Wow. Interesting timing. I posted on this thread exactly one year ago and almost to the same minute.

I’ve posted since on OT day, but my surgery was on May 1st (mayday…mayday). Minimal pain. Took some pain meds since they made me groggy and nobody expected anything out of me! :lol:

It’s now been four months and I’m more aggrevated with myself for not doing this a million years ago. I’ve known I wanted this done forever.


I LOVE my new breasts. I would not have minded if they had even gone smaller, but they’re fine.

No neck pain, no back pain, no headaches and I can exercise without wearing 3 bras.

Did I mention I LOVE my new breasts??

I have yet to find a sports bra that truly works on a 34J. There is no possible way for me to avoid horrific bounce unless I have 3-4 bras on. And insurance won’t cover a reduction. I’m saving up to pay out of pocket, and losing weight in the meantime. I’m down 50lbs, and there has been no change at all in boob size.

Anyone have any rec’s for Utah when I get to that point?

I have yet to find a sports bra that truly works on a 34J. There is no possible way for me to avoid horrific bounce unless I have 3-4 bras on. And insurance won’t cover a reduction. I’m saving up to pay out of pocket, and losing weight in the meantime. I’m down 50lbs, and there has been no change at all in boob size.

Anyone have any rec’s for Utah when I get to that point?[/QUOTE]

Please tell me what you have tried, and I can give you suggestions.

Seriously, I do not doubt that people have had painful issues prior to reductions, and I am not saying that they shouldn’t ever be performed. I am not saying that bra sizing is not offering a wider range of sizes these days. I am saying that we have so many options that we should not be walking around in extreme discomfort until we decide, save up, or can schedule surgery if that is ultimately the way you want to go.

The only reason I can even ride is Enell bra

(they have a “lite” version- not that one!)

Title 9 ranks their bras w. bar bells (more = more support). They call this the “last resort bra” & it is the only one with 5 bar bells. I wear a 36 DDD/E & it really works for me.

no other bra even came remotely close to working.

They have sizes for up to 52 DD/ 50 DDD

I would like a reduction, don’t have the $, plus I am chicken.

I also wonder if it would only make my hips look bigger:lol:

I wouldn’t do it again. I fit all the criteria. there was a max they’d take off. (in my case they took off 4.8 and 5.1 lbs, which is very unusual, average is 16-32oz the doctor said), and in my case I can’t do it again. I have very dense breasts (mostly tissue) so losing/gaining weight thankfully doesn’t increase/decrease my cup size.[/QUOTE]

Hah! I am not the only one! Everyone insists that they’ll shrink a bunch if you lose weight, but no. Mine just sit there going ‘… yes?’ and change maybe half a cup size, if that. About the same amount as they change with fluid retention associated with that time of the month. THERE IS NO MAGIC WEIGHT LOSS SHRINKAGE.


Anyway, for women who suffer who cannot get reduction surgery, excuse me if this has been mentioned already, but - make sure you are wearing a properly fitting bra. Many many women are not (because if you go someplace like Victoria’s Secret they size you into what they have, not what you are) and it doesn’t make huge boobs less annoying, but it can help with the back pain and shoulder issues to have them supported properly. Generally, if your bra is hanging off your shoulders and the band itself isn’t doing much of anything, you need a tighter band (and probably a larger cup - cup size is relative to band size, so a 32F and a 36DD are basically the same size boobs.)

Getting the band tight enough is the key - it means that the band is supporting a lot of the weight, spreading it out over the whole area of your torso that the band covers, instead of all of the weight hanging on two dinky straps.

Please tell me what you have tried, and I can give you suggestions.

Seriously, I do not doubt that people have had painful issues prior to reductions, and I am not saying that they shouldn’t ever be performed. I am not saying that bra sizing is not offering a wider range of sizes these days. I am saying that we have so many options that we should not be walking around in extreme discomfort until we decide, save up, or can schedule surgery if that is ultimately the way you want to go.[/QUOTE]

So far the Enell is the only one I have found I can ride in. I did try a Moving Comfort bra recommended on a thread a while back and I can hike in it but not run or ride. Not enough support. I would love other good suggestions!

