Broken back advice

I fractured L1. Was able to walk out of the ER, but had to go back to be fitted with a brace (like a corset). Was given a script of advil for pain. Was able to walk to bathroom and that was it. Spent about 6 weeks in bed, back to doc and back to another 8 weeks in bed. Had limited mobility (if it hurt didn’t do it).

See if you have a friend that can come check up on you everyday, to do shopping, laundry, other stuff. I would call the ortho on Monday to followup. It took 6 months to fuse, the worst part were the spasms after I started riding again. It took a good year to really get back to normal.

Hope you heal well…this is my experience…and I urge you to keep asking questions

BTDT. Compression fx L1-L2. No brace due to extensive bruising. Ortho told me he wanted me mostly sitting or lying down for the first 6 weeks. Wanted me off the job for 10 weeks. I won’t go into details but being completely out of work at that time would have created major, major problems. Ortho compromised, after 10 days was allowed to go back to work for 4hrs a day if I promised to sit the majority of that. No lifting anything over 5lbs, no twisting. Movement as tolerated to attend to minimal daily needs.

Due to the massive bruising etc, bending didn’t have to be forbidden…it simply wasn’t possible. I’d come home from work literally in tears (I couldn’t take the pain meds within 6hrs of work). Pain meds were a blessing. I was advised to use them before the pain got too bad if possible.

Icing my back was recommended for pain for the first few days…didn’t work for me. Sent me into worse spasms and pain. Heat helped…Arnica gel helped the bruising immensely.

I healed well. At 8 weeks I resumed 8hr work shifts (still with limitations), at 10 weeks I was given the all clear to resume normal activities “as tolerated”, including riding.

I lost over a 1/2 inch in height. I do have some lower back issues, but, they are actually from bone spurs/arthritis lower down in the L5 region.

FWIW…if you are not happy with the doctor you saw, if at all possible, seek help elsewhere. As I have found in the past, different doctors have different opinions and different levels of care. If they’re not willing to work with you and give you the answers and support you need, find someone who will. It’s YOUR body…YOU have to live in it, not them. Would you hesitate to change vets if they wouldn’t give you the proper instructions or treated your horse but didn’t tell you what they did? What to expect? What to look out for? I seriously doubt it.

My Ortho once told me “…we can’t ignore a body in the waiting room”. If you don’t get the answers you need, find someone who can drive to take you to the doctor’s office. Ask to speak to the office manager and explain what you want and why you are unhappy. I bet you will get some better cooperation. It’s much easier to ignore or “forget” to return a phone call than it is to ignore some one standing in front of you.

Good luck. I hope you heal without complications.

Back in 1977 I had to lay flat for a week and then wear the brace whenever I was up and about. At 7 years of age I don’t remember much.

I am not fully recovered yet–my accident happened early September. But I am feeling much, much better. And like you love hearing “success” stories of people who are back riding after these injuries. There are lots of them–go to a horse show or a busy barn with your brace on and you’ll make tons of new friends . . .

Anyway, for me, it was helpful to think about the demands of my life and ask the Dr directly about them. So, for work I needed to drive 25 minutes each way, and sit in an office chair for 8 hours. To fully take care of the horses, I needed to be able to lift 50 lb feed bags and hay bales, push a wheelbarrow, lead the horses, etc.

For the first 6 weeks I had to wear the brace whenever I was up. I was encouraged to wear it sleeping too, but had trouble with that. I could not put it on myself. For the first 2-3 weeks of that I was in too much pain to try to do anything at all. It hurt to sit in my chair, it hurt to lie in bed. I alternated between the 2, very unhappily. I broke some ribs, too, though, and I think it was those and not the spine that hurt so much.

After that I walked around a little more (in and around the house, even short walks toward the end). I also rode in the car a few times.

I was completely off work for 2 weeks, then started work back from home, at 4 weeks went back. (My Dr wanted me to be completely off for 6 weeks but that was not possible for my job)

After the brace came off I was able to take care of the horses day to day–feed them, lead them in and out, but I still am not supposed to do the hay/feed bags myself.

I am lucky not to live alone, so I didn’t have to drive, carry groceries, etc though I did have to hire some help with the horses. FWIW I did not feel like I lost much core strength in the brace. My biggest PT challenge has been my neck which is very stiff after the accident/brace. But the lifting and core exercises are pretty easy.

I wish you luck with your Dr and recovery. If you are in the DC/NoVA area feel free to PM me and I can tell you who I have been seeing.

