BUSHvsGORE re:Horse Industry

A little old lady called 911. When the operator answered she yelled,
“Help, send the police to my house right away! There’s a damn Republican
on my front porch and he’s playing with himself.”

“What?” the operator exclaimed!

“I said there is a damn Republican on my front porch playing with himself
and he’s weird; I don’t know him and I’m afraid! Please send the police!”
the little old lady repeated.

“Well, now, how do you know he’s a Republican???”

“Because, you damn fool, if he were a Democrat, he’d be screwing somebody!”

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pacificsolo:
I am so confused…are all you “liberals” really ok with getting your hard-earned money taken away? If so, I REALLY need help with tuition and I desperately need a saddle of high quality…OH! What’s that? That’s NOT where you would put your money? OH! You want it to go to a woman who has babies for a living! AND DON’T TRY TO TELL ME IT DOESN’T HAPPEN! …<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

I don’t want my money to support “freeloaders”.

Yes it does happen, but it is the minority.

But I would rather support 10 freeloaders than have one truly needy child die of malnutrition or treatable illness because the rules designed to keep the freeloaders out kept her out to.

Another vote for Gore.

Mostly for the same reasons as Heather, but I’d add education to my list.

I don’t recall who posted it, but why does hearing about the graphic details of an aborted fetus bother you? Maybe, because it is wrong? One thing I will never understand about our political arena is, why is it ok for one group to support the death penalty but be pro-life, while the other supports pro-choice (which is a deceptive term, by the way…I won’t go there now!), but doesn’t support the death penalty? It doesn’t make sense to me. Either you are ok with a felon and a baby being INTENTIONALLY murdered, or you are Pro-life! I really can’t see ethically and logically how the issue is so mixed up?!
As for those of you who don’t like Bush for his Christian beliefs…Gore has said he believes the same thing! What difference does it make!? Like someone stated earlier, worry about your local and state officials! Did some of you forget exactly HOW laws are created? The president doesn’t have the power our media has lead us to believe, folks! It’s the Senate and House!
I am having a hard time believing that some of you are seeming to forget what this administration has done in the last 8 years. I’m sick of promises made and never kept, and lies told by BOTH the president and the vice president! It’s sickening! The least you could do is vote in Bush so we could get some new material for SNL!
IT’S POLITICS, FOLKS!!! They are human, and they WILL make mistakes in everyone’s eyes at some point no matter what they say they will do! For those who really are strong Gore supporters, and NOT currently having to pay taxes, you just wait until you are no longer a dependent…then see what you want the government to tell you to do with your hard-earned money! Kiss horsey goodbye, unless you have an extra job!
Nothing is perfect, so please, don’t EITHER side try and make “YOUR” candidate look as if he is! They both suck, but there is a responsibility to vote. We are a lucky country to be able to have this privalidge.
And as an aside, I was adopted the year Roe vs. Wade overturned. I’m glad it was overturned! I love being alive! Plus, my birth-mother hasn’t had to go through post-abortion syndrome. I think that is priceless.

Spare us the details, Bush or Gore?

[QUOTE]Originally posted by spfarm:

Let’s see…you go jump in the sack with Tom, Dick and Harry. Get pregnant, no problem! Government run health care can take care of that!

Why is it never the comment that men are indiscrimate when they jump in the sack with Sally, Betty or Jane. I thought we were past that point in society, where just women are to blame for unwanted children.
I have seen this comment several times in this thread and it makes me feel like we are still in the dark ages for women’s rights. I am definitely pro choice, but I am first pro education and that is for men and women.

OMG! too much to digest. Two simple words: VOTE GORE!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by holland:
[B] The problem with that is the frustrating and unfortunate fact that these two men are currently standing so close to the middle on many of the key issues, and it wouldn’t be a very spirited debate.

The fact of the matter is, Al Gore and GWB have shifted hard to the middle (a trick they learned from Clinton) during this election.

Therefore…almost any statement about a Bush or Gore presidency becomes conjecture at this time. People say GWB will do xyz when he’s in office…but, they’re not sure…because he’s saying abc in the election rhetoric. Same goes for Al Gore. Can we look backward to what they did in the past and think that they will fall into their more partisan selves after the election? Or, is that an self serving “you can’t help but think” statement? [/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have to say, I don’t have any problem with the fact that both candidates seem to share a thin line in the middle, especially since the majority of Americans, inlcuding me, share it with them. I personally was much more frustrated with candidates who represented the extreme left and right of their parties, and didn’t seem to represent ME.

I will add that when both parties are “for” the same issue, it makes it much harder for a voter to make an intelligent decision. A voter actually has to make an effort to learn what the candidate is really offering up. Not an easy task in this day and age where media AND candidates prefer to feed us information in a manner that makes me think I must not have graduated from the 3rd grade…

And because of this shallow delivery of issues, I think we truly cannot look at what candidates say on the campaign trail. At best you can only look at past actions and the Party’s platform, because ultimately all candidates are beholden to their party, to some extent.

