CA Clique Redux

What, Weatherford, are you intimating that the COTH BB hats have been delivered somewhere other than Rolex??? Beezer and I shall be donning ours in the San Diego area at the end of the month, providing, ahem, they’ve arrived…

Suave, don’t rush out and buy your golden bit just yet. I may occasionally make appearances in rust TS breeches, but I’m not quite sure I’m ready to display my horse’s talents in a golden bit.

As for hunters vs. equitation: Suave, darling, in our ahem, “aged” amateur divisions, trust me, babe, unless you’re in the Marshall & Sterling at Indio, if the round is free of major faults and “senior rider moments”, you’ll pin in both hunters & eq.

TuxWink: I’m really sorry to hear about the pre-purchase fiasco (try being the breeder/owner/seller when a horse fails ) and then hearing that the giver-of-the-nearly-free-horse backed out. Just take heart in knowing that she might have been one of those people who then shows up on your doorstep and starts critiquing how you’re caring/not caring for her former precious baby, and that maybe you weren’t such a good home after all. Trust me, I’ve had friends where that happened! Can you say, “legal issues”?

It’s a San Diego County show in Temecula— yes, the wine country, but don’t get any crazy ideas!

“Where’s the judge? Isn’t it time for her lunch break to be over?”

“She should be back, but last I heard she was headed to the Callaway wine tasting tour and Cafe Champagne. She climbed into a Winnebago with a group of gals jingling curb chains.”

A final note on lead changes: Hey, a horse hasn’t been invented that neither Beezer nor I cannot teach to do changes. Hammie will do them, it’s just incorporating them into the course that’s hard right now.

I felt kind of guilty in church on Sunday. When they asked for prayer requests, I seriously had this impulse to fill out the prayer card with the note, “My horse needs help getting his changes.”

Are BonBons only the ice cream ones from the theatre?
I have never bought/eaten them before, maybe I should sometime.
Or are they any chocolate?

Things are looking waaay up, Suavereno! I’m glad the new barn is working out. And I’m glad the new barn is giving your (slightly traumatized) daughter some TLC!

I don’t know the answer to your release question. I never actually look - I go by feel. (Of course, sometime I “feel” myself hanging my horse in the fact, but. . . .)

Let’s see what the master’s (Merry? Beezer? AAJumper?) have to say. . .

I hope the poor guy heals up quickly!

Sorry Bumpkin, but we’re keeping the trunk. Like a once favored sweater you re-discover in the floor of your closet, it’s just like it’s brand new all over again.

Yes, Beezer’s passion for saddle pads runs the gamut from stately navy to classic white to gauche animal prints. They’re those square, quilted jumper pads. Like, enough already, okay???

Regarding the gas crunch, Beezer’s old, retired show jumper did indeedy used to be quite a successful combined driving horse. She’s a very old-style Trakehner and could perhaps come in handy is the gas crisis continues!She would need a hot pink/fuschia plume, as that is her color.

elizabeth, to sound like a true native, it’s pronounced lazily, as in “Lagooona Na-gel” (hard “g”, accent on the gel).Now, tell us, are you going alone, on business, or are you and David “co-habitating” for a weekend getaway???

Hello, just returning from a day of opposites: sunny/cloudy, cold and windy/sunny and warm, sunglasses/no sunglasses. YIKES!

The other “opposites” adventure was schooling Miss Bossy Boots (aka The Lovely Spot) for my sister. I had forgotten how the pinto wonder mare could be so, oh, rambunctious to ride, especially on a breezy, cool day. Going thru the gymnastic exercise was a bit akin to a thrill ride at Magic Mountain: “Did I go thru it already? Well, I guess so, because I’m at the other end of the arena.”

Hammie, on the other hand, Mr. Baby Green Hunter, was so laid back in his smooth, big loose ring snaffle. La-di-da. I think he spooked once at the weed-eater (QHSM trying to kill me).

So, I see I missed on Fleet Apple. Wow, and I thought Dian Mitchell/Lundy/Langer was Kenny Nordstrom? I’m not sure who should be more insulted: me with my failing eyesight or Dian and her less than feminine appearance!

Yep…checked the mail when I got home, and there was a nice big envelope inside. The hat looks great…I can’t wait to wear it! I will for sure wear it to my next show at LAEC!

AAJumper abruptly turns and runs for cover, as the CA Clique, armed with rotten oranges, begins frothing at the mouth. Fearing they will steal the precious hat, AAJumper grabs a knife to hold off the mob, only to have the crazed labrador snag it out of her hands…

Chicky peeps Margaritas coming up. We must have as many of these as we can stand because they will be out of season on Mon.
Curb chains dangling for those that are looking for jobs and for those of us trying to find a well on our hopefully new property.

You guys aren’t very good at taking hints.