I have yet to find a sports bra that truly works on a 34J. There is no possible way for me to avoid horrific bounce unless I have 3-4 bras on. And insurance won’t cover a reduction. I’m saving up to pay out of pocket, and losing weight in the meantime. I’m down 50lbs, and there has been no change at all in boob size.

Anyone have any rec’s for Utah when I get to that point?[/QUOTE]
My insurance turned me down the first time. Then I found a female PT who told them that the PT that they were paying for wasn’t going to do any good unless I had the surgery.

I had the approval within the week.

My insurance turned me down the first time. Then I found a female PT who told them that the PT that they were paying for wasn’t going to do any good unless I had the surgery.

I had the approval within the week.[/QUOTE]

I went to PT recently for back/neck/shoulder pain. PT was a lady, talked to me about my exercise habits (I run), yoga (already doing it) and posture (could be better, could be worse). Her conclusion: I am “structurally defective” and there was nothing more she could do other than remind me to sit up straighter. She recommended reduction as the best permanent fix.

She was a hoot.

So far the Enell is the only one I have found I can ride in. I did try a Moving Comfort bra recommended on a thread a while back and I can hike in it but not run or ride. Not enough support. I would love other good suggestions![/QUOTE]
As someone stated earlier, if it doesn’t fit, it can’t possible do what it needs to do. Most women are NOT larger than a 38, and the majority of us are 32/34. Unfortunately we have been forced to go to larger bands to get fuller cups which completely destroys the base of support. If the band is not snug, you will NOT get the support and you will be uncomfortable.

This is my absolute favorite, hands down. It doesn’t smash my boobs, make them a weird shape, or go anywhere close to my neck. I can ride and run in it. Beware, the cup does run a little small so go up a size.

Another one I have heard great things about:–N-MkrICFYKK4AodGhsABA

These are supposed to be pretty good too:

And for the woman who said you can’t find a J cup:

I went to PT recently for back/neck/shoulder pain. PT was a lady, talked to me about my exercise habits (I run), yoga (already doing it) and posture (could be better, could be worse). Her conclusion: I am “structurally defective” and there was nothing more she could do other than remind me to sit up straighter. She recommended reduction as the best permanent fix.

She was a hoot.[/QUOTE]

Would massage help…paid for by the insurance company? Mine was covered with a prescription. Would the PT write a letter to the insurance co saying your pain was caused by your big boobs?

horseshrink- i too am in ocala and dying to do this, what doc did you use if you don’t mind me asking.

Bumping this up as a general info thread since so many are interested and wondering how the OP is doing? Still doing well and happy with it?[/QUOTE]

I am doing awesome!

The first time on my pony after my reduction I got on her and my shoulders just went back to where they’re supposed to be. My trainer can’t believe what a difference it has made in my riding. I was constantly fighting the forward lean before, now, no more. Since my riding has improved so much I’ve been given opportunities to ride really fabulous horses. Some pictures of my two most frequent mounts.

My asthma symptoms have just about ceased to exist, I don’t feel like I have a cat sleeping on my chest anymore (unless the cat is indeed sleeping on my chest.) I can run! My neck/shoulder/arm pain was significantly reduced until we hit summer, then I had a really bad period when it got really, really hot and hasn’t quite quieted down.

They took 507 grams off one breast, 384 off the other. 484 grams is a pound, so they took off about 2 pounds total. I went from a 36G/H to a 34/36 DD. I really wish they’d taken more off, but she couldn’t without compromising the blood flow to the remaining tissue. I priced a revision to take off another cup or two. I do love my breasts, but I want them smaller still. All those fun things like clothes fitting better, able to wear less bra, etc? I didn’t get those. Because even though my breasts have less mass now that they’re awesomely perky I can’t fit into smaller tops. And, I gained a bit of weight post surgery that I still can’t get rid of.

I’m having some issues finding a new riding bra (the one I used to use in a different size isn’t comfy) so will be trying out all those suggested. But, other than the bra and wishing I were a little smaller? I could not be happier :slight_smile:

I’m glad to hear you are happy with your new breasts.

If you happen to pick up any of the bras I mentioned, please share your thoughts on them. I recently started a lingerie boutique, and have been stocking mostly what I personally wear, so other feedback is great!

