CA Clique Redux

Need your input here. Should I kill the thread and we start a new one???

Merry left out a few of Tig’s medical records. He also tore his whole eyelid off one time – how, I dunno; he never explains these things. Major reconstructive surgery time. Fortunately, you have to look very closely to see the tiny scars… He also had to have major dental work to get his wolf teeth out. Everyone else, it’s zip, zip, they’re out; with him, they were impacted with deep, twisty roots, requiring heavy sedation and oral surgery to remove. There’ve also been the requisite minor bumps and bruises, which with him are somehow NEVER minor…

This, of course, all came AFTER his horse mother almost died six weeks before he was born (major hospitalization bills); he then arrived about three weeks prematurely (was about the size of Rocky the Crazed Labrador and had no eyelashes or forelock! ) and immediately got sick from what the vet supposed was the aftereffects of Mom’s health problems. Needless to say, it’s been an “eventful” childhood…

Ah, yes … the lesson. Let’s just say things could have been MUCH worse, what with the herd of feral miniature horses racing around the pasture below our coach’s arena. But two Merry-and-Hammie highlights: Our coach yelling, “STOP HIM! He’s not allowed to JUST LEAVE the arena!” Said as Hammie takes Merry on out the gate after a jump, a la the incident last weekend. (In Hammie’s “defense,” he didn’t speed up or bolt out the gate, it was more along the lines of, “Hey, the gate’s there, it’s open, I’ll just see if anyone notices if I canter right on out.” )

In the second highlight, coach gets after Merry for not using more outside leg to push the Hambola around his corner so he stops sticking. Says Merry in the best whiny-pony-kid voice you’ve ever heard: “But he doesn’t LIKE that! He’ll kick out!!” Know what? She was right. HE DID!! Hard. Bad, BAD, Hammie.

We spectators, however – including QHSM, who stopped by to see how the crowned prince was doing – sure got a good laugh out of it.

May I wear my yellow puddle muckers just in case???

We’ll probably be riding tomorrow

now do we get to start guessing who this person is??? hahaha

Don’t get too excited…I am NOT going to work in Irvine!!! YIKES…I mean, I couldn’t handle the downtown LA commute! And I’m not moving…especially after just finishing the pool!!! But there is an office in Irvine, and they often “job share” projects between offices. They have the perspective of “if our employee wants to work for us in Camarillo, and the project is in Irvine, that is okay.” But Irvine is the main office.

Regarding the Star Trek reference…it reminds me of this guy I have to work with…he is Data, but without the intelligence. Basically, he is personality-free. Sigh…only one hour left and it’s the weekend for me!!!

Mo, there was no hard feelings to begin with! Lord knows, there are tons of people, I am sure, who could spend me wayyyy under the table on dinner just by drinking a whole lot or ordering multiple desserts.

Daniel’s is still open - at least it was in 1998 when I went there last. When I moved downtown in 2000, I pretty much stopped eating uptown and started trying new places downtown. I have never heard of the other place that you mentioned. . . .

[I] Now, my magnus opus on the cost of dinner caused me to POSTPONE telling jumphigh83 and Beezer about DATE NUMBER THREE (3) with David.

Jumphigh83, date number two was on Friday, but it went so well that he immediately asked me out for date number three on Saturday. Even though I know that I am supposed to decline a date with a man who asks me out less than three days in advance, I accepted anyway because I am just having such fun with David. [/I]

Can I just say how happy I am? O.k., I will type the details later - maybe tomorrow. I’m going to the opera tonight. (I fully anticipate not enjoying opera (I have never been), but I will keep an open mind!)

Psst. So Merry … tell the class about Hammie’s new bit from Dover. The eggbutt one you HAD to get because the precious bay prince was getting little itty-bitty almost invisible rub sores from his regular bit. The one you paid extra for to have it express mailed.

You know, Merry … the GOLD bit you got today from Dover!

