Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$


Thank you!

But, it’s hard to keep your head up when you know the people involved. And they just shut down all of capitol hill… all House and Senate offices.

Sirens are wizzing around every two seconds.

I’m not panicked… I can’t be when there’s not a single thing I can do. But I am damn concerned and scared.

The point some of us are trying to make, jparkes, is we can’t bomb “them”, because we can’t find “them”. What kind of victory would it be to drop bombs on a country that’s already poor, starving, and without much in the way of natural resources? We could bomb the heck out of Afganistan, and still not hit Bin Laden and his crew. Then we just reinforce the already existing view of the US as a big, powerful bully.

I guess if we had bombed strategically in Florida and Maryland, where some of the suicide bombers lived for several years, we could have stopped the attacks…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IlonaE:
Young children lipping off to strangers has become the norm, not the exception and goes hand in hand with lack of discipline and self-disclipine. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Umm Ilona, how about strangers lipping off to strangers? I’m sorry, I forgot only us youngen’s need to show respect, when adults act like children and spout rude insults as though they’re going out of style it’s all right Of course I do have piercings so ya never know…

Back to hopefully intelligent conversation - how soon are we planning to bomb (provided that we do bomb)? I saw our local air base had called in the reserves this saturday. Anyone have any thoughts as too how long it will be before we go?

I’m hoping we can (if we have to) go as soon as possible so as not to lose the support of other countries and strike while the iron is hot. Get rid of the terrorists, or at least try, while we have the support and our country united - or at least more united than this thread at the moment!


It appears from the news tonight there will be no serious problem. All the innocent Afghans will be lined up at the borders and Bin Laden and his buddies will be all alone somewhere in the middle of Afghanistan.

The Saudi have now condemned these sociopaths as traitors to Islam. There you go! You never know when your wishes can come true.

And I love you back, Kellybird!

It’s interesting, for so many, war is but an abstract concept. Unfortunately, for me, war has been prevalent in my family. Both of my parents lived through the Japanese occupation, my grandfather was the mayor of a town in North Korea when kidnapped by the communists, my grandmother lost three of her children during the war, one of whom was two and died in my mother’s arms, while my grandmother roamed the streets searching for her husband.

My grandmother was the original Single Mother when she escaped to the south with her remaining three children, one of whom was carried across the border on my 13 year-old mother’s back. My grandmother sold the rice that she received from the Americans so that she could clothe, feed and educate her children. That all of her children are educated and successful is a testament to my grandma’s strength and courage.

My grandmother continues to this day, in her 90th year, to possess great compassion, wisdom, and humility. She is the greatest person I know - of unparalleled courage and heart. And truth be told, she also believes that the world she lives in now, the one created by her grandchildren, is preferable to the tumultuous and violent world that she left. Rather than damn us, she applauds us our efforts and freedoms.

Oh, you should see my bathroom reading! That’s where the horsey magazines and catalogs live, along with some “worthless and trivial” magazines.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by jparkes:
Anyone on this board thought about buying any guns for self defense? Anyone thinking about buying extra food for storage? How would you care for your horses if war were to break out? Or, do you think this is not a big deal at all?

I did hear this mentioned on a news show today, being prepared. The guideline was keep things around like you do for any emergency when things could be difficult- like after a hurricane, tornado or major snow storm. A good flashlight, batteries, water, non-perishable goods, first-aid kit etc. The point was that if services became disrupted in your area you want to be self-sufficiant for awhile. Given the climate, with false and real reports of problems/alerts, it does make sense to keep a little supply set aside.

I expect that my sidearms would be used on wild critters that stray to close and cause problems, or look rabid, long before any need for self-defence use, though that is one reason I have them.

Water for horses would be a problem if the supply became contaminated. Again, you could put aside barrels as you do when expecting a hurricane and you have to stay with the horses. My horses drink water from our home’s rural water line and if they went bad I have access to a neighbors farm pond.

Maybe don’t let the grain get too low before picking up more just in case transportation should be disrupted for some reason.

I think being prudent is a good thing if for nothing else, peace of mind, and that’s worth a lot right now.


We have many bright and articulate young people on these forums, who are perfectly capable of making their own decisions on many matters.

Cripes, for that matter, when I was Kellybird’s age, the last thing I wanted to do was agree with my parents!

Those of us who have been here for a while have watched Kellybird grow and mature into a wonderful young person (not that she wasn’t a wonderful younger person too )

You just keep on being who you are Kellybird!

Well, I’m a big believer in the “gut-it-out” school, too. And no believer at all in psychotherapy, psychiatric social workers, psychologists or psychiatrists. Seems to me, the emphasis in those fields is on “psycho” and the practioners are the best examples. But that’s JMHO.

I also want to express my support of our unique way of waging war against Oslimy Been Lyin’ and the Tali-me-banana - going after the terrorists while trying to alleviate the lot of the civilian population. Way to go!

Here’s another interesting Frontline link:


Sorry - I don’t know how to do an actual link, so you’ll have to click 'n go.


Can we get back to the original off-topic topic please?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by elizabeth:
What are the other options, Flash?

Every day at lunch, my colleagues discuss how a land war is going to be tough. But an air strike will kill many innocents. I always want to say “well, which is the lesser of two evils. . . or is there a third option?”

I, however, am to ashamed of my ignorance to ask THEM that, so I will ask you.

Flash, which is the lesser of two evils or do you see a third way to do it?

Thanks in advance for any insight you have!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, I most certainly would’nt use the same strategy that I’m using to wage the War On Kitchen Ants.

I’m just dreading a repeat of Vietnam, only this would be on a global scale. I don’t see an easy way out at all.

F44 - Once a nerd, always a nerd.

I like your reminder to us that no matter what religion it hails from, fundamentalist totalitarianism rules with fear as its number-one tactic.