Public Service announcement now over…

Suave, that story is so LOL funny! It reminds me of a show my good girlfriend, Andrea Meek, was judging. It was an LA Co./AHSA show at LAEC. Anyways, in this “older” adult eq. class all of the women riders were of course immaculately dressed in the latest fashions. But there were only 10 in the class. So Andrea pins it, leaving only one or two riders without a ribbon. The trainer (a male mucky-muck, but I won’t say who) of one of the ribbonless lady riders came up to Andrea and asks why the gal didn’t place. To be courteous, Andrea told him things like her leg was lose, she balanced herself on her hands, etc. In reply, the trainer kind of went, “Hmphf… But she was dressed for the part, wasn’t she?”

Ah, excuse me, it’s not a freakin’ fashion show!

over in the Junior clique they’re saying that they only have to get two more pages to catch up with the CA threads, what are we going to do about that? Yes I’m a junior but more importatntly a CA clique member

“Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, Darling!” JD;Heathers

Dublin, darling, it’s about a mile from my office. So there - another one! Wheeee!

Your horse is a darling, and right in front of a Giddyap Girls sign - my horse is one of their taste test horses (okay, everyone stop laughing because this is truuuuuuuuuuue), and he is also featured in their ads. He is the horse on the right. I don’t know why the photos are distorted, but thats Mr Plume.

The offer was, well, insulting. $9000/year less base salary than I am currently making. Benefits bring the offer to $1000/year less than I am currently making. But get this, 45 hours of work/week. I currently work 40 hours per week, and OT is time and a half. Those 5 hours per week at time and a half would add up to a hefty chunk…a chunk that would not be matched by their performance bonuses, I can almost guarantee it. Oh…and here is the real kicker…they say they offer 14 days of leave. Sounds great right? That includes vacation AND sick leave! Right now I have 10 days vacation and 6 days of sick leave! When I worked at the government, I had 20 days of vacation and 13 days of sick leave!!! And if I went back to the government I would be making the SAME base salary that this company is offering me!!! Thanks but no thanks Big Engineering Firm!!!

A solemn look comes over the CA Clique, almost a replay of the original Merry thread wake. One by one, the curb chains are silenced. Just then, a dog walks over and parks itself in the center of the gathering, relieving itself on the rug.

Don’t these people realize I have a horse to support and shows to go to??? I cannot afford to take a pay cut in hopes of recouping the $$$ at the end of the year in the form of profit sharing/performance bonuses!!! I have several A shows planned…these cost money NOW, not at the end of the year!!! And well, to be honest, Cypress has been asking for that burgundy plume, encrusted in diamonds. I cannot deny my dear her heart’s desire, now can I???

Do we have money $$$$ for gas? Or do we need to dip into the group’s bank account?

This was in our Stable Times last year. It is written by the big guy himself (lovely spelling). He was trying to win cookies:

[I]Hallo, Willem here! My English it be a little bit German because I be from Germany. Any how, my modder Corinne, she asked me what happens at die barn with Santa Claus und because I know every thing, I am going to share it with all of you.

Wenn the lights they go off, we all get lamps und lanterns from die tack boxes. Don’t nott to think we don’t have keys because we do. Und then we go to die parking lot und clear it up and putt the lights on both sides like a big runway. Our barn it be an international Santa Claus landing site. Und then we take mannie buckes of water and hay and apples and stuff und we leave it at die end of die runway.

We are not allowed to go right up to Santa Claus so we all wait in die riding school arena und we watch. First we see die little red light von Rudolph und then Santa Claus he makes a verrie big circle around die stable und then he lands and he give die rein deers a big snack. Then he comes up to us and we who have beed verrie good during the year, he gives us a little kiss on the nose. Then we go to bed. Verrie mannie of us getted kisses this year.

Because I know every thing, you can always ask me a question. I will not talk to you in person but you can email me.[/I]

For this he was Horse of the Month and won a pail of Giddyap Girls cookies. No, really!

Weeble I am so sorry that your mare had to be euthanized. I have had to do it quite a few times because it seems I always have the geriatric ward, it never gets any easier

On a lighter note I am glad to be back after a weekend of cleaning the garage. Yuck

I lost a client this week, they said it was because of the facility, which is easy to believe. And I am proud to say that I did not act like Sauve’s old trainer. I would like these people back if I ever get a new barn. But it is up to them.

SO lets focus our curb chain rattling to finding a new barn for rusty. Please.

dmj Happy belated birthday.

I have just finished making the last award for my horse show tomorrow. Yeah
Now off to set the course !!! ANd jingleing my curb chain that the weather stays in the 80’s and the is a nice turn out.

Hmmmm…I dunno…he looks like one of the Monkees.

Thanks for the info. Camelot is a good idea for my new girl’s first little show. There is supposed to be a little combined test derby at Flintridge that weekend but I haven’t been able to get any info on it.

Funny story about Camelot…my trainer and I showed up there one early morning back in March, when it was still raining off and on, and the show had been cancelled! We had called on Thursday and it was on, but they decided on Friday that the show was cancelled. Boy did we feel like big dorks pulling up with the trailer and asking someone, “so…uh…the show’s been cancelled, right?”