CA Clique Redux

Oh Merry … perhaps you’d like to explain to the class just how come all the jumps are ONCE AGAIN piled up in the middle of the arena? And such a lovely pattern you made practicing all those lead changes with the Ham-ster…

Memo to self: Remember next time that it is generally best NOT to try to ride the Spotted Wonder Beast after having taken your migraine medicine. It is also perhaps not the best idea to do so on a chilly, breezy evening when said Beast is being Ms. Frisky Humpty-Back Horse and envisions that the neighbor’s cat on the barn roof is in reality a puma ready to pounce and that the reason Rocky the Crazed Labrador is running around with a tennis shoe in his mouth is because he ATE the human who was wearing it.

[This message was edited by Beezer, Royal Princess to Queen Merry on Apr. 12, 2001 at 03:45 PM.]

I’ve also had the “lingering glance” at bruises from medical personnel. I always tell them I would never tolerate a person treating me that way, but a horse- that’s different!

It’s a second generation experience in my family. Once my mother was doing something with a naughty young horse that resulted in two black eyes on parent/teacher conference day. She got many lingering glances!

Ummm, maybe she didn’t make it home last night, nudge, nudge, , to file her report.

Well DryCleanOnly, we are definitely awake, but not all of us are sane… But alas, I shall be off the computer soon, since BattleBots is on soon!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen…it’s robot fightin’ time!!!

My husband and I are addicted to that show…it’s scary. We even have favorite “bots”.

However, she will always be on the hunt for more cutie patootie eggbutt snaffle bracelets …

She suggests that, while shopping for the Great Hambolarama, Merry makes sure she buys something for herself as well. After all, the horses can’t have everything. We need treats for ourselves, too.

Coreene - do the gals have a website where we might view His Royal Plumage? I am dying to see him. He sounds so funny and chock full o’ personality.

Trick - your chestnut is very very cute! I am so partial to chestnuts w/ lots of white…shhh…don’t tell the “bay wonder”. And Merry I am with you on the equitation thing. On horses like these, it is not even a consideration. Hell I just hang on for dear life. It is odd though - he doesn’t give the jumps quite as much oomph with me on. I mean, he still over jumps, but not in such an extreme manner (and thank god for that). And totally off topic here - but would you be adverse to sending me your email address so that I might ask you a few questions about your writing career? I would SO appreciate it…

I am going to be at Gold Coast April 8th…thanks to the fact I was SUPPOSED to show this weekend at that Spring Fling horse show and now am not. I guess it was really small and the JR. Hunters didn’t fill so the other horse couldn’t go leaving only me.

AAJumper: I have the same problem w/ the show schedule, then when we do agree on a show, everyone flakes leaving a couple us with huge tack stall expenses, trainer’s hotel fees, etc to split. It is getting REALLY annoying (and expensive.)

Are they nuts?

I used 4 days of sick leave for that crappy cold that everyone in the world had a couple of months ago and just took 2 days off for that lovely, highly infectious pink eye.

I was told I would die an early death if my co-workers got it – hence the 2 days off. (Now, where did I get it from???)

I am not normally a “sickie” --I think I used 2 days of sick leave all of last year (sinus infections) – but it is nice to know it’s there.

I just got a title promo (same job, new title) and now have 4 weeks of vaca – plus whatever sick leave we get.

Boo to them for thinking they could get you cheap!

coreene, you must tell them that it is a tatoo: “Oh, yes, that is a horse-shoe tattoo. You’ve never heard of it? Well, obviously you are not trendy.” (Then scoot off. . . or limp off. . . whatever.)

(I’m yelling b/c I keep wanting to go to shows, just to quietly watch, but nobody tells me where they are! So I sit at home. . . alone. . . putting on a horse show with my breyer horses. . . <<sigh>> )

Does this mean Beezer and I should carry curb chains in our pockets while competing at Ride America in a week or two?

[I]Wty is beside herself with excitement. A horse sized tiara for Hammster! What a coup. Where oh where can we get those?? Anyone working for set design?

Oh my, Beezer do tell. Our little Merry, taking the king’s english and putting a twist to it? Wty pictures hoards of running parents and children, hands clapped over their ears, wondering why they ever tuned into QVC, now exiting the show area. This was not one of the cult leader’s better moments. Does this scenario sound incredibly familiar?[/I]

What a great picture of him. If you don’t mind, can I put his picture on my webshots page??? Pretty pretty please??

bumpkin, so sorry to hear of Poncho’s further problems - poor guy. At least the vet found something he could treat! I sincerely hope for Mal’s sake that this will be the end of the abscesses and that she and Poncho can have a fun summer together. Crossing my fingers, and jingling a curb chain on his behalf…

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for this public service announcment:

WILL IT EVER STOP RAINING?? (Granted, it has not rained in a couple of weeks, but I thought rain was a WINTER thing out here. NOT A SPRING THING.)

O.k. As you were. . . .

I appreciate you - dublin, coreene, bumpkin, and Mo - sharing your views in an open-minded way.

Of course, I am not about to stop posting because you four do not approve!!

Thank you again for your views! And keep up the great posting.

P.S. A reminder: you really don’t have to read anything I post!!

Thanks, Merry. I think I have it!

It’s hard to believe I was a computer programmer for something like 30 years, huh?

Cheers, Maggi

I’m tellin’ ya’, drag yourself down to the low rent district and go to Thrifty Horse on Katella in Orange. It’s kind of near the intersection of Katella & Chapman. They often have a bunch of brand new Van Teal, Beacon Hill and Essex shirts for 1/2 price, and not just in skinny kid sizes. They’re the overflow from Cathy Smith’s Outdoor Outfitters traveling tack store. Often there are some new GP coats, too, at $100. less than usual.

I have heard of a place up by Fort Bragg calle, “Dimboes”, I have no recollection of the spelling but it is a great romantic place.

Well definately that and olde age.
Take your pick. haahahaa


Back from my big 15 hours or less a week job
I don’t know how anyone can work more hours a week than that and have a life.

NancyL, what was the woman heating her pool to, 100 degrees in 30 degree weather??? We heated to 75 for 3 weeks in October, but turned it off when the nights got colder. And I was shocked by the $200 gas bill!!! Our gas is billed separately from electric, so there is no chance of missing it, fortunately! We went in the spa about 4-6 times or so per month in the winter, and the gas bill never got over $100. However, now that it is hotter, the pool seems to be staying at 78 (about what I heated it to) and I turned off the heater completely on Saturday. Elizabeth, some people have solar covers, but they are a real pain in the butt, and can often make the water almost too hot!

On another note, my old horse, Roy, used to eat Taco Bell burritos too! I used to hang out next to his stall to study while I was in college, and we’d share a burrito. He was Mr.Curiousity…he was quite fascinated by my engineering books…he even tried to taste them! He really liked watermelon rinds the best though…he’d get so slobbery eating them! I also had a mare who stole a big bite of her old owner’s McDonald’s hamburger!

I didn’t get to sign on from work today because the owner’s son (a total computer guru) is in town (he used to be my boss) and I would have gotten caught for sure!!!