Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$

Oh, Professor Hobson, call on me! I read the Jane’s article!

Also interesting reading - a couple of articles in today’s Washington Post detailing efforts to kill or capture Bin Laden during the (dare I say it?) Clinton administration.

Check them out at www.washingtonpost.com

Has the Arab studies midterm exam been scheduled yet?

Maybe certain irascible posters should be treated as trolls, and ignored. I’ll try it, as of now. Shunning - it’s the Puritan thing to do.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. O’Connor:

I was wondering, exactly, what it is they want me to buy, that I don’t already have, anyway? I mean, I really can’t complain–new truck, trailer, horse…I’m buying lots of hay, shavings, feed…food…and new turnouts for the critters…but, I already have a computer, a CD player, a TV, a VCR, a scanner…0% financing is drawing alot of people I know to the car dealerships this week, but I dont’ need a car…I guess if I was being really greedy, I could do with a digital camera, but truthfully, I’m not that greedy I guess…so the economy is going to have to recover without me…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tongue in cheek you may be, but I find Bush’s call to economic action to be a serious cry. Speaking as someone who has personally been affected by Sept. 11th in the old paycheck department, the grim reality for many of us is that without a fast economic recovery, those of us working in industries hard hit by this disaster could well lose our homes in the process. So buy that stupid digital camera. Or better yet, invest in something to support your country.

I’m pretty sure many children can do without their Ritalin. I’d act out too if I was an 11 year old forced to sit all day and learn about phonics. I’d be watching the birds outside as well. Maybe instead of drugging kids, we need to give them frequent breaks and let them outside instead of cutting their recess (oh yes, but then they wouldn’t pass the tests). We give our young horses more breaks! Does anyone on this BB find it acceptable to drug a young horse so he’ll focus when you train him, or do we let the horse be a horse and only demand his attention for short spans?
My mom was a teacher, and I know she had a few ADD kids and appreciated what it did for them, but she also thought ADD was over diagnosed and a lot of it was just plain old lazy, hyper or spoiled kids.
Also, what effect does it have on the brain? I thought it was very similar to cocaine in that it stimulates neurons in the brain…

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

should be underfoot, or giving away information that would aid and abet the enemy before the fact. What he was saying was that military actions - even, or perhaps even especially, in war - need to be accountable in a democratic country. I gather (not from his interview but from accounts of events in Vietnam and elsewhere) that he was burned a few times himself in terms of believing a govt version of events only to find out many years hence that all was not as it was reported to be by govt and/or military officials.

Isn’t that why media is traditionally allowed to protect their sources?

Snowbird - very, very good point.

I’m on another board on which some posters appear to take the POV that the U.S. must do all the compromising and all the understanding of other cultures.

Or the other cultures won’t like us.

IMO,it goes both ways.

Of course, I’m Scots-Irish & assorted feudin’ northern European heritage - we don’t forgive and we never forget.

George W. Bush did indeed go to Yale, as did his father, and both were members of Skull & Bones, the powerful secret society based there.

Magnolia, I think we can very safely say that the speech was written for him and he did not wing it. Pres. Bush has a very different speech pattern when speaking extemporaneously than when reading prepared statements – his normal speech pattern is filled with pauses and use of “uh” as a filler while he thinks of what he wants to say next. (Something which drives me crazy because I was taught long ago to be aware of and consciously avoid the use of “er” and “uh” and “um” and other such non-word sounds as fillers for pauses. But that’s my own pet peeve. ).

I thought it was an excellent speech, very well written and delivered surprisingly well. It did hit the right notes and was what much of the country needed to hear.

And Robby, I agree with you on Tony Blair.

Let’s all try to get along! We’ve had many democrat vs. republican debates here that ended badly, and I don’t want this thread to turn out to be one of them.

