Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$

Among the debates last night on “Politically Incorrect” was one premised on the need to know the enemy before launching a retaliatory strike.

Two of the panelists took great offence at this notion and interpreted it as a Freudian exercise rather than the basis of a sound military strategy.

I think part of the debate which has raged on this thread is also premised on that basic disagreement; and the lines drawn have been between those who’d rather deliberate and gather information - and those who feel we must act hard, we must act now, and we must do so without further delay. And of course, throw into the mix political disagreements, insinuations, assumptions, suspicion, some mean words (to which I’ve admittedly contributed), differing opinions on how best to spend an evening in bed, literary tastes; and, sadly enough, tension between the pro and anti-Fabio factions.

We are all somehow affected and we all share a sense of grief and helplessness. I won’t presume to possess the insight to second-guess our military response so I’ll bow out of that argument. BTW, thank you, vineyridge, ma’am ( ), for posting the most insightful and frighteningly complex letter from Richard Kidd.

I do think, though, that this thread presents us an opportunity to affect change in our own microcosmic way by addressing how best we, virtual strangers strewn throughout the world and North America, can best help out our fellow horsemen and women at this time of sociopolitical and economic distress.

Hugs to you Canter and I hope you know that I’m here to lend you an ear, a shoulder, or share with you a pitcher of sour apple martinis.

Inverness is suffering from TFS–“topic fatigue syndrome”

Take two hacks through the woods, sit back on the hay, and you’ll feel better by morning feed.

But Mac Gyver and Baywatch are universally loved by the whole world. Why, I bet if we offered Pamela Anderson as a trade for Bin Laden, the Taliban would ship his but right over.
Look, Hobson, those books and NPR put you in a fantasy world.

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

LOL - Is he saying that there will be no terra in 'merca?

I confess, I have to wait for the written transcript when he speaks - something about that man’s voice that makes my spine crawl away!

Danish plant converts hog waste into gas, water.(Brief Article)
Issue: Feb 15, 2000

A Danish firm is marketing a new “bio-plant” that can convert pig waste into water, gas and manure, saving farms from pollution problems and storage costs.

“Our system filters and refines usable elements in pig slurry, changing the animals’ stinking excreta into water, gas energy and fertilizer manure,” says managing director Poul Ejnar Rasmussen of Bioscan, the firm manufacturing the slurry separator system.

“The system does away with the need for slurry tanks and the smell they cause, piping off recyclable elements in the slurry for further use,” Rasmussen says.

Bioscan’s slurry plant is currently undergoing tests in central Denmark, tapping excreta from some 20,000 pigs, providing energy to a local electricity works and heating to five farms, and water of drinking quality.

Interest from abroad has been considerable, and plants are to be set up in Japan and the United States next year, Rasmussen says.

@griculture [Online.sup.TM]


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“The optimist fell ten stories,
And at each window bar,
He shouted to the folks inside,
‘Doing alright so far!’”


I’m not! I’m not!!

I’ve got my New Yawwwwwk accent!

Afghanistan has been harboring terroist for 20 years. Russia couldn’t get rid of them, Great Britain couldn’t get rid of them. 1 million Afghan people lost their lives about in the 1980s, and the terrorists (the Mujahardin who were trained by the Americans) won.

F44 - Once a nerd, always a nerd.

I mean, the sentences contain semi-colons, and are longer than 8 words…

Ooops, did I just throw gasoline on the fire?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JulieMontgomery:

So you are the arbiter of substance?


If you can clean a stall, you tell sh*t from substance. I’ve been a professional mucker AND worked in a law firm for 10 years.

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”


I guess those of us who heard the reasons our grandparents LEFT oppression enjoy and will stand up and defend freedom. Peace is the ultimate reward but negotiating with murderers is an endgame in itself.

BTW - Ilona was my paternal grandmother’s name - though she was from Slovakia - but the name IS Hungarian - quite common as I understand.

I’ll email you what I know no my maternal grandmother but it’s so minimal - she was from a small village - an orphaned peasant who’s relatives in PA sent for her to come to America! She LOVED this country and really instilled in all of us that love of both our heritage in Eastern Europe and our country the USA. Love it or leave it I say!!!

And to those who would creep sideways when it comes time to stand up against terrorism - OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!! tee hee (Now do they know about Marie Antoinette?? or isn’t that in the history of the world according to Politically Correct women??)

