CA Clique Redux

Yes, it appears that coreene is indeed the Earth Mother Goddess. I can just picture her in all her glory: tie-dyed Gunne Sak dress circa 1972, a wreath of periwinkle vines atop a head of flowing hair, a riding crop stuck in the waistband of her macrame belt…

Oh, I feel myself being pulled by the urge to rush out and buy Hambola an pretty, newly styled eggbutt snaffle. He hates his dee-ring. and his mommy wants him to be happy.

By the way, what is it with all you people and your jobs? I feel so alone during the day, what with mucking stalls and lunging horses and riding. Yesterday’s lesson with Hammie was “Transitions: A Necessary Evil in All Green Horses’ Lives” Ah, sorry, Hammie, but a half-halt is indeed supposed to mean something. It is NOT to be viewed as merely an opportunity for you to lean on my hands.

elizabeth, to me it sounds like Buster is in an ideal situation. Light a fire under that woman! She sounds like a wuss and Buster is just too smart for her!

Elliot’s new thing is bananas!
Poncho and him both have banana breath.
Elliot loves to savour his banana and carrots and if he opens his mouth too wide the whole thing plops out in the big gooey mass of banana.

Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm Suave Reno Waits patiently for CA clique to show up.

Ok AA Jumper LAEC Show April 8th…sounds good.

I’m in for the Oaks, Del Mar, Ride America so far…hopefully to graduate from the 2’6" to 2’9" classes

Hey youse guys find me here

Wait! Stop everything! Did someone mention the lovely words “South Coast Plaza”?? The nirvana that is but mere moments from Beezer’s job site? ROAD TRIP!

Whoa there, Wty. Whaddya mean, saying something like, “Beezer how could you let her do this?” I TRIED TO STOP MERRY’S MADNESS! But would she listen to me? No, no she would not! When it comes to bits, she is pretty much unstoppable … kinda like Hammie sometimes.

AAJumper, good for you for sticking to your priorities. Elizabeth’s right, though, sometimes these corporate types do low-ball you and then come back with another offer. But it sounds like they have a long way to go before getting into your ballpark.

Elizabeth, dear, don’t loofah yourself TOO much. Guys kinda like the hand trying to grab theirs to have SOME skin on it.

And Tux Wink, folks are right. Your horse is out there and he/she will find you. Sometimes they just take their own sweet time getting around to it.

Now … about that shopping list. I didn’t realize there was a horse store at SCP. I shall have to look for it at lunch!

Hey, I’m not sure my rounds are fit for public consumption, regardless of whether rusty’s beverages are!

I am so happy for you!!

Ah, the chanting worked. Merry ya dun good! You retained your tiara. But whoa, that Hammie needs to be a little respectful to his mom! Chomping at one’s head is grounds for a divorce. Right wty should talk. Years of bumps and bruises “oh, she didn’t mean it. She’s just grumpy” Uh huh! Oh Beezer, do give her a little slack. She still won the class

Maybe for us “shorter” armed riders they will make a rein that lengthens and shortens automatically? New project for the cult, this could be a WINNER!

Gosh, I’m a couple of days behind here, but here goes.

rusty Good luck on your show tomorrow. It looks as if your wish for a cooler day just may come true. And, a hearty Happy Birthday to you. Have a margarita on me!

What a tragedy it is to hear about Jennifer Marlborough Freeman’s terrible accident and subsequent death! Didn’t she ride at one time with and/or for Butch and Lu Thomas at the old Willow Tree site in Woodside?

TuxWink: I’m rattling a curb chain to bring you good luck with the horse hunt, and for the one you originally wanted – how wonderful. Could this be a case of good things coming to those who patiently wait?

Re Pilates: As a QVC devotee, I’ve seen several programs devoted entirely to Pilates equipment and exercises. For anyone interested in perusing their web site (a very nicely done set of pages), you can go to and do a search on “Pilates” where, I’m sure, you’ll find all sorts of their stuff, and at reasonable prices. Now, don’t strike me about the head and shoulders over QVC. Remember that I’m an old lady who watches a lot of TV.

elizabeth: Here’s another vote for " lah - goo’ - nah " " nih - gell’ " (with the already mentioned hard gee in “gell”).

And, finally

Bumpkin: I hope Poncho’s lameness problem is diagnosed very soon and that it’s minor and easily fixed. Be sure to keep us posted on that one!

I was sound asleep last night before 9pm.
Took some cold medicine and my latest copy of COTH to bed and zonked out.
I think this was the first night I have been home before 8 PM in months.
Of course I spent the full day moving all my stuff and Elliot to Farpoint, two Suburban loads full!!
Then sorting through it all.

Merry, Merry, Merry what happened to you?
I think you are tops in telling us “Where Is This Person” though!!!

So purdy Tux!! Have a great first lesson w/ her!

coreene - didn’t you mention earlier that you were reading Laura Hillenbrand’s “Seabiscuit”? Just finished it last night - you know, what with all this extra time on my hands and all - it was the greatest! SO good. Can’t wait for the movie!!

