Recently got a new bridle from Smartpak, the Harwich Padded Fancy Stitch Bridle. I was convinced it would fit the horse I’m leasing great (considering he’s a warmblood around 16.1 hands+), but as it turns out I think it’s too big.
The nose band fit’s fine but the throat latch is on the last hole and my main concern is with the check straps which attach to the bit (don’t know exactly what they’re called) are on the last hole and although the horse has two wrinkles at the bit, I’m convinced that it’s still big since there’s no room for further adjustment to tighten it if needed.
Before I went in the ring, I had my trainer punch an extra hole on one side, which made it better but it’s as far up as any hole can be punched before the mono crown starts. Taking in consideration that with cleaning and conditioning that it’ll stretch?
Do I return for the Cob size?
Anybody have a similar problem with the Harwich bridle?