CA Clique Redux

I am still reluctant on the breeches.
My mother wouldn’t buy me the rust, I had to stick with the tan/canary ones.
So rust breeches, as daring as they are to me now, aren’t an olde friend to return to.
But the brown field boots are way cool!! haha

Ah yes … the devil is always in the details, isn’t it, Coreene?

And, yes, Merry and Hammie and Beezer and Spot shall be venturing to points south this weekend. We’re leaving “by midmorning at the LATEST!” Merry says. Which, Beezer figures, having seen THIS movie too many times, will actually be sometime after noon…

We would have liked to wear our COTH caps on our grand adventure. We really would have. But alas … WE DON’T HAVE THEM YET!!!

Merry, email me the juicy gossip!!! I can’t tell the name by the initials!!! Oh, wait a minute…I can think of a really crooked guy who runs a sales barn with those initials…email me and tell me, pretty please? I love good gossip and promise to dish some out in return!

I’m sure it will be a questions that we all can get behind

Coreene … I’ve never met Willem “in person,” but for some reason I now have this image of this big, handsome horse prancing around with a plume of many colors on his head!

Have a wonderful time and if you’re still worried about broccoli in your teeth my solution is don’t eat broccoli!

Coreene, it occurs to me that your path has crossed several others’ with no one the wiser at the time. So, like, what? You’re some CIA operative who casts the net of invisibility wherever you go? As in, you see all and know all but none of us realizes it at the time?

I will not freak out, I will be o.k. I will not freak out, I will be o.k.

So Buster, my horse, is now sound - jumphigh83 brought him back to soundness. However, the woman who has been hacking him (I pay the board, I pay the farrier, she gets a free ride) sends me an e-mail saying she cannot make him canter. And he falls to the inside of the ring. And she is getting frustrated.

Oh, for Pete’s sake. I am FREAKIN’ out. If she cannot canter him and wants to stop riding him, I’m going to have to figure out what the FREAK to do with him again!!! BLAH!!!

I think the reason he is giving her crap is b/c she is not assertive, and Buster, being a former lesson horse, knows how to get away with things. So I sent her an e-mail suggesting she take some lessons with Jumphigh83.

Now I sit here and panic and wait to see how this resolves itself.

David has been suggesting I bring Buster out here, and I guess it is time to do so, but . . . I don’t know. He’s going to come off the truck dead lame. . . . I’m worried that AAJumper’s trainer is not going to want him now that I told her he was coming back in February (I gave her a check and all), but then had to cancel b/c he got so lame we were going to put him down.

Can I find another place to keep him if she is filled up now or doesn’t want him? (Rhetorical question) Can I find another place as grassy?

AHHHHH, I will not freak out, I will be o.k.

Thanks for letting me vent.

rusty, absolutely you can not fault the man. He is a prize!! The barn first? WOW!!

heidi, Merry, SoEasy we have a sub clique within. Years of tests, blood, samples, well you know, it’s the pits. Every antibiotic pharmacology came up with. ICK!! Between being told one of my kidneys was bad, and then it could be a tumor, don’t you know. Lucky all of us weren’t put in a mental institution. Nothing like being guinea pigs!! Seems I have hep C. Gotten with a blood transfusion, nearly 30 yrs ago. And since they finally a) have a test & b) a name for it its now able to be tested for. Well, enough of this…On to horses, the one true love!!

elizabeth, do you think that maybe he feels things are moving to fast? Cause it certainly sounds like he wants to be with you, maybe he doesn’t want you to feel rushed…

Love the pics you guys. The bay, playing peek a boo, and the chestnut pointing his toes…

Tux a friend of mine said, “We don’t find the right horse, he/she finds us.” I hope he/she find you soon.

Get the Winnebago out of the shed. We’re going on a road trip! Cafe Champagne, yeah baby. Coreene, you can rest in the back of the Winne. We’ll find a little bruise therapy for you. Seriously tho, sorry to hear your lovely wanted to brand you. That is not a fun happening.

Okay, so cult absconds with the judge. Heads for wine country, I can just see he headlines…“Unique Visitor”, Merry, who is also a freelance writer for the times, taken by cult to wine country. Her column, “Dealing with Horse Show Groupies” is going to press as we speak. With curbs, jingling, blender whirring, the cult heads off into the sunset.

Even better yet if he fed them to you!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I had great respect for the wonderful way she went about her life raising her foals. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That right there made me cry.

I’m so sorry weeble.

I’m in the market for another saddle as I have outgrown my Stubben CS. I’m considering the Stubben II line, and was wondering how much different it was from the CS.

Chef- Moving day? where is Hidden Valley Ranch? I guess if it is good enough for the Gondas then it should be a nice place!

“Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, Darling!” JD;Heathers

Maggi, thanks for caring! I e-mailed you. . . .

it’s Just FYI. Pretty good site. Another great one that we use is…but I am pretty sure that is for techie stuff only.

I love Andrea Meek, she’s a lot of fun to work with!

Rexford, that is awful! But it sure makes sense now, because I thought the footing looked different! I was lunging in the middle warm-up section and Hammie just slammed into the ground… from the trot! You should’ve seen my Pessoa saddle, let my poor horse’s mouth: it was filled with grit. When he stood up he was lame, but thank God he walked out of it. I am NOT showing there again until late this summer because of the footing! (But I agree that the show ring footing seemed fine).

Coreene: My straw hat is off to you, girlfriend, for being a fellow gardener! I’ve started a sunflower garden from seed in my backyard.

elizabeth, you must fill us in on your date. We married ladies live vicariously through the romances of the unattached. We also live vicariously through movies, television dramas, R-rated videos and eavesdropping on the random teenager’s phone calls, but I digress…

Now, dear Heidi, I don’t want to incur the wrath of Child Protective Services, so I’m forcing Sumo Toddler to undergo a weight-training program so as not to strain his young back schlepping jumps around my ring for my sister. However, I do need the roof repaired on one of my paddocks, so I don’t want the lovely child to become too muscle-bound, otherwise he won’t be able to scale the ladder. My, that boy sure eats a lot! Yesterday, after he’d polished off his second Chalupa from Taco Bell, I caught him eyeing our pet pygmy goat!I’m afraid now to leave him alone near the goat with any sort of sharp object. Perhaps I can stave off his appetite with more strawberries?

maybe you should just tell them from the get-go that you (like all of us) put every spare penny and minute into your horses and riding and in most people’s books that makes you certifiable! That could possibly save a lot of time.