I have been gone since the death of the Question thread, but I have returned to find that all is good and well with the CA clique. I am sorry to hear that several of you, like me, are scanning the job listings daily. It is not a fun!! I have been looking for a month now, and am only going to my first interview next week. (For a job that is paying almost 1/2 of what I used to make - arg am I getting desperate already???) The ressesion (why doesn’t that spelling look right) is hitting this area already. A plus to living in CA. Ressions hit you last, and the least hardest. At least that was true in the 80’s. Anyways, for me it was not downsizing, but like AA an absolute disgust for my employeer. I couldn’t wait any longer to find another job first, and I quit on Saturday.

So we are back to dishing up CA gossip I see too. I had to go back about 8 pages to figure out what all you guys were talking about. Chicky-pippy and all that stuff. If the RF is the same one I’m thinking about, he actually worked for Suave’s ex-trainer back in the 80’s at the Fairgrounds. Suave’s ex-trainer has been doing her act so many times over for so many years it absolutely amazes me. Like you Merry, I am almost in amazement over people that can stomach such practices and do it continually.

Keep up the CA-talk. I may not always write, but reading all the CA stuff seems to help keep my head above water when things here seem to get too crazy.

Oh, please. At least you don’t fall off a horse every time you get on (hopefully). And when you do come off, the horse only steps on you by mistake (hopefully).
The bulls are trying to do the Mexican hat dance on the cowboys.

Merry- I’m sure my father couldn’t understand the cold shoulder at the next Little League game!

Good suggestion, Bumpkin. That is exactly what David said.

I have heard horror stories, though, about flying, including from my vet, so I had resolved myself to the fact that ground transport was the best way to go. Of course, I can reconsider it. The question, I guess, is whether the lameness invariably caused by a 6 day trailer ride can be reversed with three weeks of Bute, maybe some injections, and turn-out in the sun. If not, then I need to seriously reconsider the flying point.

Phew, in a few short hours we have 3 more pages. Wty runs to catch up to Beezer and see what she knows.

Suave the old shrink test? Ewwwwww, reminds me of the “Miracle on 34th St” one. Are you going to bonk the man with an umbrella? This could be contrued as passive agressive. That should just tie up any loose ends they might have.

coreene, you are a busy girl. rusty, just turn on that blender and all our woes will disappear. Sorry you’re having brain fry. Sit down, we will make you a margarita!

A/A don’t dispair, there’s something good to come of all this. If nothing else, we have been warned which bosses are incredibly GROSS! We will jingle our curbs, soothing sounds…

she finally crawls out of bed to feebly say hi to her CA clique pals…

weeble and bumpkin:

I have a six degrees connection to Reagan as well - a friend of my husband’s is the daughter of William Clark, who was Reagan’s Secretary of State right after the infamous James Watt!

sorry my Barranca Parkway reference brought up such bad medical memories for you…

Since I’m feeling so punky, think I will now treat myself to watching the ‘Riders’ video which coreene so kindly lent me. Thanks again coreene, you are the best!!

Now back to my Sudafed, Kleenex and NyQuil…


Sorry Dublin, I didn’t mean to slight you. I just saw that it’s you who uses the very apropos quote “Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller. I want to give you the credit for coming up with it.


Nope, I wasn’t here during the quake. I moved down here from the Peninsula in 1990. My old house in Woodside sat on bedrock and, except for a couple of cupboard doors that opened and several pretty spooked animals, absolutely nothing happened.

However, the building where I worked (on Page Mill Road) was rather damaged as it was constructed over the underground garage and the supports/pillars were pretty much weakened. We had to move out while reconstruction took place.

Cheers, Maggi

Let me know what time works for you. I emailed you the telephone numbers. I have a lesson at 4 on Sunday, but any other time on either day is okay. I have decided that, due to high drama at work the last two weeks (rude clients), I am doing nothing but Stable 101.

Coreene, that is sooo cute. Can you take any pictures?

The Hambola lopes? Did he do western pleasure in his previous life? Could be why he loves looking off into the distance, he’s trying to find some moo’s. Well, Merry still think we need to bring the Winne, coreene needs a place to display her tatoo/rest. And we need a place to, well,hang out? With all the blender margaritas, we need to be able to sit down. Rusty, we may be able to reformulate the old gas tank. Carrot margaritas might give us extra mileage. Then we could head north and visit weeble at Pebble!!!

elizabeth, put your Breyers away, we’re off! It’s a road trip!!!

Is Beezer still doing the jumpers with her WB pinto mare? Curbs jingling softly, the group, starts assembling themselves

[This message was edited by wtywmn4 on Mar. 27, 2001 at 03:21 PM.]

So, those curb chains really do work after all?! I’ll have to remember that!!

COREENE, You crack me up!! That story is adorable, but the accent just about killed me!! Pour yourself a margarita on that one!!