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Buck Davidson arrested Marion county


Looks like battery nothing else included.

Edited cuz I used the wrong word

Who is Trevor Davidson? Related? Brother?

Nah just another person in Marion County with the same last name, doesn’t have anything to do with Buck.

I just wondered if it was a family dispute that escalated.

No those didn’t happen today, you can see the date underneath.

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“Battery- touch or strike” is not assault.

So from what I understand is that you can be charged with assault if there is an expectation of harm, but to be charged with battery there needs to have been actual physical harm…


You’re right I’ll amend!

I think it really depends on the state

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I thought it was the opposite. You can commit battery by grabbing or touching someone against their will.
There are different degrees I believe.

Google lawyer says…

I think they were in Kentucky?

The arrest report was from Marion county, Ocala…

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Oh. Interesting. We need one of our COTH attorneys to educate us.

Not legal advice but…

Battery = actual non-consensual physical contact.
Assault = apprehension of non-consensual contact, regardless of if there is actual contact.

From the FL penal code:

The offense of battery occurs when a person:

  1. Actually and intentionally touches or strikes another person against the will of the other; or
  2. Intentionally causes bodily harm to another person.

An “assault” is an intentional, unlawful threat by word or act to do violence to the person of another, coupled with an apparent ability to do so, and doing some act which creates a well-founded fear in such other person that such violence is imminent.

For example (not from the penal code) If you come up behind someone and shove them suddenly, without warning - battery. If you say “I’m going to shove you” and start to lunge towards the person but never touch them - assault. If you say “I’m going to shove you” and start to lunge towards the person and then shove them - assault and battery.


Did you get it confused in your last paragraph? Maybe I am confused but they seem to be contradicting your previous statements.

“I’m going to shove you” sounds like apprehension, versus actually shoving them without warning ?

The law is sometimes quite confusing.

Yes thank you! Fixed now.

While the law can definitely be very confusing, I think part of it is that people use “assault” colloquially to mean “physically injure” and that just is not what it means.

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Thanks for the explanation. :slightly_smiling_face:

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