broken wrist

-sigh- 20 yrs of riding and my first broken bone in my life comes from slipping on the ice in a parking lot. minor radius/ulna cracks/chips. seeing the orthopod today.

just wanted to feel sorry for myself for a minute.

ok i’m done. :slight_smile:

Ouch, hope you are healed up soon.

I can definitely feel your pain. My first major fracture was of my humerus, which required major surgery and 3 days in the hospital.

It was horse-related only to the extent that I slipped on black ice in my driveway after going over to the barn to haul them all in and feed up. It was a favor to the b/o. At least I made her come to the hospital to take me home…

Eeyouch! One of my classmates came off her horse and snapped her humerus–she was off horses for almost a year. :frowning:

Hopefully I’ll be back here in april looking for reccomendations for wrist braces to ride in. Thx for the sympathetic ouches. :slight_smile:

I’m recovering from a horse related humerus fracture (Nov 16, 2011) and subsequent plating surgery (Dec 1st). I have radial nerve damage from the surgery and have very limited use of my left wrist and hand, but the fracture itself healed beautifully. I am already (8.5 weeks post surgery) back on well behaved horses despite the fact that I can’t hold the reins w/ my left hand.

Take care of yourself! I know it’s no fun. You’ll be back in the saddle in no time.

I broke my wrist when my horse spooked and knocked me down in October. It was basically a crack in the humerus and it healed very fast in 5.5 weeks. After the cast was off the other side was more painful than the break. Basically the bone settled and now my Ulna is bone on bone. It is better but not great yet. My pinky and ring finger do not work thaqt well. I am in PT and that is helping some. Ofcourse it is my right hand.

Holds up right hand count me in on the broken wrist club! I fell down on a steeeep mountain while hiking with doggins, over 1.5 years ago, & I still can’t make a fist. So, keep flexing your fingers! Oh, yes: for you PNH lovers: it’s a lot harder to handle my carrot stick, too! :wink:

Oh no Western I can make a fist but it is still hard to control those dumb fingers.

You can? I iz jealous! :wink:



Can I come join the pitty party? I broke my hand last Friday somehow (not in a fall, Felix just landed badly off a jump). I’m off for at LEAST 4 weeks, and the cast is going to seriously cramp my style on my vacation next week :frowning:

please! the more pity the merrier.:winkgrin:

however, one advantage to the cast over the splint is that i can now -drumroll please- tie my own shoes! :lol:

Jingles and sympathies!! Add me to the broken humerus club–on 2/5 at a horse show–1st o/f round. :frowning: Rod, pins, and radial nerve damage later and I’m the one-armed wonder. Hoping to start pony rides after the 29th.

PS–tying ones own shoes is EXCITING! I just figured how to maneuver my flipper…er, hand and can now fasten my bra! :smiley: I’m hoping to tie shoes before too long.

Another broken wrist veteran here!

Fractured the left many years ago in a riding fall; broke it clean through last winter slipping & falling on my hard-packed snow path to the barn. Long (to me at least) drudge with first a cast (it was a nifty colorful waterproof one), then a wrist brace - probably would’ve been a shorter sentence if I hadn’t insisted on still doing barn chores. My bad.:wink:

Never did a wrist…ankle, foot, leg, collarbone, scapula, ribs, more ribs (ride young jumpers x-country and you can wind up with an interesting collection of broken stuff).

Medical researchers have found if you really continue to exercise the opposite arm from the injured one you have less muscle weakness/atrophy when the cast comes off.

Interesting! I’m doing a little at the gym w/the good hand, but there’s a lot I just can’t do one handed.

Of course, I’m having to do ALL the day to day stuff w/the good hand, so I think that’s keeping me in shape; my deltoid and bicep on that side look pretty good, at least…

My deep fear is what the tricep on the bad side is going to come out looking like; I have a phobia about under arm pudge.

Jen, congrats on the bra! :wink:

I have ra so can sympatsize! My loop reins are a godsend

I went antelope hunting on horseback with a wrist cast!

i’m trying to picture this… i take it you held the reins in your teeth?:lol:

Well, finally got on a horse (over my PT’s mild objections) and all I can say is

GAWD but I’m out of shape. :smiley:

Hand hurts a bit, arm’s kind of tired, but overall there seems to be a little less numbness and tingling (shoulder related) than there was, so I guess I’m doing ok.

And I’m texting with both thumbs now! :wink: