Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$

Maybe you gals could add that to your reading list. Small paperback but well worth the read. Heidi exercised “exit”. I’ll let you all read the concept of what our choices are with products, services, etc…

This is by far the best and most up to date news source on the web:

        <a href="http://www.drudgereport.com">Drudge Report</a>

It is my other addiction besides this board. But this place is by far more interesting.

The do-gooders who think they know what’s good for all of us are after me too with just plain cigarettes.

Please don’t blame the Republicans for all that, most I know don’t care a twit what you do with yourself in your own home. Mostly, they just want to protect their homes and therefore the gun laws that allow you shoot any intruder in your house.

You see that’s how even a good idea can get twisted out of shape. Now, I have all kinds of vices, I smoke, I love white russians (the drink), I eat lots of red rare meat and not much else that’s healthy. At 72 since it appears society thinks I’ve lived too long already I figure I should do whatever I want in my house. Do you know that the insurance company charges an extra $25 a month because my husband lives with me and I smoke cigarettes? Now after 48 years if he doesn’t have any respiratory problems why should they charge for 2nd hand smoke? I even read that you can lose your job if they find out you smoke regular cigaretes in your house on your own time. The reason, it boosts the cost of health insurance.

My personal feeling is the pharmaceutical companies are the ones opposed to smoking the other stuff because if it makes you happy you won’t need any other drugs that they sell. Heck! there’s certainly no problem getting prescriptions for mood altering and mind altering drugs from a doctor. I find that pretty hypocritical. My guess is that many of them are just extracts of the stuff that’s natural and illegal.

You see that’s problem everyone makes the big leap to believe that Big Business is what Republicans are when in fact during a Republican era there are more Mom and Pop businesses and home businesses than at any other time. Most of the big mergers and the big chain stores are developed when the other side is in under the pretext that it’s good for the people because it brings prices down. Balony and monopoly is never good for the people.

I don’t mind if the thread continues… it just needs to stay a little more on its off-topic topic, if that makes any sense.

The great evil sent to ruin us all.

The devil made us do it!

Foods that can be blamed for all the evils of the world. We are just victims! I mean we didn’t know they were bad until it was too late so now you can’t blames us for what we do.

We won the big war by giving all the troops an unlimited supply of cigarettes, could it be we have lost all the other wars because the troops don’t have cigarettes?

Imagine those who got the food packs didn’t know what peanut butter was. The all American staple food. Now perhaps we have an answer to the problem we need to send out missionaries to explain to them how good peanut butter is for you. If we had taught them about peanut butter, how could they ever hate us again?

We must have Ambssadors to go to see Bin Laden and explain that we are not the great Satan, or even infidels we are the victims of our diet and therefore need help and forgiveness not war. Just poor sinners looking to be saved with good food.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by brilyntrip:
I agree with you he is completely illiterate but … I said I do not know what he was doing at Harvard but studying the English language was not it . [QUOTE]

I’m not so sure that Erin and DMK are saying that our esteemed President is illiterate. It seemed to me that they were just commenting on his accent. Oh and if he were completely illiterate, he couldn’t have read the teleprompter. But I digress.

Can we, for once, not criticize the man and instead applaud his efforts? I’ve been lurking on many of these threads for the past week and you’re all starting to get on my nerves with your complaining about the intelligence of our President. Now is NOT THE TIME to tell me that you think he’s not up to the job. The future will show us that. It is the time, however, to unite behind our President, not divide the country further. For now, I’d like to feel safe in my office that is 2 blocks from the White House. I’d also like to mourn the loss of one of my firm’s partners, who had the bad luck to be on the flight that hit the Pentagon.

Maybe he isn’t the brightest light bulb in Washington, but he is our President and he deserves our support and respect, accent aside.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IlonaE:
Excellent speech by a true leader who has placed the most qualified people into key positions in our government. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Mmmmm. Would you be referring to the fellows Dubya has recycled from the Reagan and Bush senior administrations? The ones who did business with terrorists and traded arms for hostages, and lied about it? Ask Donald Rumsfeld about deposing democratically elected governments in Central America and how he spearheaded military training programs that taught Salvadoran and Nicaraguan operatives strategies that any outside observer would best describe as terror–disappearances, assassinations and the like. While Ronald Reagan was sound asleep at his desk. Are these the guys who fill you with so much confidence?

Sheesh. Always with Bill Clinton and his sex life. We can’t get enough of it! Clinton is a sleaze for a lot of reasons way more significant than what he did with a cigar (executing a retarded guy–who wanted to save his last meal for later–to show that he was tough on crime…using his position to fleece interest groups who came to him for help…). But at least he got some work done while he…you know.