The one you are now weeping over because, how can Hammie POSSIBLY wear a gold-colored bit? All the other horses would LAUGH at him! Personally, Beezer thinks it would fit in PERFECTLY with Hammie’s sheepskin saddle pad, sheepskin front and hind boots … not to mention matching Merry’s tiara!

I have shaken the magic wand and Hammie is now a year wiser, you don’t necessarily want to make him a year older, just wiser. You know how age concious some potntial buyers can be.

Another round of Carrot Margaritas coming up. Topped with wheat germ or rice bran for the shiny coats.

When I was leaving the barn yesterday, Willem said “Ja, tell all mein BB girlfriends I loff them verrie much und thanks for die good vishes.”

And he’d gotten over the drama of me pulling his mane far too short.

RUSTY - fingers crossed, fingers crossed! Hope it works out GREAT. Let us know the full report.

50 Ways To leave your Trainer…

I have to think of some verses…

Merry: I can tell if you were a trainer, nobody would leave you

It should be interesting today. As a side note yesterday when I was at the new barn, one of my friends from my old barnand I were talking and (this is a little difficult to explain, you had to be there to appreciate it ) my old trainer took her golf cart and kept making circles around us. Unbelievable. For example, if we would walk to the Balboa ring, she would circle to the right and be at the ring. If we would walk to the left she would be there too. So sad I guess I was one of her last “paying customers”

I don’t mean to bore you all with this stuff, but she called all the kids together and told them it was ok to play with my daughter (but apparently they are not to go on the new barn’s turf ) Un Bleep Bleep Believable So it should be interesting today…

Thanks WTY and AA for your positive thoughts. At the end of the day, I guess it’s the anticipation of leaving that’s the greater fear than the actual act But onward and upward

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on Mar. 31, 2001 at 10:09 AM.]

It is a form of dance (I believe) with lot’s of stretching, focusing on the abdominals as the center of gravity. Am I right Suave?

Oh put your teeth back in Suave, you’re NOT that old. It’s those cordovan field boots, they just let us know we’ve been thru way toooooo many changes.

He’s BALD? Well, not that’s there’s anything wrong with that and such, but … BALD? Well, guess that’s why those hats are so popular.

But how fab to have ridden all those lovely horses! I’m so jealous. That’s too cool. I’ll have to email you in a bit with endless questions.

Is it RF???

The story about my friend gets worse…She was business partners with “Ahem…you know who” and ante up most of the cash for this horse. Well it’s been over a month and she hasn’t seen a dime

I also saw in Sports Illustrated today that Julie Krone is getting married to your husband’s buddy Jay Hovdey at a seaside ceremony in Del Mar on May 27th.

Now, would wty even think such a thing Merry? Naaaaahhhh! Not when she has watched herself being bolted from the ring without a trace of control, and her trainer collapsing in laughter. Followed by “Does this mean you’re finished your lesson?” snickering and giggling the entire time!!

But, I can picture your discription of the lovely 4 in hand hitch. Turquoise plumes, silver studs on the harness, but pleeeeeeease, can we have someone slightly less in width driving them?

vineyridge, ma’am, y’all are getting kinda greedy with your southernisms, ain’t ya? Well, just coat my tongue with molasses and pitch me from the roof of the mobile home - I thought it was the universal language of peace and camraderie, like when Uncle Bubba and Uncle Eustace finally buried the hatchet cause Uncle Bubba done stole his wife, Aunt Flora Mae.

Well, just colour (see, some nasty Canadian habits are harder to break than others) me red with the shame of a muskrat in heat in December, I thought y’all’d be done flattered.

Speakin of horses, Hans was done humbled today cause he done rode a real green 4-year-old. He done described the experience as “wiggly”.

Is this person a Whiskey heir?

Same town, almost same neighborhood, (all my friends lived in Wilhaggen) and rival high schools. What year did you graduate?

This is too weird…

Never posted on the CA Clique, but being as I am from Southern California I thought I should, lol.
Heres a pic of my greenie at his first show last year.