CA Clique Redux

Weeble, I’m so sorry to hear about your mare. I had to put my first mare down, and I cried for weeks.

I’m just certain that I have some form of dwarfism in my arms. I’m forever being reminded to shorten my reins. So Merry, what do you think the difference is in these people’s philosophies with short reins versus longish reins? My trainer’s ex is big on super short reins (well, they feel super short to me), but I’m wondering if that is more of a jumper thing versus and eq. thing. But all of his instructions come from the viewpoint of what is most effective. He also tells my trainer to shorten her reins as well. But I wonder why people have such different viewpoints on how short is too short???

Elizabeth, iceplant comes in several varieties, but is used as a groundcover. This time of year, they produce really really bright pretty flowers in either purple, yellow, orange or red. The iceplant leaves are somewhat thick and round. I’m sure you’ve seen it around, but just didn’t recognize what it is. There’s a lot of it at the beach! That type that you find at the beach often has big thick fingerlike “leaves”. Anyway, I bought a flat of iceplant, and there are around 50 tiny plants…each has to have a hole dug for it! Aaahhh!

Chef, I’ll see ya Sunday!

mine hasn’t shown up yet!! (it’s actually about on a par with how long it takes to get my magazines) grrrrr

“Of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

Oh, what a great picture.

I believe they are looking for a lost contact lens. She got way up on her horse’s neck so that she could see better. The question is how she is going to get down off his head. (Look, she is almost on his EARS!)

Ladies, ladies, ladies…Let’s not be tooooooo squeaky about elizabeth’s amore. I am over the hill, and when you all hit that mid to late 50’s mark, call me I don’t live vicariously thru elizabeth’s posts. I do love when people are happy tho!! Something we don’t seem to have enough of these days. Anyway, just had to get that off my chest. Am not trying to flame anyone, just saying lighten up, please??

Tux your new mare is very nice. A wish come true. So is it Camelot this weekend? You should have a wonderful time there. They try very hard to have good footing and courses…Curbs will be jingling…

And why not race up to someone with the COTH BB hat on their head? If it were me, I would be rolling and tell you exactly who I was! It’s the perfect way to meet everyone…

[I] verrrrrry nice. spotorama is a lovely LOVELY horse.

<<“this is going to sound stupid,” elizabeth whispers self-consciously, “but her white fur looks very soft.”>>[/I]

Suave, where will you be showing this weekend?

And, unfortunately: [B]be prepared for rain.[/B]

Just heard on KNX that they expect it tomorrow night through Saturday. Damn rude if you ask me.

In Mendocino (actually Little River) try Heritage House. Mr. SuaveandI were mariied there in the gazebo overlooking the ocean. It’s the place wherer Same Time Next Year was filmed. Try and stay in the cottage “Same Time” or “Next Year”. It’s absolutely charming and they have a great bar and 5 star restaurant ont he premises

Sorry about your computer.

Glad you’re another KB fan, I have loved him ever since Henry V, which I have seen over and over, and I think he is terribly underrated as both an actor and director.

One of the problems with his Hamlet was probably the length, 4 hours I recall? The opening scene, with the stunning black and white set design and the confetti cascading down, had me hooked right away…and the time flew by, so the length wasn’t a factor for me at all. His Much Ado About Nothing was also wonderful!!

“Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

Merry, I find it VERY HARD – neigh, almost impossible – to believe that there is no eggbutt snaffle in your collection. I am quite certain that somewhere, you have one. Either that, or you’ve already buried it in the backyard as MHM suggested or tossed it out in one of your fits of tack-room cleaning.

“What the HECK do I need THIS for? We don’t have any horses that go in an eggbutt!” And Merry tosses it out, over the sputterings of Beezer, who says, “We might NEED that one day!” “Pshaw,” Merry says – and she really DOES say that --“none of our horses will ever go in an eggbutt. Besides, they are just not a pretty bit.”

Beezer has been in this movie too many times to count.

Oh, and the REASON Merry’s credit cards have zero balances is that when it comes time to make purchases, she brings the catalogs over, complete with item and page numbers marked, deposits them on QHSM’s kitchen counter, and announces: “YOUR horse needs these things. He HAS to have them. He will not be successful otherwise.” And QHSM, being as well trained as she is, whips out HER credit card and gets Hammie those things he needs to be “successful.”