This is helpful to hear all the different experiences. I wear the brace whenever I am up.
I have pain but not nearly as bad as it was. I get tired very easily.
The hard part is the horses and the weather is Below freezing.

I hope to do some grocery shopping tomorrow accompanied by a friend. We will see. I am going to try and quit the Painkiller narcotic And only do Advil and flexoral. Of course if it’s too painful I will go back to the painkiller.
It’s hard not to be a part of life! The gator died yesterday and the mechanic came over after work to fix it! That was so very nice Since we are very dependent upon it and my help didn’t need one more burden added to their already heavy load. I called the dealership and they were very responsive.
Tomorrow will be one week. In comparison to last week I feel pretty good, But I remind myself that I have to heal because I have a fractured vertebrae.
Okay off to a hot bath and some bedrest again.
Thank you all for your replies.

This is helpful to hear all the different experiences. I wear the brace whenever I am up.
I have pain but not nearly as bad as it was. I get tired very easily.
The hard part is the horses and the weather is Below freezing.

I hope to do some grocery shopping tomorrow accompanied by a friend. We will see. I am going to try and quit the Painkiller narcotic And only do Advil and flexoral. Of course if it’s too painful I will go back to the painkiller.
It’s hard not to be a part of life! The gator died yesterday and the mechanic came over after work to fix it! That was so very nice Since we are very dependent upon it and my help didn’t need one more burden added to their already heavy load. I called the dealership and they were very responsive.
Tomorrow will be one week. In comparison to last week I feel pretty good, But I remind myself that I have to heal because I have a fractured vertebrae.
Okay off to a hot bath and some bedrest again.
Thank you all for your replies.[/QUOTE]

I broke T12 & L1 (burst and compression) in January. I was on bed rest (flat on back, 3 person log roll)), etc) for 6 weeks, then 12 weeks in a TLSO (clam shell corset) brace whenever I was not flat. I was allowed to walk and water walk in the brace, and once out of it, I started pilates and yoga and worked my way up to swimming.
I followed what the drs said and nearly 12 months on I am pain free, 2 stone lighter and alot more fit and flexible then I was pre- accident. My disks are no longer mineralized and I don’t suffer anymore from the sciatica I had before I fell.
There will be tough times, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I am glad I didn’t rush things - the horses probably don’t want us riding them while we are in pain, either!

Robaxin may be better option so ask about that. I had back pain for 20+ years due to endometriosis and the Robaxin worked much better than Flexeril, no side effects and actually helps heal.
I had a L4 compression fracture when I was 7, a reconstructed ankle when I was 14 and I’ve never had to limit my activity because of either injury.

So very sorry, 5. Soft hugs. Please consider signing up for one of the grocery store services that deliver. They are awesome. Also, I think I save money that way as you can see what is on sale better. Plus the time it saves is so worth the money. For the times that I do go to the grocery store, I only go for light items. Pack it in lots of small bags. When I come back, I get the things that must go in the fridge or freezer in the house first. Then if I’m not feeling strong, I go out and get the rest later. Do not stress your body out all at once. It’s easier if you can break it up. And, I only purchase half gallons of milk, as gallons are too heavy. You can even get a few quarts to go even lighter. The convenience store is good for that, when you get a little better, as you can park close.

Many stores nowadays have Crazy Heavy Doors. I cannot do those. I either see if I can follow someone in or out, knock or ask the store people to open it for me. For when you get better, remember, pushing a door open is easier than pulling. When I decide I am going to do one of those doors, I brace my core, wedge part of myself in then get in a spot where I can push instead of pull. (Usually some nice soul comes and rescues me.)

Workin’onit: Oh dear, how did you do that at such a young age. You don’t have to answer if I’m being too nosy. Your younger age probably meant that area had a better blood supply, which is a good thing. So sorry. It’s horrible when kids (or anyone) have to deal with that.

Jingles laced with lots of Patience ~ feel better soon fivehorses ~

Jingles laced with lots of ‘patience’ ~

Feel better soon fivehorses ~

Very tough assignment for an active horse/ dog/ cat person ~

Be careful and smart ![/B][/I]

OP, be very carefull with the pain meds, many contain tylenol. If you mix meds you can damage your liver and kidneys. Ice in those soft gel packs (Wallgreens drug store) did help me, but it dosn’tfeel good at first. Biofreeze gel, is great for spasms.

Elec. stimulation (T.E.N.S) really helps spasms, they sell them on the net, or chiro/PT can do. I did not do acupuncture but know several who do.

