Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$

I think we are long past the debate over Dubya’s accent, (and on to Clinton’s IQ) and the posts about Fabio and Peeps are pretty funny and might even serve to give some people a chuckle that need a chuckle.
If the topic bothers people, well, they can choose not to look at it anymore! What I see now is a good thing, heck, Snowbird even complimented Hobson’s idea!

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

I was merely agreeing with hobson that the “make no mistake about it” lingo has got to go…

Our NPR station in Charlotte is doing a fund drive right now. Every morning this week I am awakened by “If we can just get 10 pledges in the next 10 minutes, we’ll be so happy!” “OOOOOOOooooo, now we only need 8 more, keep calling in!” “Only 3 minutes left, that’s 2 calls a minute, c’mon, you can do it”.

Maybe we can have NPR take over the afghan radio station. They’ll surrender after listening to one day of the fund drive…

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

Weatherford… Janes is fascinating. Really, really scary, but fascinating… From the start, I felt that there might be much more going on then the media presents (like, WHERE in the hell is Dick Cheney?); and that Bin Laden might be no less of a pawn than the actual hijackers… I hate to agree with Bush on anything, but I think this IS going to be an ONGOING battle, and Bin Laden is only the start…

I dunno JumpHigh, I think it is much “GROSS”-er to joke about KKK meetings than jke about oral sex. And under 16? someone said something about 10-year-olds having oral sex…none of this surprises me of course, being the misguided youth of America, raised by two Democrats and allowed to freely converse with the outside world…and shhh I thought Clinton was a good Pres.–NOT however for the reason that I’m sure you will suggest.

People honestly believe that oral sex has increased do to: an intern with an affinity for older men and an older man with an affinity for interns who wear bad lipstick colors??

Trust me, Clinton didn’t make [slang for oral sex removed because being 22 days under 16, I shouldn’t know such things] cool…ask anyone in my highschool, and I doubt they’d say that they’re trying to be like Bill.

OK, I’m done for now. That whale looks like it needs saving!


<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>we are being tricked into blaming bin laden,
>afganistan, and the whole bit. this goes to the heart
>of the three free boys. aren’t they sly ? pitching a
>war and a battle cry to the world audiance, ruffle
>some fathers, remind us who is in control, put one
>half of the globe against the other, strike perfect
>fear in peoples’ hearts, help boost an idiots approval
>rating, save his ass and the economy that is stuffed
>up it, confuse the already bewildered, and take
>another blood soiled step in their devilish scheme.
>aren’t they clever ? terrorists indeed, intergalactic
>schematics on a scale greater than our puny minds can
>comprehend. the stage is ripe with anticipation, bring
>it on ! let’s show 'em how big, bad, and tough we are
>! let’s remind them of who’s in charge. and then let’s
>tell them the truth. indeed they are tricky.
>everyone pointing the finger at the ground mongers,
>never thinking to look up. may tricks my friend, may
>tricks. but they don’t fool me. tri and tri as they
>might, they still shall lose the fight. so - let them
>play their earth games, i am playing on a field that
>they cannot disrupt. no, not anymore. i have the best
>allie ever imagined. just remember - confusion,
>hatred, inustice, seperatism, f.e.a.r. ( false
>existence appearing real ), and spiritual rot are
>their focus, their game plan, and their fuel. cut off
>the source and they are defeated. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yikes, from a friend of a friend who thinks the aliens inserted a chip in his brain. However, a good example of the distrust many people feel for our government…

and for all the crazy garbage he spouts, this line is wonderful and is how we must fight terror

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> just remember - confusion,
>hatred, inustice, seperatism, f.e.a.r. ( false
>existence appearing real ), and spiritual rot are
>their focus, their game plan, and their fuel. cut off
>the source and they are defeated. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey JumpingHigh - I agree with the “village” reference. The village did a lousy job at raising this generation coming up - it takes a FAMILY to raise children. If you want a career - you are entitled to one - I made that choice BUT I feel a small child needs a parent at home with them for the first few years. O.K. so you lifestyle (which usually equates to STUFF) has to change a little - then so be it. Those years can never be recovered and I’ll take the slings and arrows - DAY CARE MAKES HOMOGENIZED KIDS. It forces small children into a day that starts and ends with hours equivilant to a factory worker. Their activities are on a schedule - even when they eat and pee. IT ISN’T WORKING.

Regarding DMK’s post - wow…what an ego - like we needed to know the books on your bedstand. Who has time to read in bed??? I have a breeding business and fall into bed, head hits the pillow and I’m out!! But you seem to be very solid in your leftist leanings - I guess someone has to be way out there. What’s the old saying??? If you aren’t a Democrat when you are young …you don’t have a heart, if you aren’t a Republican as an adult…you don’t have a brain?? tee hee.

[QUOTE] Punctuation is also a handy friend to have when feeling epic. [/QUOTE

Y’all are hilarious…
Betsy (in MD)

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jumphigh83:
well guess what?? Bush may have opened a can of whoop a$$ but I have a case of kiss my a$$ in my cupboard. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow Jumphigh83! I hope you are taking your blood pressure medication.

…got your Anthrax shots yet???

Slightly off topic, but I just have to mention the Russian airliner that went down yesterday. Does anyone think it odd the the US government was quick to say that it was brought down by a missle? Remember the TWA 800 flight that many people thought it was brought down by a missle, but the government was quick to say that it was an explosion on board?