As for my “insulted intelligence”, it was “healed” immediately (it’s been insulted more than once, and has a pretty tough skin ), but thank you for your very gracious apology.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hobson:
[B] Isn’t John Galt a character in one of those freaky Ayn Rand novels with the cult following? If Sannois styles her/himself after someone in Rand’s strange little objectivist world, that would explain a lot.

My question is: who is Sannois, really? I have some ideas…
It’s A French City, and not pronounced like it is spelled, Not That any of you Brilliant folks would know that. Try looking up Tolitarian in the dictionary, if you own one.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Heather:
[B]Josiah Bartlett from The West Wing!!!

No, huh? Don’t get to pick him? Darn!

Well, I’m voting for Gore because his platform on three issues I care about the most–abortion, gun control, and the environment/land preservation–are more in line with my own thoughts. Basically, the Republicans in general and Bush in specific’s beholdeness to the NRA and the religous right scares the bejezus out of me.

However, the point should me made that I think Gore is kind of a putz, and had I another choice, I wouldn’t pick him either.

Think we could do a write-in campaign for Josiah Bartlett?[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Agreed Heather…

Okay ya’ll - I CAN"T VOTE (I’m 17) so you all better get out there and vote!!! Especially you Gore people!


"we better all be prepared to start commuting on our show horses (or invest in electric cars with really long extension cords). "

Oh please, look, I’m sure the big oil lobbyists will prevent that…
Also, if you look at the big picture, would you rather drive a solar powered vehicle, or a quality electric vehicle, or sit in a smog laden parking lot in your SUV that gets 10 mpg, while meanwhile, our brightest young people are over in the middle east trying to defend our right to cheap oil? Did it ever occur to you that with some INNOVATION, the same smarts that enable us to do a ton of pretty technology advanced things, perhaps Solar power could replace oil and coal, oh, and nuclear power too. Oh, and how about those oil subsidies that we pay…
Besides, I’d much rather get around on horseback, much less dangerous!

I’m a compatriot in the “decided not to have kids” department. I think my friend’s kids are great, and the kids and juniors at my barn are super.

I have faced a good deal of prejudicial comment about my decision, however. My views on everything from education to sports to what to have for dinner are frequently dismissed because, being childless, I couldn’t possibly be enlightened enough to grasp the issues.

Fortunately, my parents are fine with my decision (the call the kitties their “grandcats”), and my husband is of like mind.

My hubby absolutely adores kids and has a very special talent for relating to them - it explains why he is a professional coach. He knew, however, that he’d never be able to give 100% to his own kids while he was absorbed with coaching other peoples’ kids. Consequently, he decided to remain childless.

And oh, yes, Gore.

Well now let’s not get so testy just because we do not agree! I have been a long time without someone lecturing me as if they had the only solution to the problems of the world. There are always different points of view without being vitriolic.

&lt;BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"&gt;&lt;font size="-1"&gt;quote:&lt;/font&gt;&lt;HR&gt;Snowbird: If I read that line about "clamp her legs shut and say NO" one more time I will SCREAM! Wise up woman! You've had children; therefore you're not a virgin - hopefully you know sex CAN be enjoyable?? Why should a male be able to take his pleasure (take being the operative word) while the female is pressing her legs together?? &lt;HR&gt;&lt;/BLOCKQUOTE&gt; 

And, I certainly have and do and I hope you do too! But, since the issue is unwanted children, where in the Constituiton or the Bill of Rights does it say that everyone is entitled to immediate gratification of every whim and fancy or pleasure whenever they choose without responsibility for the consequences?

Obviously, if she says no! he won’t have pleasure either. So then who is really in charge and the independent free thinker. A male can find satisfaction in an empty jar stuffed with a piece of liver, does that mean we should? A man can pee standing up by unzipping his pants we can’t do that either.
<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Why shouldn’t a woman be able to enjoy sex? And if that means getting EDUCATION, REDUCED COST BIRTH CONTROL, AND MEDICAL CARE then TG for Planned Parenthood. Get out of the 40’s with that ancient attitude.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Who says she shouldn’t have education, certainly not me! Birth control pills from her HMO, or even free is just dandy, I certainly am not opposed to that! Planned Parenthood is a superior idea. I think all babies should be planned and not an accident. But, the premise of the topic to which I replied was that she was too stupid to know about such things. That the “she” being discussed was incapable of gaining these references, and therefore could not help popping out babies by the half dozen. That baby might grow up to solve some major world dilemma, why should it be disposed of just because she wants to, when she has already proved that her judgment is so poor.

