Broken back advice

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Best wishes to those contending with injuries ~
Mod 1

Broke L5 in 2002 for 5 weeks laid low real low but I kept moving only drove when was time to take a stupid pain pill . I took care of my horses with busted up but man it was not easy and only did tiny amounts. Had pain pills for 21 days then cold turkey. I could not walk my horse. He just moved to fast for me nor could hold them for the blacksmith. Was a royal pain asking people for help. At 5 weeks with a brace on my back begged doctor if I could just sit on my one safe horse. I got a ok if you do not come off . To this day I pull my self up on a horse and gently lower my self to the ground no more dismounts in quick form. I still ride and the only place I did not hurt was sitting on my horse. He insisted on fast forward but I could only handle a walk and him grazing with me on board. Still think best place is sitting on a horse for my back. Take it very easy and no lifting of any thing. Do small amounts nothing big. Swear I slept on the floor for ages. Was not real thrilled with the hospital walked in told them thought busted up my hip it was really bugging me they had me walking all over the place for xrays . When the xrays came back was told to stop walking around. Got out of the hospital as soon as I could same day figured would do better on my own. The cold turkey on pain pills was a good thing. It is a rare day that take a pain pill for my back now.

I forgot something very important . When you are busted up girl you need to eat fruit and mostly fruit diet. NO goodies for you for a bit a long while . All things that pass through your body easily. What ever it takes Prunes , or just fruit diet.