Like a lot of us here, I want the perps brought to justice. But I guess for some people, being a non-Republican at a time like this is tantamount to treason. Oh, well. But I just can’t have overflowing confidence in a president who in a speech to the world, made not just one but TWO references to mounting a “crusade” against terror. Hello! Can we say “slap in the face” to the Muslim world? The scary part is that he did not appear to see any irony in his use of that term. He should have just come out and said, “I have no idea about the history of the Middle East and Central Asia, folks, and nobody ever briefed me on it!”

After skimming through this thread(I just didn’t have time for some of the really long ones), what Hobson, DMK and Hey You Nags have to say makes the most sense to me (also liked some of the responses from Kellybird and Palomino19.)

It seems that those with opposing viewpoints insist on painting them as being ridiculous, foolish peaceniks. But one of the things I hear them repeatedly say is simply that military action should be tempered with the use of more humanitarian methods to deal with the situation.

I guess it’s easier to think of points of view in shades of black and white (Democrat/Republican, for President Bush/Against President Bush (if you say anything against his speech patterns it must mean you don’t support the President), for the Afghanis/Against the Afghanis) but only the extremists who are most fanatical think in those terms.

The opinions of most reasonable people fall within a spectrum of shades of gray. If we respect this perhaps we can find some kind of middle ground for agreement.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. O’Connor:
Ironic to note that a significant portion of the income of terrorist groups is financed by trading in illegal drugs…perhaps if the war on drugs had been more successful…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don’t go there LOL!!! We could probably dedicate five or six hundred pages to THAT topic!!

And just imagine if we managed to blend the “to zero tolerance or not to zero tolerance your horse show philosophy” to it? EEEEKS!!! another 1000 pages to be sure!!!

Turns out Bueller had the “take the day off approach to Arab Studies!”

What a vision for the world to be. Wish American pols could think that far ahead.

…two thumbs up for Drudgereport! Newsmax and Foxnews are on top of my list as well. News that won’t be broadcast from NBC, CBS or ABC.

Yep, Ebola in Afghan and now Anthrax in Florida. I bet you all didn’t know, but a small amount of anthrax costing less than $500 could kill as many people as from a nuclear blast.

Not looking too good “folks”…

Ghiradelli chocolate chip cookies will never be replaced by generic brands in my tummy! Not all cookies are created equal…

Duffy, I’m blushing!


I had read something (from before the attacks) about how they planned to also provide supplies to merchants who travel into Afghanistan (from Pakistan, maybe?) with the idea that flooding the markets would help lower food prices.

Sorry I’m so vague on the details… it’s probably from the Washington Post article I linked to earlier in this topic. Anyway, point is, there were plans for things other than air drops – haven’t heard anything about whether or not those plans had actually been put in place or if they were working.

Good point M.O’C - wouldn’t the pig die as a martyr and be greeted with however many virgin pigs such things call for?

And of course, we won’t even discuss how quickly a female pig would be dispatched…

As a side note, Marvin Harris wrote a great little book called Cows, Pigs, Witches and Wars, which is about the origins of certain taboos like Mother Cow (India) and taboos against pork (shared by both major religions of the middle east). Fascinating stuff, and he makes a good case for strong economic reasons for the taboos.

I may a blonde girl from southern (well, central, originally) Virginia, but I can read, write AND ride! Y’all be careful - we only seem sweet, silly & innocent!

David G. - Thank you for realizing how powerful we southern girls really can be!

I have appreciated the fact that we have been allowed to discuss this non-horse related topic at length, but since it has degraded to simple name calling and nastiness, maybe it is time to close it.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by NP Fisher:
The Taleban today seized 1400 tons of food from the UN World Food Program.

(http://www.google.com to news source list to yahoo.com or bbc)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>>>

And the precious Taliban Clerics aren’t done yet.

I have just read this thread from start to finish. I don’t see how the murders of over 6,000 unarmed American citizens is a “gray” area. <<Baymare wrote: In real life, issues this big and complex just cannot be broken down into black and white, right and wrong. It’s not good guys, bad guys, Republicans, Democrats, terrorists, innocents. Morally speaking, it’s all grey area, and we have to be so careful and so clear in how we respond. We are all the same species, after all.>> To call it less than premeditated murder is like saying 14.2 hand “Stroller” could kinda jump big fences.

I hope GWB gets all our military forces in place and stops the Taliban dead in their tracks. Bless our troops, their families and our country.


I love a texas accent…and I’m from germany!Besides, EVERYONE has an accent…LOL…and New Yawk or the Baston ( or is it Boston) accent is the worst…you GO, George!! What an awesome President he is…let everyone eat their tongues now, all the detractors I mean.

Oops, nothing wrong with romances, heck, for every copy of MoJo I read, I read 10 issues of things like the Chronicle (yes, I read it for those perty horse pictures), or Martha Stewart. I even read People when at the Doctor’s office or gym! Just trying to point out more innocuous, less political reading material which may have been acceptable to our friend!

Ride it Like You Stole It…