CA Clique Redux

and one more just to show is is SOMEWHAT capable of jumping like a normal member of the equine species…

Wishing you the very best of luck with the planning commission!! JINGLE JINGLE JINGLE…

Sorry to hear about your frustrations at the show, Merry. But look on the bright side (hey, I’m a Sagitarrius…always claiming the glass is half full), at least you didn’t need those EMT’s!

Oh, by the way, do they still have those funky white plastic panels hung along the hunter rings at Showpark? We had a pre-green hunter at our barn that absolutely HATED that ring. She saw those stupid panels moving in the breeze, stopped, stood up, and wouldn’t budge!!! My poor trainer couldn’t even get this horse out of the ring…she almost had to get off!

Maybe Hammie just needs some of that carrot/apple margarita mix! I hear Rusty is creating a variety of herbal concoctions as an additive to the margaritas…each is formulated for a specific dispostion. It’s sort of like those “boost” powders offered at Jamba Juice. I hear she is working right now on the “anti-pitch” powder.

Hehe, I’m watching the L.A. Kings in the NHL playoff against Colorado and yes, all my CA friends, I am rooting for L.A.

rusty, I know how difficult these planning commission/re-zoning committees can be. A friend of ours wanted to buy a former garage in a residential neighbourhood and renovate to a family home for himself and his daughter. Hired an architect on the reasonable assumption that the neighbours would prefer a residential home to a stinking garage. Apparently not. One woman, who seemingly had nothing to do with her life but to stir the sh*t decided she’d mount a campaign against his plans. She won, he lost.

I wish you well tomorrow with the meeting. Amazing, at times, isn’t it, how such innocuous meetings brings out all the hyopcrites and poo disturbers from the woodwork, so to speak.

Well, she’s been getting more stocked up than usual when she’s in her stall during the day (she’s out at night because she gets stocked up behind) and we think the hematoma may have been contributing to that. But now the fluid is localized at that one spot. I’m hoping that the vet will just prescribe those big yellow pills that help reduce fluid. Poor Miss Cypress…she’s not tender to the touch in that area, which is good, and she’s sound. In fact, she’s been soooo wonderful in our flatwork…I’m having a great time. She’s been so round and soft and light. We’re working on focusing on getting that feeling in between the jumps rather than obsessing about the distance, and I think it’s helping!

I actually never attempted it, but do know a few gals who ride and take pilates’s classes. They swear by it! I can only fit so much into a day!

Any Guesses?

Merry, are you still awake?

Wow…I’m surprised to hear about a trainer owing her clients a bunch of money. So I guess it goes to show that a trainer can have all the “stuff” and look the part, but it is nothing but an illusion. Wow. This business never ceases to amaze me. My last trainer didn’t borrow money from clients, as far as I know, but I do know that he would find horses for practically nothing ($2000) and “buy” them, then turn around and sell them to clients for $18,000. Funny, he always seemed to be buying a new truck, etc. right after he sold a horse. Wonder where he got the money??? But guess what? He hasn’t had steady clients since he left his wife (and their business together) and ran off w/his student. What goes around comes around…I firmly believe that.

PHEW! Wow this is a long thread! I went back a few pages and started reading - rather fascinating! Remind me to start reading from the beginning next time!

Did you get your hat Beezer? I’m pulling for you you know!

~Prince Jair, owned by Lovely Alice

What exactly do you do with a mini

The only thing i think I have seen are folks leading them around like a big dog. Outside of showing them in halter. How about a mini grand prix, free jumping and all. that would be a little more interesting…

Yes, just this morning I received an email from Sumo, who wrote the following:

Former mommy, I helped new auntie Beezer and new mama Merry with the jumps today. Auntie Beezer says I’m better than an ox anyday. After, mama Merry caught a fish in her pond and made me a fish tayco.

I noted that he misspelt “taco” but am hopeful that an education at Harvard-Westlake will reform the errant spelling of three-year-olds. So nice of you to enroll him there Merry. I am at peace.

You guys have made me realize how good I have it here at work!

And Coreene: Grace is truly 50% Arab! You can only see it when her tail goes straight up in the air! And both she and Jade are for sale (technically.) If I can sell Grace, my parents will “give” me Jade… But if someone comes walking up and puts a big enough check in my parent’s hands for Jade, they won’t say no.