The experience of people in countries crippled by religious fundamentalist rule is exhibit #1 in the importance of being vigilant against this sort of fanaticism at home.

The Taleban has managed to keep a stranglehold on the Afghani populace using fear - weekly public executions and mutilations, with compulsory attendance - to keep those poor people terrified and powerless. Girls, did your shoes make noise just now as you walked down the street? Well, we shall just relieve you of those feet and solve the problem.

The Christian right has similarly seen its fringe element morph into a terrorist movement, using clinic bombing and the execution of abortion-clinic workers as a tool to strike fear into Americans.

Using fear and terror and a twisted notion of “What God Wants” to keep citizens cowed is cowardly and evil, not to mention un-Christian, un-Islam and un-everything-else-that-is-civilized.

Thanks, that was something I was completely ignorant of. I think it would be fascinating to gather that kind of data and research. I do think one of the few good things to come of this tragedy is a new respect for the complex world we live in.
As somebody studying community planning, it is nearly impossible to keep track of the un-spoken politics of the city - I can’t imagine keeping track of the world’s!

Ride it Like You Stole It…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by NP Fisher:
Quote: "
I will not be frowned upon or be looked down upon or be made to keep silent because I have these beliefs and opinions. I thought this country
> allowed me that right."

Not just you Ted!

People are entitled to have, and express, different opinions. That means that Ted doesn’t have to keep silent. (BTW, how did anyone “make” him keep silent? Duct tape? )

That also means I am free to “frown upon” or “look down upon” his opinions, and say so.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And I think he mentions your right to do so. Personally, I found very little with which I disagree, except perhaps for the cops shooting a fleeing suspect and that the Taco Bell dog was funny.

Don’t be fooled, those are just the ones we 'fess up to!

I’m completely calm when I respond on this board - I’m just totally committed to supporting the USA against terrorism. Being passionate doesn’t mean you are hysterial - and mantras aren’t my style. We lived through 8 years of politically correct Bull with Bill and his cast of Far Side Cabinet Members. We ignored the job of government and felt security was un-necessary with the “cold war” over. Well, war rears it’s angry head - cold or hot - when we fail to recognize our freedom is something that can be threatened every day by those with minds that don’t equate to anything we define as human.

I always feel if you won’t sit down and write a letter and sign your PROPER name to the person you are making such nasty statements about …well then “stifle yourself”. It’s easy to lob stink bombs and snipey slurs on public officials at all levels anonymously. BUT - IMHO it isn’t constructive - you aren’t reaching the person you set as your target and it’s just plain WEAK. If you believe in it and post it on a BB - well then by golly - sign your name and stand up for yourself publicly. This is, thank God!, a free country.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> For example there are always going to be people who can afford to travel. But instead of cancelling their Christmas vacation out of fear, scale it back … one week instead of two. A three star hotel instead of a five. Rather than not show at all this winter, plan on a few shows if you can afford to. If you need to travel for business now don’t put it off until the Spring. Get on that plane and go.
I agree 100% with people not cutting things out completely, but sometimes when you get laid off, it is all you can do to pay your mortgage. And I realize the vicious cycle. Businesses cut expenses, reduce travel, 25,000 airline employees get the boot. I think businesses are making a HUGE mistake when they use layoffs to shore-up their bottom line. It should be a last resort, not an easy fix. I saw (at my last job) people wit 40 years of service laid off, without severence pay. A new CEO came in and wiped people out… leaving the remaining people working 60 hour weeks.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I certainly hope that you never have to experience what it’s like to lose horse, car, savings and home all because of bad luck, bad timing or terrorism.
I am one pay check away from that scenario. If my boyfriend lost his job, we’d be sunk. He was planning to buy a new car, but with all the uncertainty, we can’t risk having another expense should ANYTHING go wrong. Our plan was for me to go to Grad school part time and work full time (unfortunately, I was laid off). Scarier yet was that I spent the summer looking for a job (web/graphic design). I got ONE call on my resume. Luckily, I have a teaching assistanceship, and do some odd jobs… this just isn’t a time when our household has any spare money to spend on anything, even a dinner out, much less a vacation. And that’s life, and I’m actually quite lucky, and I know that the 100 people who were laid off with me were not that lucky. They had families to feed, car payments, and not many skills.
I really wish we could buy that car or take a vacation, but it just isn’t a reality. Rather than giving the airlines a few billion, we need to give them a few billion and tell them to hire back the layoffs!

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

The mind has an amazing ability to heal itself…it’s my feeling that some are more comfortable with the concept of sharing and examination of the process than others; I wonder if any studies have been done on the differences between recovery rates of those who are more open vs those who have allowed unpleasant memories to receed naturally and be replaced by more recent good experiences. Of course this is not to diminish the importance of therapy and medication for those who require such treatments for traumatic stress and other mental disorders (such as ADS and schizophrenia), but it is interesting to note the comments of the many experts consulted by the media on traumatic stress after 9/11; several of these stated that a majority of those affected by TMS would recover naturally in time with no treatment, and that statistically, only a minority (about 10 percent according to more than one report) might find it necessary to seek counseling in order to speed recovery. I do believe that Snowbird is right about this particular issue being viewed differently according to generational differences, is this not, however what is refererred to as a “truism?” I mean, isn’t every issue viewed this way?

For those not fortunate (or should I say privileged) enough to be acquainted with a veteran of war who doesn’t mind sharing the experieces of participation in such an undertaking, certainly “The Greatest Generation” by Tom Brokaw is a must-read, and “Saving Private Ryan” is a must-see.

OK, NOW I’m running for my life! You’ll have to pry my cold dead lips open and pour it in before a drop of that horrid eco-solvent goes anywhere near me!!!

But anyway…