BUSHvsGORE re:Horse Industry


Inflamatory statements like Snowbird’s, to the effect of ‘you could’ve been aborted’ are meaningless, because (DUH) if you’d been aborted you wouldn’t have known life. You can’t “miss” what you’ve never had. You may yearn for it, but you can’t miss it and a fetus doesn’t know what it’s experiencing.

Ditto for comments by anyone believing in the downsizing of the government. If you can’t fire a local state employee FOR CAUSE, how do think anyone is going to downsize entire sections of the behemoth known as the US Government? Not going to happen. People will lose jobs, which is bad for the economy, which puts us in a recessession, and the party in power doesn’t get re-elected. Nope, sounds good in a sound bite, but stands NO CHANCE of happening.

In the fall of 1980, as elections loomed and Ronald Reagan looked like the winner, I saw a skit performed at a local college whichh is as true today as it was then.

Mother stands at kitchen counter; teen daughter walks in, they chat briefly about their day. Suddenly, off stage a LOUD scraping, screeching, shaking noise is heard for several seconds. The daughter turns wide eyed to her mother and asks, "Mom, what was that!? Who serenly replies, “Oh nothing, dear. Just the country moving to the right!”

Didn’t you know that other countries are encouraging people to have kids! France, for example, is paying people to have children and the reason isn’t just to have kids so that they can take care of you when you are old, but it is good for the economy. Yes, the more people in the workforce the better.
Just think what would happen if a generation decided not to have kids. It would be catastrophic.

Well now thank you, I was beginning to think I was the only one so stupid that I wasn’t sitting around waiting for the government to support me in my old age.

The Doctor just called and gave me a clean Bill of Health! So I guess I have another 10 years I can still work and learn and try to learn new things that are happening today.

Right on, Magnolia!

Funny, I was watching “Betsy’s Wedding” yesterday, and the bride’s mother (the family is middle-class one that owned a construction company) was talking to the groom’s father (a very well-to-do investment banker). She said, “Well, we bailed out all the savings and loans, what’s the harm in bailing out a child who can’t get enough food?” He had nothing to say to that comment, and changed the subject. It just reminded me a bit of this thread’s discussion…

Regarding the Constitution and gun control: If we want to pass gun control laws, it would require a Constitutional amendment (which, of course, has been done before). But I feel that doing that will just put more restrictions on my personal freedom. Also, regarding the comment about our predecessors being slave-owners, etc., and perhaps outdated thinkers, there is NOTHING in the BoR specifically relating to owning people.

Now, I don’t think anyone wants some wierdo to be able to blow everyone away at McDonald’s with an AK47, nor do we like to see children aborted at 30+ (or even 20+ nowadays) weeks. But do we restrict the rights of the many who are conscientious citizens just to try (and that’s the operative word here) to curtail the actions of a few who would probably find a way to do what they wanted to anyway? Remember the Columbine kids got their weapons illegally…

“I think it is safe to say that almost every American, , at one time or other in his or her lifetime, has driven at least once under the influence of booze or drugs (illegal or legal). Plus, it was 25 years ago.”

Not me. My mom had a little girl that was in her class be struck by a drunk driver. To me, that is as irresponsible and disgusting as shooting a person. A vehicle can kill. You should not get behind the wheel drunk. Period. The end. And, I assume from being an offense from the 70’s, when drunk driving wasn’t as big of an issue, that he must have been pretty tanked to have been arrested.
Frankly, I see drunk driving as a bigger deal than doing coke in one’s own home. To me, that crosses the line into putting lives at risk. Put anything you want in your body, I could care less, but don’t go out driving.
LOL, this from a party that thinks you should be drawn and quartered for having a baggie of pot…talk about hypocrites…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CWP:
Well now I feel sort of dumb because, not only do I not know who John Galt is, but I also don’t know what “Sannois” or “tolitarian” mean either?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Isn’t John Galt a character in one of those freaky Ayn Rand novels with the cult following? If Sannois styles her/himself after someone in Rand’s strange little objectivist world, that would explain a lot.

My question is: who is Sannois, really? I have some ideas…

Favorable tax climate: toss up
Estate planning: toss up
Land preservation: Gore (w/o question)
Minimal governmental interferance: Bush

Charitable giving: Gore
Medical Research: toss up
Veterinary Research: Gore

[This message has been edited by smedley (edited 10-20-2000).]

Originally posted by magnolia:
I’m not basing my vote on my uterus, and yes, abortions can be prevented, but the same people who want to outlaw abortions also want to outlaw birth control.

MMMM…I really don’t think you have your facts straight…I’m Pro-life (and that means no death penalty either!), and I’m all for birth control! And quite honestly, I’ve not met anyone except for my Catholic friends that don’t want birth control or abortions…where did you get this idea from? I’m seriously curious.

From my republican, christian fundamentalist, very nice, but very in the dark ages former employer.

