CA Clique Redux

Oh Suave, sorry but you know I would have been rolling watching the act go down Hurrrumphing and all that. Flying into the ring!! Okay, hopefully a nice glass of wine, couple of aspirin and you are feeling better? These bones of ours, well, they just love to remind us how old we are!

viney, so send the pimpmobile over to Merry. This will awaken the geek herd! Am with you, so probably you should have cooked up some entomolgy in a stew for the group? Geeesh but you have to admit, the butterflies would be beautiful to watch.

coreene, hope Wilem is doing well today. No more bouts!! We used to do what Merry suggested. A ride up and down our bumpy dirt drive before the vet got there. It would help. It’s still bumpy, but they’re trying to make it a real driveway.

More Knock Knocks for you:

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Ima who?
Ima OUTTA here!

Knock Knock
Who’s There?
Itsa who?
Itsa been real nice doing business with you!

Knock Knock
Who’s There?
Hello who?
Hello I must be going

Ring Ring Ring
<dead air>
If your phone still ain’t ringing, it’s still me.

Good Luck

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”

Actually I was thinking of some more, “Middle Eastern” articles at work yesterday…maybe on some themes of “How To------- During A Sandstorm”

So sorry to hear about Ronnie Freeman’s wife.

Can you guess? (No More dead giveaways)

a. The Show
b. The Rider
c. The Horse

As Suave yawns. Time to be ramblin’ off to bed for tomorrow it’s lesson #2 with the new barn

She say’s this, she say’s that…

But her name doesn’t ring a bell with the “biggy’s”. “JustALurker” has been my only source Thanks Maggi!

Hmm … downsizing Beezer’s horse “herd” … how EXACTLY would that work?

Because there is only her retired jumper mare, whose current job prospects are part-time pony horse, part-time up-down lesson horse or full-time lawn ornament. She, frankly, far prefers the latter. Then there’s the lawn ornament’s only child, the 4-year-old who is intent upon self-destructing and who is so attached to his human mother that he falls apart if anyone else (other than Merry … maybe) tries to do anything with him. Beezer thinks it would be a little difficult to sell HIM since she would likely have to accompany him to his new home. She’s not sure how she would explain THAT.

The spotted wonder horse does not belong to Beezer. She is a loaner, subject to repossession. So Beezer asks the clique … how on earth does she downsize??

As for a nonprofit … would Mr. Beezer’s fantasy bookstore (currently taking up residence in unending rows of boxes in Beezer’s house, garage and on her patio) qualify? That bookstore sure as heck has never generated one dime of profit!

She Flies Without Wings - how horses Touch a Woman’s Soul by Mary D. Midkiff

I haven’t read it yet but it came highly recommended

We have had two different dowsers and a geologist. There has been one well drilled, but we need two. Otherwise the deal won’t work for all parties involved. Yes there is alot of water around, we just haven’t been able to hit it. It took 8 tries to hit the first well, and these holes do not come cheap. So keep on jingling those curb chains and thinking positive thoughts. Thanks.

one of the dowsers said he was going to quit dowsing after this, and he is the one trying to sell us the property.

NancyL, I know who you mean as well. That could qualify for an episode of “As the Barn Burns”.

Isn’t she photogenic?

I went to High School with Jonetta Frasier, Joe Frasier’s (as in the boxer’s) daughter. She was really a nice girl, we had a few classes together.

Bumpkin, sorry I got my story wrong, I could have sworn she died with her cows. Humm!

And you were thinking you could get out of the Ritz-Carlton in Laguna and pay less than $7 for water these days?

Heidi, I remember the days they would jack the drinks prices up on the Carlton Terrace during MIP-TV and Cannes. And I was horrified to pay $8 for a gin and tonic. What was I thinking???

Beezer- What a sad story. I was almost crying after I got done reading it.

Suave Reno- I love the costume picture. Trick was a jail brid at that show and this year I am attempting to make him a hot air balloon or circus pony costume for this years finals. Our barn goses costume CRAZY. Last year we dressed the big WB with the horrible reputation as a carousel horse and his owner who is 15 rode him as Mary Poppins. And then there was the year someone convinced Medevil Times to let her barrow a knight costume. Ah too many fun costumes to remember.