Ever read or listen to any cowboy poetry? Very cool stuff.
Betsy in MD

Are you sure you aren’t a libertarian? My main beef with republicans (excepting the environment, and their love affair with corporate interests (not that the Dems are squeaky clean on those fronts either!)) is their moral crusading against our rights. I think we should be able to do whatever we want as long as we don’t hurt others.
I think you’d like libertarians - personal liberties and true free markets - also very down to earth candidates!

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

I hope you’re not calling me a multiple personality???

No, I just thought it might be a good idea to separate the war posts out of the (very interesting) general discussion threads…maybe it’s a terrible idea…whatever works best!

Tranquilizer darts

Blowguns or pistols modified to shoot tranquilizer darts.

If they can bring down an elk or a rhino, they can certainly bring down a hijacker.

And if you use a blowgun, you don’t need to worry about shooting holes in the plane.

Now back to Arab Studies 101

I went out to give Elliot a brushing and do his carrot exercises.
So I missed it!!!
Hope to catch it on rerun sometime.

They had a really sad article in todays paper about the afghan refuges trying to get to Pakistan. They are utterly clueless and afraid of what might happen, they are starving and beaten down. It is really sad to see a picture of an old man with his children pushing a cart with everything they own, just wanting out.
I hope if we do go in with guns blazing that we at least help these people overthrow their oppresive government and rebuild. I really hope we don’t bomb a few caves, get our man and walk away leaving millions suffering…

Ride it Like You Stole It…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pacificsolo:
As for you, Hobson, I’m sorry that you cannot understand what Christians believe. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There are millions of Christians, all of whom believe something different. I understand and like a lot of Christians, others are mystifying to me, and some Christians make me want to run the other way. I have little in common with people who go on and on about how much they love God, condemn others who use God’s name to kill, and in the same breath declare that God wants them to kill in return, and come up with endless rationalizations about how in CERTAIN cases, particularly when we don’t like those other people, killing for God is a good thing.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>…you resist the idea of fighting for that freedom. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Beg your pardon? The Taliban is not about to become our government, but the way we choose to react may certainly curtail many of the freedoms we take for granted. In any case, are you suggesting, despite my many statements to the contrary, that I believe we ought to do nothing in response to the attacks?

Based on other points in your post, pacificsolo, I don’t think we’re really that far apart in our respective approaches to this particular event.

SLW, don’t know if you’ve read it but would recommend David Halberstam’s article in the September Vanity Fair which chronicles the great tension between the Clinton administration and the military.

Clearly as detailed in the book, and evident in hindsight, Clinton’s priority was not foreign policy but rather domestic. What actions he took in Somalia, Bosnia were done so reluctantly and inarguably, ineffectively.

I’d point out that, during that decade of economic prosperity, his reticence to affect a pro-active foreign policy program was a reflection of the American public’s distaste for it. Seemingly, the American population supported the concept of war via air strikes - but couldn’t/wouldn’t stomach ground casualties.

I’d also ask, had the terrorist attacks not taken place on American soil on September 11, would Bush have been any different with respect to foreign policy?

Heck, had Bush Sr. not abandoned the Afghanis in '89 when the Russians finally ended the war, would the Taliban have been able to garner as much support as they clearly have?

Events such as the terrorist attacks do not happen in a vacuum but rather seems a culmination of many years of misguided U.S. foreign policy. And Clinton’s not the only culpable former President.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Regarding DMK’s post - wow…what an ego - like we needed to know the books on your bedstand. Who has time to read in bed??? I have a breeding business and fall into bed, head hits the pillow and I’m out!! But you seem to be very solid in your leftist leanings - I guess someone has to be way out there. What’s the old saying??? If you aren’t a Democrat when you are young …you don’t have a heart, if you aren’t a Republican as an adult…you don’t have a brain?? tee hee. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So, you are a bit intimidated by the fact that DMK chooses to read something other than People or Harlequin Romances? I do believe she had offerings from both sides of the fence. Perhaps your idea of fine literature is Rush Limbaugh. I’m glad DMK is honest about where her beliefs come from, and that she is well read. Where do you get your ideas Ilona, what do you read?
I, one of those foolish liberals read things like Mother Jones, and my latest books have been Jacob Riis, How the Other half Lives, and Barbara Eichmans (sp?) book Nickled and Dimed, or How not to Get By in America (she must be one of those idiot liberals - imagine paying employees a living wage, or even paying them for 100% of the time they work!).
Sorry bout the rant, but you, Ilona, have ticked me off by making fun of the most rational person on this topic.

Ride it Like You Stole It…