I do find it strange when a school requires the parents permission for an aspirin to be administered and yet they think that same child should be able to have an abortion without notifying the parents.

There is absolutely nothing in the government or in civilization that permits us all to satisfy our needs whenever we feel, however we feel, with whomever we feel would be pleasant for an hour or two. That certainly would not make me feel emanicpated.

I will amend my statement to include that the “he” ought to keep his zipper zipped unless he wants to support a baby. I do believe that it is not necessary for a man to seek gratification every time it pleases him either. So, I am for full equality of the sexes.

&lt;BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"&gt;&lt;font size="-1"&gt;quote:&lt;/font&gt;&lt;HR&gt;Regarding those unwanted babies the Republican's want women to have rather than

abortions… only if they’re white and healthy. If all prospective “adoptive” parents just wanted a child, then they’d take whatever was available, right? But they don’t do that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

First of all there are many states which prefer children to remain unadopted if they cannot find a home within their racial or even ethnic background in this country. Am I to assume that you are implying that all those babies being aborted are black? There have been many court cases where white foster parents wanted to adopt a black child that had been in their care, and the child was ripped out of their home just for asking. There are many advocates of those black babies who are definitely opposed to these children being adopted into a white home and perhaps being raised in a white community.

Are you saying that these babies are better off dead than being adopted by a white couple?

Further, I am not opposed to abortion when it is evident that it poses a threat to the mother, or if it was the result of rape or incest. I am saying that this is not a right which needs to be supported by the government with tax money, or government decisions. Just in the same way that the government should not support religious groups of any conviction.

I do believe that if we have failed to instill responsibility in our children and the adults, we certainly are obligated to be responsible for the children. I do not see how anyone can justify disposing of a child because it is inconvenient.

I saw a video of surgery on an infant which still had two more weeks and it could have been aborted. It’s little hand came out of the surgically opened uterus and grasped the doctor’s finger. That hand was fully formed, and that was a life.

Any government which justifies the disposal of inconveniently conceived, and unwanted infant may also soon adopt the philosophy that Seniors who have no quality of life should be disposed of to save tax money. And, who knows where that will take us. The principle is a reverence for life and that the instant gratification of pleasure is what should be aborted.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>They go to Eastern Europe to get white babies so they don’t have to deal w/ “why is
Johnny black when his parents are white” and learning a different culture. Yes! Some DO
go to China, and some DO adopt racially mixed children, and some DO adopt children w/
known medical problems. But IMHO most couples want a child the same skin color as their
own and who can blame them? If you’re caucasion looking at your Vietnamese child you are reminded EVERYTIME you look at him/her that YOU were unable to bear a child.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How sad for you that you really believe such things. They will go wherever they can go for the privilege of raising a child and watching it grow and learn. I don’t know where you live, but here on my farm we have several familes with children they have adopted, and they dearly love and nuture them as they were the same flesh. MY Goodness! you must have heard some dialog, that it’s not the mother who births that becomes the real mother to a child. No one I have ever known ever-ever considered the child they adopted as an insult to them because they couldn’t produce their own. They have to go to South America as well as Europe and Asia for babies. Many are mixed races, not all of anything. I can tell you that when they ride here they are cared for and nutured and loved and no one even sees their color or eyes or whatever is different than caucasian.

Besides what exactly is a caucasian? I doubt any of us are so pure bred that we can be sure there are not a few mixes from the past. Attila the Hun was not a caucasian and his brother was not a caucasian, yet they and their troops probably were the ancesters who fathered half of Eastern Europe. I’m a hungarian and therefore from Hungary the home base of Attila and his brother Buda. Did you know that Budapest is named after his brother?

&lt;BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"&gt;&lt;font size="-1"&gt;quote:&lt;/font&gt;&lt;HR&gt;Taxes: If you have a big piece of the pie, and you loose a chunk of it, you'll notice it less than the person w/ a sliver.&lt;HR&gt;&lt;/BLOCKQUOTE&gt; Again I find your statement unprincipled. Do you believe that in a democracy it is logical and fair that someone who has created great wealth should have it taken away and re-allocated to those who sat home watching TV and having babies? And, if you do believe that then what incentive is there to be successful? Is that not what brought down Russia? People wouldn't produce more than they needed. Why should they work so hard for someone else?

I think if you so strongly believe in the “legacy” of Bill Clinton, which is Al Gore then you should heed my previous post and vote for Bush to save Al Gore for posterity. The Bush Horoscope shows no danger. So perhaps we can agree on something.

The election will be over in two weeks, but the debate will not be over regarding the principles of being a member of a civilized community. Where everyone gets equal respect even if they have the misfortune to have too blessed.

[This message has been edited by Snowbird (edited 10-29-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pwynnnorman:
I’d happily compromise on the gun issue: hand guns by special permit and rifles without restriction, except heavy fines and jail time if they have modifications (like sawed off barrels or whatever it is that can turn them into automatic weapons).