AA Jumper- Very cute jumper. Wish I had the guts to do jumpers beyond 3’. I love fuzzy girths! As soon as I got my new saddle I had to get one that match everything.

As for horses eating stuff I have the funniest story. Ae were at a show at one of the adults in the barn set her lunch (in a paper bag) down on a takc trunk to go check her horse. One of our horses procedes to lean out his stall and remove the comtents of the bag: a can of coke, oreos, and a sandwich both in plastic ziploc bags. He Suchs the cookies and sandwich out of their bags, not harming the plastic in any way. Then he reaches for the coke, pops it open himself and drinks the whole thing. We saw him just as he was finishing and all laughed.

Tomorrow I am going with my trainer down to San Louis Rey to the evt hospital.
At the end of last summer/beginning of fall my best friends horse rolled around tin the mud/dirt and caked it over is whole body (even his eyelids). We cleaned him odff real good, but I guess so drit scratched his eye. He developed an eye infection about 3 weeks befor OCHSA finals. We had the vet out and he gave us medicine and got him a protective eye hood to cover the infected eye. He the developed a fungal cyst in his eye and we ahd him in EVA’s hospital in Youba Linda. The vet then said there was no hope and we should just let his eye wither away and get him fitted for a glass one. We really didn’t want it to come to that, although he could have functioned OK with it. So they decided to take him to the hospital in San Louis Rey to see if the special eye vet could fix him. He said there was a posibility of fixing him with surgery, but thta it might not work. They decided to go ahead with surgery anyway just on the chance. Now they are so glad they did. the eye is almost completly healed and as far as we can tell he sees good still. His owner is now back riding and jumping him and should be showing later this summer. The vet visit is his check-up so the vet can remove a flap of white that the stiches didn’t come out of.
Sorry this is so long, but this really was a maricle and a great sucess story.


ROFL A/A you are too much! A Ha! That can be the next big enterprise, Carrot Margarita’s for our horses. Rusty, you’re a genius. Testing for that could be wery interesting. Can you see the horses all lined up for a breathalizer?

rusty, good luck. curb chains are jingling! and remember, if things get sticky, offer bribes. (no, no, I am just kidding!!!)

coreene, poor willem. i guess he was so upset about not getting his plume that his tummy got all upset. . . .

merry, one more time, can you give me the website for the magazine your write for so that i can see tigger, the best four-year-old in the universe? thanks. (sorry to have to ask AGAIN - i know you gave it to me before but. . . well. . . i’m too lazy to search this whole thread for it!!)

Yup, absolutely in writing Suave. You will see this person more than when you were at their barn. Good luck, and we’re all here for you, margarita’s in hand, curbs softly jingling. Loved the tape a note to the windshield one!!

Merry, crown in place, ready’s everything for the big debut. Hammie, looking ever so handsome waits patiently. Knowing he will be a STAR tomorrow.

The cult, with Carrot margaritas set out, curbs jingling in unison, watchs their leader putting on the last finishing touchs.

Happy Birthday Rusty!!!

Maybe Merry could carry that in lieu of a crop???

Alas poor Beezer, being relegated to jump master. Could not the fair Katy been the jump crew d’jour? That is very unkind of yea sibling to do that.

OMG, I forgot Robin had blonde hair, she’s sooo brunette now, or frosted sometimes.

Gosh, you know it reminds me of when I used to work for this pro rider, you all know her, (I’m not sure if I can name any names) but you know her horse too. Anyway, this pair went onto many wins including the $100,000.00 grand Prix of Tampa, about 10 or 11 years ago(?) I worked for her for 2 weeks (we didn’t clique), and I remember this poor, sweet horse having to take a whirlpool soak, both fronts, in ice cold water immediately following a Grand Prix. Even after she wasn’t sure if he was going to compete because he was so lame! It was awful. He just tried his heart out. After that, I decided she wasn’t for me and I went to work for Mark Leone. He treat’s his horses like you or I do. Very, very well to say the least. He has never abused his animals or his staff for that matter

Why thank you, Suave! I was worried that I’d be trying to figure that out until the wee hours of the morning!

Anyone know of a civil engineering firm looking for a fine analytical mind? I gotta get out of my current job before I go completely insane!