“What kind of questions or requests should I ask to the doctor?”
This is not an unreasonable question to ask nor is it unreasonable to ask how other people treated their breaks with a DR’s supervision.
OP it will largely depend on your individual injury which I think you know. I had a compression fracture of L2 after a fall from my horse. I didn’t realize the extent to my injuries in fact I even tried getting back in the saddle but try as I might I physically couldn’t not lift my foot into the stirrup. I thought I was just sore, I didn’t go to the ER until several hours later. They were really busy and it was the weekend. I got really shoddy care but I didn’t know it then and everything worked out for the best because it led me to the right Dr.
My back was SO swollen, the ER dr. didn’t give me a brace. He told me the brace would only make the swelling worse in that it wouldn’t be able to go down while wearing the brace (no movement = no blood flow = more swelling = scar tissue). He also said this knowing I was refusing the Rx for pain meds since they make me horribly nauseous. He told me not to drive, or work until I saw the osteopath in a few days but that I should move around as much as my pain allowed and that moving would help the swelling go down.
On Monday, per the ER dr’s orders, I called the osteopath and awaited their phone call. After several phone calls and into Tuesday I still hadn’t heard from them. By that time my cousin, who was a chiropractor in training urged me to go see his mentor chiro. I went in and it was the best decision of my life. They advised a brace was a bad idea for the same reason the ER dr said. My injury created so much swelling that my swelling was my own brace. I went to the chiro, who did massage, electric stimulation and ultrasound therapy to break the swelling down. To this day I have very little scar tissue because we did such a good job at breaking it apart. On the few days I did wear a brace (like my wedding day which was 2 weeks after the injury
) I was in AGONY for days afterwards so I know he was right.
At least consult with a Chiro, they have a much better, whole body approach and are back experts and they will tell you if they can help or not. They may not be able to help or they may be able to help in conjunction with the MD. At the very least fight for PT NOW!!! They can massage the surrounding areas and keep your whole body working properly while the rest of your back heals.
GL I hope your feeling better soon.