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My impressions of the jog-
I do not like the chip branding on the back of several jackets. It looks tacky. Does EVERYTHING need to be branded these days? I guess the answer is yes. Boyd and Ollie rocked trotting on the buckle. A few others did but to me that shows real confidence in their horses. The program was beautifully done. I think Jessica should win the best dressed. She looked fabulous. And I forgot to add Purple Rain! I can’t wait to see his dressage. What a trot!


I thought 15 looked very scary. very narrow very high with a big ditch cutting in front at an angle. Yikes! And the big scary triple bar-very airy. Egad though it is Burghley.

I like the course mostly because it doesn’t look like Disneyland with cute little things added everywhere.

One trend that has come along in recent years is flagging corners so that there is only a narrow place where can legal jump. The whole point of a corner is about accuracy with the rider being penalized, so to speak, the further away from the point they jump. Now it is like giving riders instructions on where to jump.

I was at Badminton in 2013 and at the Hunstmans close, there where two massive corners. They were flagged full width and I was explaining to my brother that the further from the point you jumped, the further you had to jump.

If you want to build a skinny, then build a skinny. Don’t flag it to make it a skinny.

Overall I like Degrazia’s courses.


Seeking input from the experienced XC watchers and math whizzes out there: Without knowing the XC ride times, I am trying to calculate (based on drawn order) approximately what time a few specific riders will be going. I know this partly depends on whether there are any delays or holds on course (hopefully not!). How many minutes between each starter? I am hoping things will just about be wrapped up by 11 AM Eastern.Thoughts? Thank you!

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Here are the times from last year.

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They’ll post the XC times and order of go before they run. I’m surprised they are not up already.


This is the list from their website. I am terrible , terrible at math. I have taken to asking google if it is x time in London what time is it here, and it tells me! so I can calculate all these things. I also think if you are doing the paid site watching, if you wanted to, (but who would,) just tape the whole thing and watch when you get up.

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XC starts at 11:00 Local time, so that would be 6AM Eastern Time. They, in the past, have spaced riders at 5 minute intervals. You can do the math from there. Basically 12 riders an hour and I think there are 72 riders. I can’t remember if they do any kind of breaks in there for lunch or tea.

So it starts at 6AM Eastern, so not counting on course delays or breaks, XC will run about 6 hours.

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well, I started watching at 4 am central time and missed the first two. They put up scoring for the two after that as they were being marked, and while it was nice, it took up quite a bit of the screen. But when Boyd rode, no score was given till he finished! He is in 3rd with a slightly tense test.

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I thought Jon Kyle was the narrator, but that didn’t sound like Jon Kyle. Does anyone know who it is?

Christopher Bartle

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FULL details;

I am in LOVE with Purple rain! He has the most lovely trot I have seen in some time. If he wasn’t behind the bit, I think he would have scored much higher.

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It is really interesting to listen to Carl Hester. He is very easy to understand, and you can see exactly what he is talking about. He really liked Wabbit, but mentioned where Jess could improve.


Absolutely lovely to start my day with a lesson from Carl :slight_smile:

I only caught about 6 rides (Pacific time here), which included Swallow Springs’ lovely test.

Now, do I need to be FBI to find a leaderboard? Even Eventing Nation only had a PDF of the top 10, with no link to the full results.


here you go!
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Do you need a subscription to see the content that link leads to ? Otherwise you reach a blank page.

I don’t know because I actually bought a subscription this time! Did you try the link? I got that from the official site.

There are several links that just show blank pages on their website. I couldn’t decide if it was a subscription thing. This is a better link for information; (doesn’t show anything on Saturday though)

It also has some useful tabs for Riders and Horses which tell you what time both are running.

I realized you have to scroll down from the “riders yet to go” (which is the only visible part on the live scores page) to see the leaders. But it’s scrolling within that box, not the whole page.