BUSHvsGORE re:Horse Industry

Okay, whatever, thanks for your analysis, etc. etc. in such exacting detail.

Only one thing. I am not a Republican, if by Republican it means that I am registered as such, or that I always vote Republican. However I do vote Republican a good bit of the time, and would not be ashamed to call myself one, if it mattered.

As I am from a Southern state, I do vote Democrat when I believe a Democrat will do the best job. Southern Democrats tend to be conservative. Very conservative is what I am.

Jump Why did they knock off Vince?

To all you deliberate collectivist tolitarians and/or spoiled, ignorant, shallow, arrogant fools:

It has been said that a people gets the government it deserves. The only shame of it is that you will drag us all into the Dark Ages of collectivist tolitariansim with you. Though I find it impossible to watch silently as the lamp of freedom flickers and dies, it appears that here I have cast my pearls before swine. I now SHRUG and join Jumphigh in retiring from this board. Who is John Galt?

Gore - your tie has been broken

It is not just the “issues” here, but what about special interest groups giving big money to support these candidates?
It is incredible the amount of money that is going into the campaign coffers.
There is a website that totals up the incredible amount of money that has been spent on these campaigns,(I think url is on the MSN homepage) Bush has broken campaign spending records, all I can think is he has some low friends in high places.
These “special” interest grounps are the ones that end up “running” our country, IMO, if you have a candidate “beholden” to a special interest group, wellll, you know which way the wind will blow.
There is a website that is adressing that issue, it wants to have all American citizens make a statement that we have HAD ENOUGH and WE are the ones that “hired” the politicians and they WORK for US, not for thier own interests.
Go check out Nowstanding.com
Let’s put limits on these guys and remind them that WE are thier employers.
I find that I totally agree with the majority of you about feeling pretty hopeless in our choices for president, ugh, Dumb or Dumber?
But I will vote, as I have in every election since I was old enough, cuz then I have the right to B**ch.
We have wonderful freedoms here, don’t ever forget that, many people over the years gave their lives so we can live in this wonderful country.
Bless you all, I am climbing down from my soapbox you guys RULE!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by spfarm:
Bush may not be the smartest man in the world, but I beleive he would surround himself with knowledgable men/women who would help make decisions to best benefit our nation.

Wow. Now that’s a ringing endorsement for the man who would be President!

[This message has been edited by Razumny (edited 10-23-2000).]

Hobson, I’m not sure how old you are, but I’m taking a guess that you are still fairly young. Plus I don’t think you will always be making minimum wage as your career advances. Hope you have more ambition to advance yourself as the years go by. Start by saving $5-10 dollars a paycheck and place it in a savings account that you don’t want to access. As your income grows, add more to your savings. People have to get in the habit of saving money. Most of us live, including myself, from paycheck to paycheck. I am also raising three wild and crazy kids all under 10 right now. And I force myself to save a little bit each paycheck.
God only knows what may happen down the road with Social Security. I have put a lot of money into it over the years, and it sure would be nice to see some of it back when I’m old, but I can’t count on it. Don’t assume that it will be there for you when you get old. So do the smart thing and prepare yourself now.

Some people enjoy shooting guns for fun - target practice, clay pigeons. Some people collect old guns. It is just a hobby for some people. Some people have them to defend themselves against harm, like Snowbird. We have no right to tell people what they can and cannot have.
You know, driving a car is more dangerous than a gun.
I wish there was a way to prevent the seemingly random acts of violence that occur in our society. I think that limiting the violence one’s kids (and one self…) watches may go along way to making a safer society.
But safety will come only when we promote self-responsibility, and make people pay for their irresponsibility, no matter what the age or circumstances. Prison should be reserved for those who have commited crimes against others - rape, murder, robbery, assault. They should require hard labor and provide a minimal existence - a cot and a bowl of stew a few times a day. It should be a horrible place.
Instead of making us all pay for a few, make the few really pay, and let those who may commit crimes against society know what jail is like.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by smedley:
Getting back to the subject at hand, hypothetically, what if GWB had been driving drunk and had run into a horse trailer?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Very good point -

I watched a replay of his press conference on the Today Show this morning - talk about repeating himself…At least 6 times he said “I can’t believe this is coming out 4-5 days before the election” - Have some eloquence for gosh sake!! He must not have taken public speaking in college!!