Ultra sound helped chiro and Pt can do.

I had T8 & 9 damage. Thoracic area of spine is much more stable than the Lumbar so those with thoracic injuries can usually move around sooner with less pain.

Protect your back, rest and take meds, until you get a second opinion.

sonomacounty - I was new to riding, riding a very safe pony bareback on our first farm and we didn’t know there was black plastic in weeds or buried. It flapped, she scooted and I landed on my rump.
The ankle was a combination of errors. In both cases I landed on hard packed clay. We didn’t know about footing back then.

I had my L1-L2 fractured (compression) back in may of this year. My initial instructions were no lifting, ok to walk and carry on with my brace on, as much as the pain would allow me to. No awake time without the brace. That was the extent of my instructions (thank you to the Canadian health system, getting a hold of the dr. without an appointment is like looking for a needle in a haystack).

Painkillers (opioids) if pain was really bad initially, then on nsaids as needed. I only saw the orthopedic dr. 3 months later for x-rays. Heat/cold application can help with pain as well.

Then after 3 months I was instructed to wean off my brace, gradually removing it from a few hours to full awake time, then after a month I started physio and am still doing it now.

Honestly depending on the gravity of your fracture, things can vary, my recovedy was medically pretty low maintenance and uneventful, obviously long and painful for me, but really being strict about wearing your brace is key and your body will do the rest. Really the brace keeps you from moving your spine in the affected area and pushing on the crushed vertebrae (especially bending forward) - the healing for a compression fracture is successful if the vertebrae doesn’t lose any more height (it will never regain normal height again - i.e 8mm pre and post brace) and moving about whithout it can lead to vertebral height loss, which can itself lead to surgery.

As per my orthopedic dr, and my physio, absolutely no messing around with massotherapy/ chiropractors until fully healed.

Oh, and after extensive physio since september, and on my physio’s recommendations (move as much as possibl, reasonably) I a, back taking lessons and jumping. Sitting the trot and canter are pretty painful and I feel like a train ran me over the next day (currently sitting on my ciuch with a heating pad on my back) but YAY!

Thank you miss-o and tabula rashah
The brace does help, so I can wear it. Plus it keeps my back warm if I go outside.

I. Have a good friend who does massage but she is gone for the weekend. Right now, It’s the muscle spasms which are causing so much pain.

I do really appreciate hearing all of your experiences and what worked/what didn’t.

Thank you[/QUOTE]

I also should have noted that out of everything the two things that bothered me the most were A) the muscle loss from wearing the brace and having it hold me up for so long and B) my hips hurt like a be-otch for months from having to change the way I walked, picked things up, etc .
Both of these things seemed like they took longer to mend than my actual broken back.

^ Yes.

Prepare gourself to feel like a jello blob when you remove the brace. I thought my hips were the issue (I can “unhinge” them at will, even before the accident but now they often “snap” in and out when I walk) but since others have this issue I guess it’s muscle/position related.

I called my Doctor on Friday and got an appointment for this Wednesday. I explained that I did not get a discharge or treatment plan and am by myself here and can’t even get into the lower part of the freezer /refrigerator because I can’t bend over.
All of your input has given me a lot of good questions to ask them and an idea of what is to come.
Thank you very much.
I am still taking the flexoral and the Advil but have not taken the narcotics, this will be my second day off.
I am also being very careful with my diet and making sure I’m getting lots of calcium, magnesium and vit d, vitamin C and protein.
I have someone coming up tonight who will stay with me for a week and a half or so and that will really be so helpful. The docs office also said they would get some kind of help at the house which I really need. I do not have very many family members still alive And most of my friends are very busy and not able to help.
Wow oh wow, This was such an intense lifestyle change.

My broken back

My injury was 4 years ago November 1, I broke L1-L5. I was told to do nothing…nothing but rest. It was hard, eventually had PT at 4 months to get some core strength back. Listen to your doc, and bug them until you get the answers you need.

Jingles continue ~ AO

Looking in on you ~ hoping the doctor visit was productive in pain management help and daily routine help ~

Thanks for the good thoughts Zu Zu.
I am feeling better and getting organized for the barn and farm and in the house.
It is extremely boring but my discomfort is not as great as it was.

Thanks for the good thoughts again

SO glad to read this ‘feeling better’ update ! Jingles continue !

SO glad to read this ‘feeling better’ update !!!

Boring is better than pain ```

Jingles & AO continue !

Merry & Happy to you fivehorses ![/I]