Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$

Frankly, I would be disturbed if everyone agreed with me and even more disturbed if everyone agreed with Ilona. Debate is very healthy, but it should not be reduced to petty name calling etc.etc.
Snowbird, I am sure that you have been through a lot in your life, but my life isn’t all hunky-dorey either. I have been through some bad stuff, lived in some bad neighborhoods and known some people who have really gotten a bad lot in life. There are still people in this nation that suffer from homelessness, malnutrition and other hardships. Many of them are even employed… which is disgraceful that someone should give another man 40 hours a week of his life and not be paid enough to afford both shelter and nutritous foods.
I think we all agree that terrorism=bad things. I don’t think anyone has condoned their actions. I also haven’t heard anyone suggest we let the terrorists get away with this. I think we all agree on the basics.
Heidi, I hope we haven’t pushed you away. Your wit is often stellar at diffusing tense situations.
Honestly, this topic is like a really good movie. There is violence, sass, humor, deep thought and even a little romance ala Fabio.

Ride it Like You Stole It…

An unregenerate liberal, Molly Ivins

Molly’s most recent column


“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”

We’ve had much longer fluff topics/clique ramblings/etc. This is the longest topic of substance that I can remember. Even the infamous Bush vs. Gore epic topped out in the high 20s, I think.

I was thinking the same thing M.O’C!

I mean I think I could go with a little more latitude on this issue if we were talking Hinduism and Sacred Cows…

Canter, I’ll bet it’s like when someone is accepting their Oscar, and is trying so hard not to forget anyone that they overlook the REALLY IMPORTANT people… like Mom, the S/O, etc.

So look at it this way… Canada is SO important that it almost goes without saying that y’all are the US’s best buddy.

It seems those of you on the right are not even reading that most have agreed with the speech.

My comments were the only things I disliked about the speech. Then as sweet Snowbird mentioned, the God being a man thing had all been brought up before. I guess I can’t keep up with every dialogue on this board, and quite honestly, I’m glad.

I felt pretty united, until I started reading pages 6 and 7 on this board. Thanks again oh right wingers.

The Taleban today seized 1400 tons of food from the UN World Food Program.

(www.google.com to news source list to yahoo.com or bbc)

ROFLMAOPIMP Flash! Where do you find this stuff?

Everyone always talks about waiting lists for surgeries and diagnostic services etc. but the odd thing is, my own experience has been contrary - in the past 5 yrs, my daughter has needed MRI’s on more than one occasion, and never had to wait more than 10 days - i think the system must include a priorizing step to make sure that more urgent needs are met. Or maybe it differs greatly between provinces.

What i do know, is that no parent in Canada ever has to make that horrible choice between putting food on the table or taking their child to the doctor when they weren’t quite sure if it was really serious…for those of us involved in the horsey sports, that might not seem like such a big deal, but think about what it means to the parent of below average means…

No doubt also the high infant mortality rate in the US - higher i believe than any European country by a considerable degreee and higher (dare i mention) than Cuba’s - is another unfortunate consequence…

Please don’t leave. Ignore the posts that are clearly redundant or offensive - lots of us do that. Participate in the ones which are informed and productive, and keep adding to them as you usually do!!!

To appreciate heaven well
'Tis good for a man to have some fifteen minutes of hell.
Will Carleton (1845-1912)

So Duffy, where were you when your fellow moderator was considering “what should I do next…maybe oral sex…” (paraphrasing)?? Gynicological exam is disgusting? I fail to see the rational there. This board is a sad statement about the lack of moral character instilled in todays young adult. It is scarey what they consider acceptable behavior. I can’t come to these boards anymore. It is too depressing. This Country is doomed.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Please don’t blame the Republicans for all that, most I know don’t care a twit what you do with yourself in your own home. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Unfortunately, most that I know want the druglaws, including marijuana, even used in one’s own home, no selling etc… prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. In my boyfriends case, he was facing 65 years in prison, and was NOT charged with trafficking or dealing, just possesion. Unfortunatly, people like Sue Myrick feel that someone like him should serve his 65 years because (and her words) “It’s the law”. The democrats thought it ludicrous. (Apparently the DA is a dem.). It may just be a southern thing, but our lovely examples of republicans in my state - Sue Myrick and Jesse Helms aren’t exactly for personal freedoms.

Just for you, I’m gonna buy myself a pint of Ben & Jerry’s at the grocery today!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Yes, but wouldn’t it have been even worse had she said a chocolate chip cookie is a chocolate chip cookie…Can you IMAGINE comparing Toll House cookies with Chips Ahoy???

Gee, thanks Duffy, just keep on talking about food. If you do, I maybe able to resesicutate (sp?) the economy this evening when I go to the grocery store! (and later when my pants don’t fit and I need to ahem… go up a size!)

