i was in a soft cast for 6 weeks with a broken foot bone.
A soft cast is way better than a hard cast if appropriate because you can take it off, wash the foot, itch the foot. Hard casts get really itchy inside and when you finally get them off all the dead skin sloughs off, very icky. And you can’t get them wet.
Honestly, don’t count on being able to go anywhere while you are on crutches. You are not going to be riding the subway on crutches. You just don’t get that far on them. If you have any kind of sick leave from your job, take it. Otherwise get some kind of car service lined up or live very close to work or work from home.
While I was nonweightbearing, I went up and down the 3 flights of stairs from my condo to the parking garage on my butt, once a week when a friend drove me for a checkup at the bone clinic at the hospital. From the parking lot to the clinic I used a wheelchair. Other than that, I didn’t get further than the sofa. I also couldn’t shower, because I couldn’t step into the bathtub. Which foot leads, which is weight bearing? If you live with another person, they might be able to help you in.
Have your grocery deliveries lined up. Get a cleaning service in. Line up your friends to do visits.
There might be a rolly thing where you support your bad leg on a chair with wheels, and scoot along. But only if you have no stairs in your path.
Now there might be exceptional folks who can swing along on crutches. Teenage boys with skiing injuries (fit boys with lots of upper body strength) can look very nonchalant on crutches at school, as I recall. But crutches take a lot of ab strength, and they really hurt your armpits until you get the core strength to stay above them.
You also can’t carry anything. I could make my breakfast and coffee leaning against the kitchen counter. But I couldn’t take a cup of coffee to the sofa. Anything I carried had to be in a pocket or down the waist band of my pajamas.
After I was cleared to walk again I had lost a lot of fitness and the broken foot in particular was atrophied a bit. I was injured at the beginning of December and it took me until the summer to feel totally fit again.
I do think it is important to follow doctor’s orders and not start limping around too early in the healing process, because ultimately that will delay or impeded proper healing.