I honestly tried to stay out of this one, but…

Forget the history of the Middle East, there’s a
simpler reason that the US should not drop its
support of Israel. It would simply be a be a lousy rotten lowdown thing to do. Israel has been a loyal friend and ally to the US for our entire history. There has never been a time when
Americans were not welcome in Israel–and when
the 6th Fleet was not welcome in Haifa!. We have
gone along with American efforts on the peace
process–it was Arafat who walked out. In the Gulf War we sat patiently and let the Iraqis shoot missles at us and didn’t retaliate, because Bush Sr. asked us to (and that was no fun at all!).

We’re your friends. It’s as simple as that. And
you don’t turn your back on your friends to please
you enemies. Or at least we didn’t used to in


OK, I’ve tried desperately not to post on this thread–can’t take it any more.

  1. Ted Nugent is a “naturalist”??? Guess that makes Gengis Khan an “anthropologist”.

  2. As an American voter I have to say that George Bush is not “my” president. I neither voted for him, nor have I supported pretty much anything he’s done since he got inot office. If he ran for election tomorrow, I doubt I’d vote for him. HOWEVER, as an American citizen, I feel he has done a good job leading our country through this time of unparalleled difficulty, and I think he has surrounded himself with many brilliant, grounded, educated men and he has committed himself to following their advice–not an insignificant achievement for somone wearing the mantel “Leader of the Free World”. He has my unconditional support for the action he has taken thus far, and the action he is about to undertake.

But there will come a time, maybe next year, maybe next month, maybe three years from now, when he will have to return to domestic affairs, all the petty difficulties like abortion, hte over-coziness between church and state, the economy, and the rape of our natural lands, and however brilliantly he’s handled this crisis will STILL NOT SWAY ME TO BELIEVE HE REPRESENTS ME OR THE POLICIES I BELIEIVE IN. He doesn’t, and never will. This crisis has proven he’s a better leader than I feared he would be, it still doesn’t win him my vote.

It IS possible to congratulate and support him on a job well done, and still not feel he is a president worthy of my vote. But, the beauty is, that’s my perogative.

Thank you Heidi, especially for using the word in a sentence! Are you an english teacher? My mom is and she goes nuts over poor spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

Ride it Like You Stole It…

I didn’t whine about all that "terra"ist stuff and the other mispronunciations that filled pages so give me a little slack please. You call it oral sex, I was talking about his method for discussing matters of state.

I understand he just needed some stress relief.

There’s no point in replying to people who just don’t get it because their only means of judgment is their own interests.

I doubt that there is anyone on the BB that couldn’t be located if someone really cared enough. I don’t think there is anyone who seriously believes that anyone on this BB is anonymous totally.

I do think these BB’s are an opportunity to get some to consider the politically less than correct as a slim possibility. Yes! the world at large buys the package and not the goods. If this were not so they wouldn’t be paying $5 for a box of cereal that’s only 90% filled. Why pay 5 times as much for a name brand? A chocolate cookie is a chocolate cookie afterall.

Horses are herd animals and as I perceive them most horse people are equally herd animals. Why else would they all flock to huge shows, have their pockets picked by management and be grossly uncomfortable in crowded conditions? Especially when it’s so easy to have quality C Shows close to home and be an individual.

Horse people like the horses spook easily at anything new and strange, have great memories but little cognitive ability. They are creatures of habit and migrate as a herd. Either that or the “Borg” are real and they need to be a part of the whole rather than an individual responsible for themselves.

Perhaps we have been invaded and assimulated by the Borg without even knowing that it happened. There are aliens among us.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Snowbird:

I promise not to use up your money on me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah yes, the joys of Medicare, Medicaid, private health insurance, risk pools, the uninsured, and those clever little games that hospitals play in order to adjust their DRG payments And I would be remiss if I forgot to mention insurance companies who cost shift to knock the unhealthy risk pools off their watch…

Sad thing about your statement Snowbird, is I PROMISE you, you are the LAST person who has a say in this…

That isn’t a comment on the value or lack thereof of any of the aforementioned systems, just an observation based on many years of being neck deep in a system that has redefined SNAFU.