I guess that is part of growing up and becoming a big girl. Dang it!

MERRY! Step away from that bit! Put it down and JUST STEP AWAY!! (Besides, I am sure that somewhere, deep in the bowels of that tackroom of ours, there is already a bit just like the one you want for the precious bay prince. Lord knows you’ve bought enough bits over the years. )

And honestly, Merry, the real danger to those shawls of yours … Oh, and for those playing along at home, when Merry says she’s always cold, that ain’t the HALF of it … isn’t me but the JRTs. You know how fond they are of snuggling and of playing tug-of-war.

Well, I have nothing fascinating to contribute, except to say that today was gorgeous!!! I got to take Cypress out on a trail ride again today, and everything was so nice with lots of pretty wildflowers. And she barely jigged at all! She’s finally getting the hang of going out on trail and relaxing!

Then I came home and floated around in the pool. I’m really enjoying it because this is the first weekend that we’ve had it heated since it’s been done. Unfortunately, though, I did learn yesterday that flagstone is sharp on the edges and can rip off half of a small toenail.

On another note, is anyone going to the Gold Coast show at LAEC in May? I might go for one day (saturday), then to the Memorial Day Classic. Hopefully I will have my COTH hat by then!

Oh no, Bumpkin … this sucker is all gold … bit, cheek pieces, the whole enchilada. Now, when Hammie takes the bit between his teeth, he really will be grabbing for Merry’s tiara!

Ah yes, lead changes…

I have them totally nailed on the flat. So now, incorporating them into the course is the next step, and one Hambola is not quite ready for. If you could see him on course, he’s really cute. He just goes thru the lines, and I feel like such a dork: I glance down to see what lead he lands on (90% of the time, the wrong one) and then I have like, what, 3 strides before I hit the corner to collect, balance and ask? On those diagonal lines, no problem. But as Beezer says, he looks like a tourist, just cruising around the corner (on the wrong lead, mind you) kind of gazing at stuff, not going too fast, but totally IGNORING my aids to move over and change!

I foresee lots of work over poles: canter pole, canter pole, get to corner, change. (Repeat as necessary).

And then I love that I’m judging next weekend. I can just hear people: “Her? She’s the judge? Well, I guess she won’t mind if I blow a lead change!”

Must point out that in both rounds of baby greens, there was not one single round that nailed all the distances and got clean lead changes, so I fit right in. Plus, I had the added benefit of a orange lipstick “smoochie” on my horse’s neck!

They have these fabulous shortbread thumbprint cookies with a drop of chocolate in the center, they are great and Elliot quite likes them.

SuaveReno, I was so sorry to hear about the way your former trainer is acting. She sounds positively psycho!! And her behavior towards your daughter is really shameful; I just can’t fathom it, frankly…

For what it’s worth, I went through a fairly unpleasant experience with a former trainer when I switched to another trainer. However, my new trainer was a wonderful person, and made my final two years of showing a pleasure, so it was definitely worth it. Hang in there, and keep in mind that her behavior only reflects badly on HER, not on you or your daughter in any way.

[I] “I’m here, I’m here,” elizabeth sings glibly. “Packing for my trip this weekend to the Ritz-Carlton in Laguna Niguel has been taking up all my time.”

Wty sighs, frustrated with elizabeth’s shameless bragging about how well her new potential boyfriend (not yet boyfriend, mind you) has been treating her. Merry, upon hearing of the trip, jumps up and down, waving her hand, saying “I wanna go, I wanna go. They have tack shops down near Laguna.” [/I]

Ladies, the one question I have, however, is how does one pronounce Niguel? Is it pronounced Nie-gel or Nie-gwel? I think it is the former, right?

Now, important stuff -
rusty, congrats, both on the planning commission meeting and on the birthday. ( elizabeth hums a few quick bars of “Happy Birthday” and tries to make up some words, to the tune of Happy Birthday, about successful planning commission meetings. )
suave, how did your testing go? did i miss the posting on that or has it not occurred yet?
beezer, do you only own white saddle pads or do you have a fetish that includes purchasing fancy colored or patterned ones??