At which point, Hammie magically morphs back into MERRY’S horse.

[This message was edited by Beezer, Royal Princess to Queen Merry on Apr. 27, 2001 at 09:41 PM.]

Merry, the owner’s son does not have a pooping dog of his own, but enjoys the family pooping dog. He loves petting the thing…and it stinks!!! He used to get annoyed with us when we’d open the door too fast and hit the dog with it. Well, maybe it shouldn’t be lying on the floor right next to the door!!! Then he’d tell the dog to bite us. And no, he’s not 14 years old…he’s 36!!!

Cypress would like a plume…maybe in burgundy. She’s not much of a froofy girl, so no pink for her. But the burgundy compliments her dark color.

Oh, I forget to mention that my trainer videotaped us on Saturday during our lesson. It was cool because we got to watch it with her later on, and got to see everyone and hear her critiques. It was pretty educational. I’m happy because all my suffering to change my position is paying off…I might have good equitation one of these days!!! Then, that day my trainer’s ex came to teach her, and was totally after her about her position, and not getting in the backseat, etc. She said that now she can better understand how hard I’ve been working and how I’ve been suffering! My back muscles have been totally getting work what with trying to arch my back all the time! But like they say, no pain no gain!!!

Wow! Did I need a horse fix today
I agree with you Coreene that when things get tough at the office I need to go to the barn and play. I knew that I needed to go when I threatened my 23 year old boytoy assistant by telling him that I was going to bit him up and spur him if I didn’t get my dang report

He kinda of looked at me and saw that I had this determined look in my face and said he’s hop on it LOL!

Coreene between 2 and 3 on Saturday works for me if that’s good for you…and about those Manolo’s…

If I may switch topics…trainer splits make me crazy I cannot believe how my trainer was allocating some of them. It’s so weird that the few end up paying for the many who have some sort of side deal going on with the TRAINER (aka known as THE T for future reference ) One gal at our barn who just bought an incredibly expensive green jumper ended up paying about $1400.00 for one week of splits. So inquiring minds want to know, was THE T staying at the Ritz Carlton??? She got so perturbed that the next week she moved her horse…

On another note, I am so glad that the clique is alive and well (I must sound like the Bud commercial “Hey Man, I really luv ya”) but it’s true. All of you brighten my day!! Rusty pass those margaritas LOL!

Merry so glad to hear that good Samaritans still exist.

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on Apr. 14, 2001 at 06:55 AM.]

Eh, who’s watching Survivor? All I know is there’s some nurse still alive, and so of course I want her to win just because she’s a mom and a nurse. But nooo, I’m sitting at the computer coming up with my ideas for articles I’d like to write for 2001. Editors, they’re always sixteen jumps ahead of the game!

Gee, I wonder if elizabeth shaved enough of her legs?

Tux, I think you should be able to find such an animal. In fact, I shall put on my thinking cap right now… since you don’t want a 17 hander, that definitely helps!

It’s Post Equestrian Stress Disorder. I know I’m afflicted. I got to the office at 6:30am so i could leave at 3:30 and get to the barn by 5:00. Had a lesson. Jump a line buck, buck , buck. Pull his head up…don’t let him do that. Where’s your lead change? You already know how to stop! Buck, buck, buck.

The best partof the evening was grooming and petting his head and playing with his nose. Afterall Tomorrow is another day

Hey Beezer do you have a pic of your Paint WB? He sounds wonderfuL!

I flaked out at about noon today and just bitted-up horses and lunged instead of riding because I let it get too hot. Tomorrow I must ride, so I shall rise at dawn.

Hmmm… I wonder if elizabeth and David have progressed beyond the mere peck on the cheek?

NO, the “Bit of Gold” does not function in the capacity of an effective training aid on Hammie. But coupled with a flash noseband and a running martingale, it’ll work. It’ll work, I say!I said, it’ll do, dang it! It looks pretty and I’ll make it work!