SIGH - more of the “damned if we do, damned if we don’t” group heard from.

Didn’t the Twinkie Defense claim that the crime was committed during a sugar high? Fortunately, that will probably be the first and last time the Twinkie Defense ever rests…

DMK, does that book you just mentioned claim economic reasons for food taboos? I had always heard that the basis for the taboos was health - i.e., ancient civilizations were able to make an association between consumption of pork, or other taboo foods, and disease, long before we identified trichinella, tapeworm cysts, etc. in meat.

Ooops, shouldn’t say anything bad about pork, or I’ll be slapped with a lawsuit by the other white meat people.

That pig-on-a-plane thing, wasn’t it an alleged “assistance animal”? A seeing eye pig or something. The seeing white meat.

Very often drop the “r” too. In my hometown of good old Mobile, Alabama, it’s not uncommon to hear old families talk about having a glass of “wohta” (water) and going on and on about their “mohtha” (mother).

I guess I’ve watched too much “That’s My Bush” because when he pauses and gets a blank look on his face, I start to laugh and cannot take him seriously. I always do my best Mystery Science 3000 impressions and say, “now, was it the lasagna or the baked zitti that I liked so well at Macaroni Grill?” or another totally off-the-wall comment.

His speech was great, I thought. I think it was perceived as being greater, simply because of the energy in the room. And I think it was a speech that America really needed to hear. I was actually a little worried that a hi-jacked airplane, or strategically-placed bomb, could’ve wiped out the leaders of our government in one fell swoop. The reign of terror seems to be taking over, despite the lack of further terrorist acts. I just read that film studios in Hollywood are on high alert by the FBI as possible terrorist targets in a retaliation against any US military strikes against Afghanistan. I hate having to look over my shoulder now. We all were robbed of innocence on September 11.

Oh, I did love Bush’s sentiments regarding Muslims and I thought he was EXCELLENT in delivering that vein of the message. I could tell he firmly and whole-heartedly respects traditional Muslims and I am happy that he made the distinction between the radical Islamic religion the terrorists practice. Though it took me twice to register he was calling it a “fringe” or Islam and I could’ve sworn he said, “French.”

And, finally, Tony Blair has always given me fever. He is very much a hottie.


In a week where I didnt find humor in much of anything, thanks for the good hearty chuckle I got from your observations. it didnt occur to me til y’all brought it up. Proud to be 'merican.

To me there are still grey areas…

For me, this whole issue of Pakistan is a grey area. I worry that if/when we use Pakistan military bases (or any place in the country) to launch strikes/operations against the Taliban, Al Qa’edah and bin Laden, we run the risk of destabilizing the current Pakistan government. I worry that the Pakistan pro-Taliban insurgents could seize control of the government - by all accounts they are well entrenched in the military and intelligence sectors. A violently anti-american group, who would happily fund anti-american terrorist activities and would control a country that has nuclear weapons. This would raise the stakes considerably, in my opinion.

Another grey area for me is Syria, Saudia Arabia, Egypt and Jordan. All of these countries are allies or at least non-hostile to America. All have terrorist cells (non-sanctioned) within their countries. All battle a strongly anti-american fundamentalist faction within their country. But to get at these terroris cells, we will need the aid and information of local law officials. We will run the risk of creating an enviroment rife for coup and power struggles if we handle it less than perfectly. The room for error on our part is miniscule. Again, I worry about the repercussions if we fail.

It’s not that I don’t think our government is keenly aware of these issues. In fact Colin Powell is probably one of the best people to be Secretary of State at this time. It’s just that we are on a very shaky and tenuous path at this moment in our history. We have no choice but to be on this path - the events of September 11 have clearly shown us that, but that makes it no less dangerous…

So those are the “grey” things that keep me up at night. But yes, I would lead the pack in wishing it was as simple as going in and getting our man, and knowing that after we did, all was right in our world.

And Heidi - I do like your idea of swathing your head. It would certainly cut down on the advil

of the last 50 years… And I ain’t omitting anyone - dem, rep, tory, whig, communist, monarchist, you name it

[I]You put the dictator in
You take the dictator out
You put another faction in
And you shake it all about

You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn your policy around
That’s what it’s all about!

You put the leftist in
You take the leftist out
You put another faction in
And you shake it all about

You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn their country upside down
That’s what it’s all about!

You put a president in
You take the president out
You put in another faction
And you shake it all about

You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about![/I]

Let’s not judge books by their covers, people. Even a book featuring on its cover Fabio in a pirate costume and a bodice-busting lady in distress/throes of ecstasy may very well contain important observations about the human condition, and keen analyses of the prevailing socioeconomic order.