Your Son Stellaspeed and more Gila thoughts…
Jeff’s Creek is a 15 hand chestnut with 4 high stockings and a huge blaze like a hereford calf . He also had a slight swayback. We love him to death, to the point that we shipped him to Ft Knox to be with my son before he deploys to Afghanistan. I would take one of Marcia’s horses sight unseen any time.[/QUOTE]
Hi All,
I know this is slightly off topic but I had to say to Stellaspeed - will be thinking of your son in Afghanistan. May he stay healthy and happy as can be under the circumstances, and may he come home safely after serving his country. Although I don’t like this war, I support our soldiers. As the daughter of a WW II veteran (‘Sarge’ was in the Phillipines), I respect and pray for all our troops. Blessings to your son!
On the topic at hand, The Gila Monster will someday be a strange footnote to racing history, after causing bad press, the loss of fans, and misery on the track. And, as I said before, I’ll believe he’s really gone when no member of his family or a shell corporation have ‘his’ horses.
Why racing officials don’t get the very basic PR damage being done is beyond me.
Okay, old boy’s network, here it is in simple words:
Loss of fans = Death of the sport.
Very simple really. And, it’s the fans who keep a sport alive. Gambling alone won’t do it.
And, Gila Monster, have you ever heard a leg break next to you? Have you ever had a horse fall over another horse who went down? Have you ever had a horse flip out and fall on top of you because of either current training or past training? I have. It doesn’t just suck because you’ve lost money - money should have nothing to do with it. It’s HEARTBREAKING because a beautiful animal who is trying as hard as he can for you is gone - in a flash. Then there is no funeral, just an injection and being dragged off.
Please give several horse retirement charities $1 million each and don’t let the door hit you in the butt on your way out. And, don’t leave in a huff, just leave.
I’m not threatening you in anyway. I hope all in your family have wonderful lives and you find a new hobby (may I suggest NASCAR?). I don’t want anything bad to happen to you - you should live a long, long life so you can contemplate what you did.