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Bullied by Other Boarder

Well I didn’t get it either, just thought it was computer auto correct. When it was explained I didn’t think it was funny at all but kind of lame ( poster included)( not the person posting it) … I am of a different generation though.


I got my degree in aerospace engineering and basically was an actual rocket surgeon during school, building high powered rockets from scratch and messing around with their innards while building, so I think it’s especially hilarious. My boyfriend, also an AE, was REALLY into it and very good at it, so I got him a t-shirt thats basically that poster. We still have one of his larger rockets in our living room, thing is like five or six feet tall and like six inch diameter, maybe more.


That’s such a cool area of expertise, I’ve had fantasies about applying to Lockheed and my dad worked on the trusses for the International Space Program.


I ended up going the helicopter route after graduation but I have lots of friends working on rockets still, some at NASA (including SLS), some at Blue Origin, and everything in between. Except SpaceX, no one should work for SpaceX unless you want to have literally no life other than working 60 to 80 hour weeks in the middle of nowhere. People burn out there fast, and I’ve heard some real horror stories.


I’m an engineer, and fascinated that I am reading career advice and networking on the CoTH BB! I love these forums for all kinds of reasons. BTW: these are horrible stories about bullies in boarding situations. I board at a big place, 100+ horses, and I love my barn. My fellow boarders are terrific friends, and we help each other out with our horses. It’s an unusual setup, without the usual structure of a BO, and that’s a big influence: we are kinda on our own and know it. People who create problems are told to leave, fortunately!


Duly noted to avoid SpaceX, thanks for that tip. Guess that leaves me with Blue Origin and the other usual suspects to see if they need anyone with my skill set.

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It’s true, don’t work for SpaceX if you want a life and not suffer burn out. The hours expected, no demanded, are insane.

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It’s so competitive to get an internship or job with them too. Probably why they can work everyone into the ground, they know they have like 50 more to replace each person that burns out. It’s like a continuous conveyor belt of super passionate, talented, practically obsessive kids that are willing to pretty much sell their souls to work at SpaceX :laughing:

TwiSedai, that is so cool! My sister works for a company that does something rocket-y/tech-y and one of her favorite people has a T shirt that says, ‘Actually, it is rocket science.’ I’ve always thought it would be fun to be able to wear that but only if I could back it up with the real thing - but nope, I was an English major. To the OP, good for you for getting your horse and your kids out of a potentially dangerous situation. I hope the move goes smoothly.



I worked Titan IV.