Buying from Bowie “kill pen”?

I completely understand. And the openings allow you to help others, when you are ready again!

It’s entirely likely I’ll continue helping more horses, eventually :joy: and I do miss having a TB on the payroll. Hay prices are just unbearable now and I feel like I’m spreading my time a bit too thin.

He sure is cute though, and could he be any more quiet?! Despite looking rather confused about all that is happening to him, he just goes along.


It’s unfortunate these people have the money to buy so many, including so many young horses. :disappointed:

NICE Gelding that doesn’t look completely sound, but might be worth the maintenance to someone for the gifts of knowledge he could bestow.

Oh my goodness that poor boy, he goes so nicely even though you can see he’s uneven. I hope someone gives him a soft landing and some proper shoeing.


He is just beautiful. Way too big for me, but I hope someone gives him a soft landing.

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Can someone call them and get them to scan for a chip on this guy? He was definitely a “real” horse at some point. I don’t even think he looks all that unsound given the circumstances.


He must have sold quickly, I checked again yesterday and he was off the website, not long after sharing him here. I really hope someone from Coth got him, he is absolutely worth the time and effort.


I hope he goes to a good home. I still had the website open to his page, and even the guy riding him seems to appreciate this horse. He sure did handle cantering up and down that aisle without a blink.

Crap, I’m getting soppy, I’m crying I’m so happy he’s found a home. If anyone hears anything, please let us know.


Someone please buy this filly before I get in trouble. I mean, that trot is lovely. @Tha_Ridge save me.

2358 Cute TB Bay Filly - Bowie Livestock (


That little boy didn’t want to get down from this Fox Trotter mare, lol:


Dooo ittt… :rofl:

Poor thing looks like a yearling. But I bet with proper care she’d grow quite a bit more still.


With that trot? I’m sending the Venmo and putting her on a truck to you. How fun would it be to figure out who she is and show her on the line? :heart_eyes:


She looks like so much fun!

Yes! Showed the video to my husband (he agreed that the best part is the child’s laughter), and told him “Hey, we could get her for $1,680!” – but we won’t. Someone is going to get a deal.

In the past, we’ve trail ridden many times with riders mounted on nice Fox Trotters, and I rode one owned by a trail riding buddy (he had several World Champions). If in the market for that type of horse, I think I’d prefer a Missouri Fox Trotter to a Tennessee Walker (although one of my close friends had a wonderful TWH stallion that was a very good boy).

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I did it. :woman_facepalming:t2:

She’s entering quarantine in TX today. Happy to share my experience once I safely get her home.

Thank you to the many enablers on COTH, you know who you are :rofl:

Leaving this “before” here:


Yaaas! I need to live vicariously since I am taking a break from acquiring new projects. For now. :wink: She is going to be a stunner in a few months!


Congrats @2bayboys! Cannot wait to see your young horse glow up pics/journey !!


Congratulations! A new “Henrietta” to follow. :grin:


I remember my dad used to complain to my mom that every time he constructed a turnout paddock at the ranch, my sister and I would go to the auction and rescue a horse to put in it.

So, as long as you have grass and an empty pen, this seems like it was a perfectly logical decision!