… see Hammie cantering around the warm-up ring at Ride America oblivious to the lady on his back…

Bumpkin: Your story ideas are hysterical! I’ve jotted them down and I’ll trawl them out in front of my editor just for laughs. She just got divorced, so I’m guessin’ she’ll be buying herself a ticket to The Mummy!

See, coreene, picture this swarthy Arab guy in draping, flowing black robes, his raven hair blown back from his face by harsh desert winds. He is strong, he is athletic, he rides a silver Arabian stallion. He has a sword. He has these cryptic cartouche-like tattoos on his face, no doubt symbolizing his valor and status. But alas, his allegiance is sworn to Allah (or someone like that) and he fights a noble battle for Good. So he is a chaste man, but, woo-hoo-ha-ha, toss the goat on the barbie and pit those dates, Omar, because there will be a party in the streets of Abu Simbel tonight!

Yeah Merry you hit the nail on the head. We have the:
Social Butterfly
Slave Driver
The Absent-Minded Professor (hmmm. I came out to the ring for something…??)
The Neurotic
The Paranoid (OMG They’re all out to get me
The Politically Correct
The Politically Incorrect
The A Show Barn Wanna Be

Gosh! the list could go on and on…Sorry I’m still working on some anger management here.

Hey Beezer: How about a cyber cake for Merry??

MO: the other horses are Arthur (aka “Bubba”) who’s the full brother to Spot but he’s a very warmbloody-looking dark bay and 16.3. He’s just a pooh-bear mentality but a tad snorty/suspicious of everything. We all love him, but he’s a total dressage mover. Whenever I showed him, my friends would just laugh at me, “What are you doing on that dressage horse?” Unfortunately, he bowed, so he’s coming back from lay-up now and I’ve got to sell him to a dressage home. Then there’s our cousin’s horse, and the illustrious Hanoverian cow-beast, “Barbie”. Barbie is only 3. She’s out being broke at Sandi Nisson’s. I hear A)she’s the cutest thing since puppies; B)she’s the best mover we ever bred; and C)she’s dumber than a brick. So, that about sums her up.

I’m not sure about my screen name going on my cap, either. Why? Because everyone who knows me at shows will come up to me and say, “Cindy, why do you have ‘Merry’ written on your cap?” I suppose I could have another one that says, “Pissy”. Of course, this is all presuming I will actually receive a cap…

I’d love to blame it on Saturday’s rain, but by 4 PM yesterday when the lesson started, we’d been dry for 24 hrs.

But I have to share the sheer utter joy and love I have for my horse - well, I always have it, but yesterday was one of those reminders where he went along doing the most EXQUISITE half passes and was singing “I’m the best, I’m the best.” And, do you know, for a few minutes I believed him. We would have beat Anky with yesterday’s half passes.

Sorry, had to share that. You’re my girlfriends and y’all know more than my non-horsey girlfriends exactly what that means.

Of course, when the lesson was over and I said “All done, go home,” he did a tiny mincing walk to the open arena gate and then the nagging Rental Horse I Gotta Pee jog back to the stall, which so totally contradicted the Fred Astaire movements that I nearly fell off laughing.

“Thanks, wty,” elizabeth whispers with a shy smile, very pleased that Wty is giving elizabeth a little room to share her giddy new-romance-finally-feeling-at-home-in-California glee with her BB friends.

Now, the mighty important stuff: Merry, fear not - all is right with the bit. As I recall (I own a three-link “gold” bit for Bustifer), the “gold” bit is supposed to be very special b/c the bit reacts with the world, with saliva, with whatever. It seems that the reaction causes the bit to be more pleasing (in taste?) to the horse, causing him to more readily accept the bit. So, rejoice in the patina of the bit!

[I] elizabeth screeches up to AAJumper in her car, yells “get in” as she grabs AAJumper’s arm and pulls her into the car, and peels away, just as Rocky, the crazed Lab, launches smack into the car window.

Watching the trail of dog saliva slither down the car window as they speed away, AAJumper mutters “get your own darn cap, Beezer.” [/I]

Thanks AA! Given that description, I think I will DEFINITELY try to go!

well I’m back from the east coast, while it is a nice place to visit I’m not quite ready to move there, there is still left over snow!

“Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, Darling!” JD;Heathers