SLW - to your point, on the surface you only pay for the pool of risk associated with your insurance company. The reality is a lot more complicated. If your area has a lot of uninsured, they still get medical care, albeit only when they are drastically ill, and therefore quite costly, but I promise you, the hospital does not eat those costs. Even if there is no state funding available to that hospital (a la private hospital), as long as it accepts Medicare (they all do), that “uninsured write off” gets handled in two ways. First and foremost, it affects the rate the federal government pays that hospital for their Medicare patients (over 65), secondly, it changes their Reasonable & Customary (R&C) modifier. I’ll give you a hint they both go in the same direction, and it ain’t down…

So while we do not have national health care, in that we make an effort at preventing disease in ALL of our citizens, we do treat them all when they are very ill, and we do all pay for it. Probably the single most rational argument for nationalized health care is that it would save money.

Now I’m not for a national health care system 99.99% of the time, but I promise you, if you spend your life looking at how badly broke the system is here, there are days you start to wonder… even though it would mean the end to your somewhat well paying job…

Thanks for that info, jparkes.

So, let’s save ourselves the trouble and give the food to US citizens right here at home who are hungry. There are plenty of them.

There’s been such a traducing undercurrent for the past 40 years or so, to destroy the U.S. from within before triggering a great war. And it looks as though the plan is working…

Sad and scarey!

<<Welll Mary --Now I have heard everything !! but pigs on board would be a detracter from islamic terrorists wouldn’t it !>>

Nah–we already concluded it would only deter those who are truly devout–the mean ones would carry on with their evil ways.

Ok, I’m totally confused here, where exactly and when exactly has Bush or anyone in his cabinet mentioned that we are going to bomb Afghanistan? Please enlighten me as I seemed to have missed this important point along the way. Yet many of you are against what you are calling “war” and attacking Afghanistan. Again I ask you, where and when did this information come to light??

All I’ve been hearing is for requests that Afghanistan cooperate with turning over Bin Laden. We’ve asked not invaded or launched an assault. They have said no, so now what should we do. Just let it slide. We did the nice nice thing, well nice nice is over now. Choke up Bin Laden or suffer the consequences. Bush has never mentioned just what those consequences would be.

Why are you assuming that this is what they have in mind? Or do you know something that I don’t?

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!!

I for one don’t think of democrats as anti-christs, and I thank you for the clarification on “Jihad.” I read in an interview with a Muslim leader here in VT that even motherhood can be considered a form of jihad. Can it ever!

In real life, issues this big and complex just cannot be broken down into black and white, right and wrong. It’s not good guys, bad guys, Republicans, Democrats, terrorists, innocents. Morally speaking, it’s all grey area, and we have to be so careful and so clear in how we respond. We are all the same species, after all. Time to go back and read Shylock’s famous speech in Merchant of Venice.

Yet another interesting article - I had never realized this …

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> And for the record, I am not a democrat, nyah nyah. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I think people have forgotten the whole Bush vs Gore topic… I do believe we all came to the consensus that all politicians lie except Ralph Nader…
Do you think if Ralph was president that we would send over shoddy American products to Afghanistan like those bad tires as a form of covert terrorism?
Boy, Mr. Bin Laden sure did open quite a can of worms. I kind of miss the old school bickering over school vouchers and tax cuts.

Ride it Like You Stole It…

My husband is 77 and just had triple by-pass surgery. Since he is retired and the prognosis doesn’t guarantee a long productive number of years should the state waste money on his surgery?

Are you trying to tell me that his health-
insurance company is happily throwing money at him? Aren’t most senior citizens already dealing with Medicare because the HMOs don’t want them?

Speaking of People magazine (someone was, for what reason I don’t know), do read the recent piece on the family who sued their medical insurers for denying their anorexic daughter medical care her doctor says was essential. (Why bother with therapy or rehab when you can pump the patient full of low-cost drugs?) Daughter eventually committed suicide; family won the case…