Pwynn this is pretty much the way it is now. The problem is there are about 20,000 different gun laws already but prosecution of gun crimes is DEcreasing! Responsible gun owners of course want stiff prosecution of gun crimes, because it is gun crime that makes people want more legislation restricting our sport.

A good example-Under the Brady Bill, it is a felony to lie on a gun permit application. But, felons attempting to purchase guns are prosecuted in any way less than 25% of the time! These are known felons committing a felony!

Thank you Heather. You took the words right out of my mouth (but of course you know that already). :slight_smile:

A few things here…Atlas Shrugged was great, but…it’s fiction. The fine imposed on George W. also included losing his license. Furthermore, not only is it illegal to hold office in TX with a conviction on your record, but turning in a jurors survey with portions left blank, signed, and then claiming an aide who didn’t have enough information filled it out now has the judiciary interested in speaking with George W. Which would have ordinarily been enough, but his comment over the weekend in Florida, while campaigning in a Senior Center, that he was admitting his guilt now “because that’s what an honest American does” (Source: NPR Radio) tipped the balance. Must have been quite a mouthful of crow to swallow, 14 years AFTER the conviction! To all of it I can only say…
Go, Jo! Go!
Sincerely, A Connecticut resident, an Independent voter, and a Yalie.

The question WAS framed around the candidates and the horse industry, not the other issues BUT since it has drifted to other issues keep in mind that Gore WILL impose a litmus(sp) test on his Supreme Court candidates as he stated during the first debate. He said he would not appoint someone the likes of Clarence Thomans and another judge currently on the bench. Bush said he would not use a litmus test. Roe v. Wade is safe, Americans want that freedom of choice for their mothers, daughters and sisters.

If Gore wins the election and makes Supreme Court appointments you will have your liberal SC bench, preserved park lands you won’t be allowed to ride on, programs to heal every person for every afliction and the thought police everywhere.

Sorry, Gore is not the best person for the Democratic party.

Hey Rockstar!!! I know you from that other board. You know where who I am planning on voting for because of the other political post where ,you (Dreamer) and me (Dolcevita), we doing most of the posting. Go GORE/LIEBERMAN

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by magnolia:
… it makes me mad when I see ill-behaved kids, but I feel I have to be mute, because, well, I’m not “qualified” to comment on little Eddie’s food fighting because I’m not a mom.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Do not feel you must be mute Magnolia. After all, ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. What you cannot do, however, is respond in anger or negatively which is what you’d like to do. Example, Eddie and Molly are doing something annoying, swinging on the velvet ropes at the bank for example. You see that they are close to pulling over the heavy metal post. Mom is not paying attention, or tuning them out.

You’d LIKE to say: Hey lady, watch your kids for cryin’ out loud!

You SAY: Excuse me, ma’am? I’m afraid your children are going to get hurt!

In a retail store, children are running rampant. You WANT to say: Hey lady, watch your kids for cryin’ out loud!

You SAY: Ma’am? I’m sorry to interupt your shopping but you may not know this/our store has a strict breakage policy.

Child is running loose in restaurant. Step one: in the same tone you speak to your horse who’s sneaking a mouthful of grass you say, “Careful! You could trip!” second step assuming s/he ignores you, put foot in aisle. We instructors refer to this as setting up the learning experience so the experience does the teaching. You immediately say (in your most sincere tone) Oh no! Did you trip? Are you okay? That’s what happens when you run around in restaurants. Let’s take you back to your parents.

Children are being noisy, destructive, annoying. Parents are nowhere. You WANT to say: Go away you cretinous excuses for children that will be in charge of my social security fund!

You SAY: Excuse me, I’m doing a survey can you help me? (Distraction) I’m supposed to ask 10 people what is the most fun thing to do at a _________ (fill in blank). You’d be the last _____ (fill in number) I’d need.

All of this assumes a non-threatening, non judgemental tone of voice/ body posture/ expression. A little timing is required for the tripping and some judgement, but hey, you can train a horse, you can train a kid.

Ok, getting backt to the original question (and I think the fact that this thread is now a record in posts is GREAT, regardless of the sniping going on!):

Bush would undoubtedly be a better president when it comes to the health of the horse industry. No doubt about that. If the wealthy get to keep more of their $$$, it is certainly likely they’ll spend more on horses and other luxuries. Ain’t that grand?

But there is one catch: those “open spaces” that some, like Snowbird, are so eager to see protected? Well, Bush won’t help you much there, I’m afraid.

Sorry for the lame post. I really just wanted to say that I think the dialog has been great, regardless. Nice to know that horse people care deeply about issues beyond the horse industry. (Well, maybe not a lot of full-time trainers do, but it’s nice to know their clients are still with it!)