Just reporting back in. I appreciate your recommendations, but I am sorry to say after trying on the first one in your list (Anita), there is no way I could do more than walk vigorously in it. It is comfy and soft and will be fine for around the house, but no way no how I could run or ride. Enell it is for me for now. I may try some of the others in the future.

As someone stated earlier, if it doesn’t fit, it can’t possible do what it needs to do. Most women are NOT larger than a 38, and the majority of us are 32/34. Unfortunately we have been forced to go to larger bands to get fuller cups which completely destroys the base of support. If the band is not snug, you will NOT get the support and you will be uncomfortable.

This is my absolute favorite, hands down. It doesn’t smash my boobs, make them a weird shape, or go anywhere close to my neck. I can ride and run in it. Beware, the cup does run a little small so go up a size.

Another one I have heard great things about:–N-MkrICFYKK4AodGhsABA

These are supposed to be pretty good too:

And for the woman who said you can’t find a J cup:[/QUOTE]

Just reporting back in. I appreciate your recommendations, but I am sorry to say after trying on the first one in your list (Anita), there is no way I could do more than walk vigorously in it. It is comfy and soft and will be fine for around the house, but no way no how I could run or ride. Enell it is for me for now. I may try some of the others in the future.[/QUOTE]

Try the Panache (this one: ) I have a horrible time finding sports bras that fit and are comfortable, and usually I don’t like Panache bras, but their new sports bra fits so comfortably and holds everything where it belongs - I can wear it all day.

The only catch is that I personally find Panache to fit a bit oddly compared to some other bra lines, so you might have to play around with fit a little - try bra sizes around the one you think you are.

I had mine done 3 years ago in October (can’t believe it’s been that long, though I almost can’t remember what it used to be like…). I went from a 36J/K to a 36 C/D. Wish I’d gone smaller, but DH was already freaked out about the whole thing so I let him have a say. I don’t remember the actual grams removed, but it was well over 5lbs. I did not have loss of sensitivity, but they were pretty unsensitive to start with, to the point that during the pre-surgery mammogram, where the tech asks you to tell her when you are uncomfortable, let her know and she’ll go one more turn? She wouldn’t go any further on me and it did not hurt at all.

Prior to surgery, I tried every possible type of sport bra. Never found a single one that worked. Even if they were supposed to encapsulate, always a uniboob. So I had to make due. My properly fitted regular bra, 2 over the head sport bras.

I did not ride for six weeks, but I also did not want any of the complications that I had heard about and was absolutely determined to follow instructions to give myself the best possible chance for a ideal outcome. I could definitely be comfortable around my house (and often am) braless, but after what I went through prior and for the surgery, I don’t go around frequently braless as I want them firm and perky for as long as possible.

Absolutely no issues getting my insurance to pay for the surgery on the first try, but I had been seeing a chiropractor and massage therapist for years. A couple of notes - you will need to be seeing a plastic surgeon on your insurance, not the ones who advertise all over radio and tv. My insurance insisted that the procedure had to be done in a hospital, not an outpatient surgery center. This turned out well for me, as I had a benign cyst removed at the same time, and ended up with a post-op issue with the anethesia and was admitted for a couple of days.

Monday, what size are you wearing, and did you have someone fit you?

If you are wearing something that is too large in the band you will never get the support you need.

Fit is everything when it comes to larger busts.

I wear a 32H in the Anita, and nothing is flopping around in that bra I posted.

If you’re stuck with mail order due to lack of decent places to shop, you can estimate band size by using what is available in the stores - just put the bras on upside down so that the cups hang down and the band sits where it’s supposed to on your rib cage. You want something where on the loosest hook it feels like a comfortable hug. (I’m normally a bit aware of mine right when I put it on, but then by the time I’m finished getting dressed I’ve forgotten about it, unless it happens to be rubbing against a psoriasis spot which does happen occasionally because my skin hates me.)

Anyway, that way you can at least get a feel for what band size you should be looking in - that measure your underbust and add 4-5" thing is USELESS for larger boobs. WORSE THAN USELESS. (If I use that, I’d be in a 38 something band, basically. I have an bra that’s a 36 band that’s uncomfortably loose on me, even on the tightest hooks. I’m pretty sure my boobs would actually escape out the bottom on a 38 band bra.) But I suggest actually trying things on because a lot of women do not believe that a way smaller band could possibly be comfortable and won’t even order one to try.