I believe the infamous John Galt is in “Atlas Shrugged”. Could be wrong though - hated Ayn Rand.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Heather:
[B]Basically, the Republicans in general and Bush in specific’s beholdeness to the NRA and the religous right scares the bejezus out of me.


Just think, if we could get rid of religion world peace might stand a chance.

Rockstar, that was the longest post I’ve ever seen . It was good though, LOL.

Everybody, please leave the abortion issue off the board; Erin asked really politely and I’m going to second the motion.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lillian:
but I will say one thing…if I wanted my government run by religion, I’d move to Iran!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Amen, Lillian, Amen! Gore, because the thought of GW putting as many as 4 Supreme Court justices on the bench is just too scary.

Well, guys I guess this thread has been resolved. An astrologer being interviewed today on Tony Brown’s Journal has given us the answers.

Al Gore will be elected, and he will be dead in his third year from either an accident or gun shots, and Joe Lieberman will be the first Jewish President. It appears that this year is the 20th year for such events and the stars indicate what will happen.

He projects the Gore victory because there is nothing negative in Bush’s horoscope, except piddly little problems.

So if you all love Gore you should vote for Bush to save Gore’s life.


[This message has been edited by Snowbird (edited 10-28-2000).]

GORE GORE GORE and any of your democratic Senators and Congresspeople. VIRGINIANS!!! Be sure to answer “yes” to the VA constitutional question about hunting. (something like: Shall the people of VA have the right to hunt, fish, shoot, trap as decided by legislature?)

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by farmgate:

Ms Rand’s “The Fountainhead” is positioned between Edith Wharton’s “The Age Of Innocence” and James Joyce’s “Finnegans Wake”

Hi Farmgate - this is a purely non-argumentative, friendly post: You gave me a great chuckle this morning with this reminder. I’m a Joyce fan, but “Finnegan’s Wake” is about the most impossible book I’ve ever read. Joyce’s genius is in exploding the English language in ways it had never been before, but here is an example of the result: “The great fall of the offwall entailed at such short notice the pftjschute of Finnegan, erse solid man, that the humpyhillhead of humself prumptly send an unquiring one well to the west in quest of his tumptytumtoes…” And on it goes just like this for 700 pages. I always thought it must be a joke on both Rand and Joyce that these novels were parked together on the list.

Bush, no doubt about it. I agree he is not the best public speaker but I agree with the platform he represents. Get rid of the death tax and marriage penalty and many of us will benifit immediatley, ie: cash to spend on our hobby. Tax climate favors Bush ditto govt interference.

On a personal note, I like the fact that Bush sent his daughters to public schools, unlike Gore. I admired that about Jimmy Carter also.

Erin, who are you for?

Sorry, I just had to delurk and post on this thread. I have no idea which candidate will be “better” for horsepeople because horsepeople (like every other group in this country) are simply too diverse to classify easily. And, contrary to the assumptions of the originator of this thread, horsepeople are NOT small business owners. Most are one or two horse owners, working full-time to support their addiction. So, I looked to other issues when determining how I will vote. Having done so, I’d like to pose a few questions for the “undecided” folks out there:

  1. If the candidate doesn’t trust the government, why is he running for President?

  2. If a candidate claims to have made “significant” improvements in education in his state, why is the state still 49th out of 50 on national standards of educational achievement?

  3. If you are at all concerned about the environment, would you live in Houston? How do you think it got that way?

  4. Does it trouble you that (re)assurances about a candidate’s fitness to lead (from his own party!)commonly point to the advisors backing him up — rather than to the candidate himself?

  5. Does it trouble you when a candidate seems challenged to explain, clearly, his own position on social security and tax reform?

  6. Does it trouble you that a woman’s right to CHOOSE (whatever her decision) may be removed?

  7. If a candidate is anti-abortion, how does s/he stand with regard to the provision of programs to help single women with infants and children?

  8. Does it trouble you that we may well be led by someone who seems unable to speak in complete sentences?


[This message has been edited by Aly (edited 10-26-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sannois:
Sorry but Gore was nothing more than a war reporter. He had a desk job. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

80 per cent of the military was non-combat during the Vietnam war.