Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$

The U.N. has had to stop delivering food aid because of the military strikes. So, even though the U.S. is air dropping meals, without the U.N. aid, there’s actually less food being delivered to starving people in Afghanistan.


<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by magnolia:

I have our solution - Fabio can go to Afghanistan and blind the Taliban with his rugged good looks and golden locks. (We can have David Hasselhof and Richard Dean Anderson as back ups.)

You see, magnolia, this is why we can never trust you as a leader.

Is he sending in DMK’s Peeps?

Ride it Like You Stole It…

Names, places, dates…*Which gas shortage? What town? Where can one obtain such a generator? (*The one in '73?-ish where I got to stay the weekends at my trainer’s barn for upwards of a year because my parents could only fill the gas tank so often and no more? I kind of enjoyed that one…)

Not unlike the announcers at stock car races who keep talking about the big brown Shitty. (Which means the big brown Chevy, if you take away the accent.)

I didn’t hear the speech, sadly, but I will look for the transcript tomorrow. You GO George!!

Sorry but I thought you’d think it was poetic justice!

Thought you would enjoy
[B]To Mr. Al Gore

Dear Al,

More votes found. You won. When do you want to take over?


George W. Bush[/B]

You know, things have been really really good for the past few years. Basically, if you have a job and are in pretty good health, you are doing well. Interest rates have enabled people to live well, and the vast majority of American citizens have a solid roof over their heads and plenty to eat. So there really has not been a whole heck of a lot to get all fired up about, as far as “politics” is concerned. It’s not like the USA was a third world oppressed country stuggling under a dictatorship. So we have been Mickey Mousing around with politicians, really nitpicking at them. However, this current crisis is letting the leaders get up and show us what they have. I think that we have been insightful enough to elect stong leaders who were burdened by “weak” platforms. Partisan lines are being erased as Americans band together to fight for and preserve what is at the core of us all - life, libety and freedom.

F44 - Once a nerd, always a nerd.

HYN – you are the best.
DMK - you are too.

I agree with you both.

MargaretF, who also believes in brevity.

It’s actually closer to the truth than you think - the onion, that is.

So which countries are on Bin Laden’s side?

F44 - Once a nerd, always a nerd.


it’s true that one must have a certain tolerance of taxes to put up with the welfare state. But the important point about it is that everyone benefits - even my upper-middle-class brother-in-law, who has a high-ranking position in a German bank, receives child care subsidies from the state. The system sustains itself not only on personal income taxes but also on heavier corporate taxation–and still small businesses prosper (better than here, anyway) and European coporations are taking over american ones. I visit Europe frequently - have family and friends there - and they all look pretty wealthy to me, so something is working.


I heard PM Blair speech when he gave it today and just now this part on a news clip:

< "Listen to the calls of those passengers on the planes. Think of the children on them told they were going to die. Think of the cruelty beyond our comprehension, as amongst the screams and the anguish of the innocent, those hijackers drove at full throttle planes laden with fuel into buildings where tens of thousands of people work.

They have no moral inhibition on the slaughter of the innocent. If they could have murdered not 7,000 but 70,000, does anyone doubt they would have done so and rejoiced in it? >

That summed it up for me.

If he wrote it he is indeed a gifted communicator.


Because of our petty bickering and beating up of our leaders they assumed we were all not very intelligent. Their measure is one of sophistication and good taste, manners and general appearance.

The package is very important to people who make their value judgments based on appearances and perception. They never looked underneath the surface of the “American cowboy”. I think too many people don’t realize the courage and purpose it took to pull up roots and sail across the pond to this strange undeveloped land between two oceans.

It was the desire for freedom of religion and democracy that powered those ships. Many couldn’t understand our welcoming the poor, the helpless and the underprivileged here. They come from a world where judgment was made on who you were related to (i.e, the royals).

I am very proud of the “American cowboy”, not just President Bush but all those tough men and women who fought the frontiers and moved west, living in unbelievably difficult times and circumstances they established the rule of law all over this great country. OK! they didn’t have much formal education, and they lacked some in manners, and from I’ve heard they didn’t smell really good either from sleeping with their horses but as tough and unpolished as they were they had guts and lots of common sense. Sure they weren’t perfect but they have been very much maligned and demeaned by history.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>if Republicans were truly about individual freedom, I’d be able to smoke a joint in my home without breaking the law. (OK that’s a gereralization, but that’s the imression I get from listening to NPR all day.) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

2 Democrats helped my boyfriend weasel out of some pretty serious marijuana related charges… Seems some pot smokers hold down good jobs, participate in the community by doing good, and aren’t violent… The DA wasn’t impressed by the officers description of him being a non-cooperative threat to society after the letters from a few politicians regarding his good deeds in the community!

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

hobson and HYN, would it be difficult for you to re-post your information about the UN workers and the food drops on the “So it’s war…” thread?

I’m glad (at least, I think I’m glad!) this thread wasn’t closed but it has really become a thread for all reasons. Posts directly related to the war might get the attention and focussed discussion which they warrant on the other thread.

M. O’Connor, may I respectfully disagree with your diagnosis of TFS (topic fatigue syndrome)? I think that Inverness is rather suffering from PTPS (post traumatic post syndrome), an entirely different condition. Whatever condition you are in, Inverness, I heartily agree with you, and hope you recover and rejoin us soon. Maybe on the “So it’s war…” thread.

ROTFLMAO! I love it - boobs for beards!

In answer to the David Hasselhoff queries, Cannes, 1996, standing in front of Mr. H., he gets rather animated explaining something of Great Importance I’m Sure, spittle flies from his mouth to my hair.

Love it, DMC!!

Nomatter how you say it, we’re a comin’!!

God guide our leaders and bless America!

my dad told me that he thought Bush’s speech was a little saber-rattling, the way Bush announced their plans to attack any country that does not immediatley hand over any members of the Alkaida (sp?) my dad was sitting there saying, ‘don’t give them a deadline, don’t give them a deadline’ to the tv screen. he thought that Bush should have made those demands in private, as it is a lot easier for one to give in when the rest of the world doesn’t know that they’ve been forced to give in.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pacificsolo:

Personally, I’d like for the world to empower the Afghani resistance so that they can resume living peacfully among each other without the Taliban’s rule. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Unfortunately, supporting Afghan rebels is what brought us to this sorry state.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> If you can clean a stall, you tell sh*t from substance. I’ve been a professional mucker AND worked in a law firm for 10 years. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So, Kryswyn, where was more sh*t slung???

The “War on Drugs” is the biggest waste of energy and tax dollars I have ever seen. It is so ineffectual. I hope they don’t use it as a model for the “War on Terrorism”!

Ride it Like You Stole It…

Worthy, we also have the problem here of people going to the ER and calling 911 for things like colds and very minor health problems. They usually do it because they don’t have health insurance, though, and can’t afford a visit to a GP.