<<a formal declaration of war?>>

I believe that the closest thing to a formal declaration was the President’s address to the joint session of Congress, in which he formalized his intention to destroy the capabilities of terror organizations with worldwide reach…

In order to formally declare war, I believe it is necessary to do battle with an actual entitiy, which in the traditional sense would be another nation state–though the Taliban harbors the terrorists, it isn’t a government recognized by the US…and the battle against terrorism will not, as I understand it, necessarily be confined to Afghanistan…I don’t guess my understanding of the situation is any more clear than the next person’s…it has been promised that this will be a war unlike any other, and so far, that has been pretty accurate…

Re: insurance, DMK, I stand in awe! How anyone can make sense of any part of that business is beyond me…I went to the ER twice last winter while we were in Ocala, each time one of the girls had cut a finger (unrelated incidents, I swear I am a fit mother!); the first time we ended up with no stiches, just a band aid, the second no stiches, and a fancier bandage…the first visit ended up being $125 for the ER plus $120 for the doctor, and the second was $220 and $85 for the doctor…so basically, it was $245 for the first bandaid, and $315 for the second. I really think that this was a tad expensive, despite the fact that we do have insurance, I don’t think it was too great that the ins company paid these overpriced bills so quickly…

IlonaE–after I read your beautiful post on the other thread, I couldn’t believe my eyes reading that you think this thread should be shut down…don’t you get it? Our forces are over there fighting so that we CAN engage in free discussions…and I’d be hard pressed to find a freeer one than this (freeer? 3e’s in a row?)! I think we are a fine example of freedom, and can be proud of our discussion and the wide range of views expressed here. Not to mention that unless I have overlooked something, this seems to be the COTH BB’s all time most popular thread in terms of number of views…

What, do you think I’m a friggin commie like you? I don’t wear red and I don’t run. Heck, if those darn eco-nuts would just stop telling us what to do and let us drill the ANWR we would never need oil again from those darn creeps again. But then again, those are the same people that want us to only eat granola and soybeans and wear eco-shoes. And that’s probably what Bin Ladebn would make us do if he took over - drink soy milk. oh yes, and he’d make us wear sandals too.

BTW, I bet we could modify hemp plants so that they don’t produce that evil marijuana stuff… then we could grow hemp! Which Thomas Jefferson grew. And, we had farmers grow it for WW1 (made great rope and other things).

OK, I need to have a nice glass of water and a nap.

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

Well, bgoosewood, that would only work if the oil companies do not currently hold the patents for hemp-oil fuel technology, as they do with clean fuel-cell patents, which they will not make available to industry.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Palomino19:
Was anyone else upset by Ms. Clinton’s behavior last night? It seemed everytime the camera panned to her she was either talking to the person next to her, or looking generally uninterested. Maybe they just caught her at the wrong times.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LAST NIGHT?? Okay, I’ll be nice…

Things sure have a strange way of working out…just a year ago, Rudy Giuliani withdrew from running for the senate (against H. Clinton), and is supposed to finish up his term as mayor at the end of 2001. Now it looks like New Yorkers aren’t ready to let him go, and there is a big future for Rudy.

Oh, I guess I read that long, long passage a lot differently than you guys did. I took Mr Loose Cannon Pastor as an example of why one must tread very carefully when invoking God on our side.

“God requires nations to avenge wrongs perpetrated against its people.”

Does God really? Which God would this be? Our attackers probably thought they had God’s high sign when killing thousands of people. God’s payback time. Yet Pastor Holy War did not appear to see the irony in claiming God’s blessings to wage war in return.

“The reality is that the F-15 pilot who drops a bomb load on those who are clearly implicated as enemies, is also a ‘minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil’”

Yikes. Surely I’m not the only person who sees something sick and twisted about that statement.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: strident militaristic fundamentalism is a dangerous thing whether its Christian, Islam or Jewish in origin.

I agree we are a nation of complainers. I love to complain about taxes and then ask why we don’t feed the starving masses. I suppose this makes me different from a liberal that doesn’t mind the taxation. I just hate that, for example, we gave the Taliban millions of dollars to fight it’s drug war, meanwhile, while said drug war is fought, people who could have been fed with the money starve. A great example happened here in Charlotte - while we were considering spending some 750 million on a basketball arena (100% taxpayer funded) someone asked that the city might pay it’s workers a living wage. Well, the mayor thought that was so darn socialist… but the basketball arena is not? So, I am tired of hypocrisy in our own government.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> No one is plotting to be mean spirited, sure maybe we have made some bad decisions and maybe we have some bad politicians but I think we have learned from our mistakes. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The only statement I really disagree with you on this statement. We DO NOT learn from our mistakes. We make the same ones over and over and over again. What’s the saying, History repeats itself?

anyhow, while I’m quote happy
May you live in interesting times! Confucious?

Ride it Like You Stole It…

Over 60% of the Taliban “Clerics” who are currently in Afganistan are Pakistani, NOT Saudis.
I hope it is beginning to dawn on folks the EXTENT and spread of this cancer upon civilization.

Did anyone else hear Tony Blair’s speech this AM??
(10/2) Unbelievable…Please get a transcript and READ it!!!

“It’s not a thread–it’s an adventure!”

This is the third time I’ve agreed with you on this thread.

Scarey…very scarey…

Just a short rejoinder >>>

Snowbird you just said, somewhere up there that Republicans are for individual liberties over the collective … and that might be true, as long as I am not talking about the individual liberty to have or not have children, to choose my mate, or practice some other part of my individual nature that “they” have decided is bad for me.