BTW, those of you who vote Bush for freedom need to know that his freedom is for WHITE, UPPER CLASS CHRISTIANS. If you really want freedom for everyone and the right to do whatever you want, you need to vote LIBERTARIAN. They feel your land is yours, your body is yours, etc.etc. Barbara Howe is running for NC governer as a libertarian and nearly every state should have a libertarian candidate.

Did anyone else have high hopes for George W Party Boy being as entertaining a candidate as Dan Quayle was? I’ve been sorely disappointed. I mean, Dubya’s given us some great malapropisms, mispellings and mispronunciations and it’s obvious his grasp of world affairs is tentative at best…but nothing he’s said has been as inspiring as this, one of my Quayle faves:
“Hawaii has always had a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is an island (pause) that is in the Pacific (pause) that is right here.” Or his rhapsody on Rural America: “Rural America is Real America. rural America, real America, real, real America.”

AMEN! you said so well what I have tried to say. Freedom has a price, but that price beats the servitude of the “take care of me” mentality.

Socialism has been proved as a bad form of government because it removes the incentive to succeed. Why should I make 10 balonies in an hour if everyone is going to be angry that I didn’t only make 5. Progress needs to be rewarded or we will sink.

Off the subject, but
Snowbird, have you looked into selling the development rights to your farm? A lot of communities will give credit (i.e. lower propery taxes) to a land owner that agrees the land can never be developed into house lots. The restriction stays with the property forever, even if sold.

Then any future appraisals would reflect the value of the property as farmland, not a subdivision.

Don’t worry, Al Gore is hardly the environmentalist he would have you think he is…
BTW, what is so wrong with doing away with the internal combustion engine? I say it is high time we make some innovations in automotive technology. I mean people freak about the very idea. Would you complain if some money spent on solar research meant cleaner air down the road? Or lower energy rates? I don’t think Gore wants us all to walk or bike, I think he wants to help researchers innovate, not take away your cars. If alternative energies had the funding that nuclear or fossil fuels get, we likely would not have this horrible air pollution problem.
But, alas, this won’t happen with Gore or Bush, as they both bow to that big God, Big Oil.

A bit off topic but perhaps worthy as an example of “different strokes for different folks.”

On the list of the 20th Century’s 100 Best English-Language Novels as compiled by Radcliffe…

Ms Rand’s “The Fountainhead” is positioned between Edith Wharton’s “The Age Of Innocence” and James Joyce’s “Finnegans Wake”

Her book “Atlas Shrugged” is listed between F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “This Side Of Paradise” and John Fowles’s “The French Lieutenant’s Woman”.

I discovered Ayn Rand by accident. I am “into” architecture and was told of a certain book “about an architect”. It was much more. I was blown away. Perhaps her work is an acquired taste. Try reading them again.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Inverness:
I have one rule in voting for a President: I want the future leader of the free world to be smarter than me. Let’s face it - Bush is a 40 watt bulb.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ROTFLMAO, but wait… aren’t you insulting 40 watt bulbs?

How about education? That’s my FAVORITE since I teach!! Any candidate who tells you that testing will move the top and bottom students closer together is deluding themselves and the public! Students who need more time to learn end up being drilled so they can pass “the test” while the students at the other end of the spectrum continue to learn about literature, algebra, problem solving and critical issues.

Whenever politicians haul out the education issue, I shudder!! I’ve yet to hear legislators tell surgeons how to operate, but having attended a school, they feel quite comfortable telling teachers how to communicate complex learning

I’ll admit that I haven’t quite finished reading everyone else’s responses. I’m not positive where I stand on the upcoming election. It’s kind of confusing to figure out exactly where each candidate stands simply because they keep changing their minds!!

I do know one thing… I’m NOT happy about Bush aligning himself sooooo closely with the christian right wing. I’m also absolutely furious over some religious statements he’s made (like how Wicca is not a religion and he doesn’t think the military should support it as such).

Hey ho, here we go!!
I can not believe you people! (some of you anyway) How can anyone want gore for a president?

Californians-vote no on Prop 34 . I had to get my pet cause out there! Go, Gore!

Greetings Doc!
Thanks for the info on the HPA. I didn’t know there was such thing. What else does it cover? I’m curious.

I too am voting largely Dem today, and I also enjoyed the Fountainhead immensely. Have not read Atlas Shrugged yet.

And vis a vis biotech crops–you have no idea what is going on with that industry. Be very vigilant on this one folks, more has gotten past you than you can imagine, and the government subsudies are the least of it. The approval for biotech corn is not being pulled, and in fact you probably eat some every day. The strain involved in the taco shell scare is approved for animals, not people.

But then, approved is a very interesting word, since there are NO mandatory government testing required of these products. Do you understand that? The government is taking the word of the companies that this stuff won’t affect us. What is their proof? Oh wait, we don’t have any because the products have not been in the marketplace long enough to test things like long-term effects and genetic migration. How do you like being a guinea pig?

I have seen this stuff close up. You cannot imagine how prevelant and how underhanded this technology is. But heck, I’m sure a giant multinational conglomerate cares about me and the environment more than profit. Right? Right? RIGHT?