CA Clique Redux

Okay, when you go to now (should stay the same for the weekend), click on Hunter/Jumper in the left hand box. The photos with the articles? Three of them are moi: the pinto, the chestnut with white jumping (“Jumping Tips”) and the black horse (“Showing on a Budget”). What’s funny is that AAJumper’s photo on her old horse, Tulie, is there for “Jumping Over the Fear Factor” and cousin Katy is there on her bay in “Finding the True Blue Hunter”. Nothing like making use of my friends’ photos, eh?

Be careful, you never know when YOUR photo will be used for an article!

Gee, Beezer, should I tell the background of the chestnut four-yr. old?

Never mind the horsey habit, my 8-year-old consumes a pint of strawberries a day - mostly in the off-season, i.e. we have a month window here in Ontario for local berries, and then pffft, we get the imported California berries.

At, often, $7.00/pint, I have calculated that I must spend close to $2,000 a year on strawberries. It’d be cheaper to airlift him to a strawberry patch in Norcal.

Oh, Elizabeth…me, me!!! Call on me!!! AAJumper is frantically raising her hand to comment on the college boy topic

I probably had similar thoughts before I met Mr. AAJumper. Of course, it’s sort of hard to remember my line of thinking way back when. I started dating my non-college grad hubby my freshman year in college. And he is way more interesting than some of those college guys were. Okay, it didn’t hurt that he was 6 years older than me and a hunky fireman! But anyway, he may not be formally educated, but he is knowledgable about so many more things than most of the “business suit” type guys that I am thinking of. He can fix almost anything on the cars/boat provided that they are the older ones (new stuff is so computerized it is too hard to work on)…he rebuilt the boat and mustang engine himself! And he’s great around the house fixing random stuff like the hot water heater, etc. etc. And no, ladies, you may not borrow him!!!

I wouldn’t worry about what the snooty lawyer coworkers think. My friend is a lawyer and married a guy w/out a college education, and my other lawyer friend is married to a guy who is now trying to be a fireman. Besides, I don’t think a college education is a good measure of a person and their success. In fact, a friend of mine who is really smart but that slacked off in high school and never finished college now has a great position at Qualcomm making way more $$$ than me!!!

Okay, so now I’m rambling. I thought I had a point to all this??? Oh yeah…don’t let yourself get hung up on something like a diploma. Think of it as only meaning that someone chose to spend at least 4 years being tortured with tests and homework! And in some cases, it is really not necessary to be successful.

I wish I could take credit for this but here best describes my old age:

When I am Old…
I shall wear diamonds
And a wide brimmed straw hat
With ribbons and flowers on it
And I shall spend my Social Security
On white wine and carrots And sit in the
alley of my barn And listen to my
horses breathe.
I will sneak out in the middle of a summer’s night
And ride the dappled mare
Across the moonstruck meadow,
If my old bones will allow.
And when people come to call,
I will smile and nod,
As I walk them past the gardens to the barn
And show, instead, the flowers growing
there in stalls fresh-lined with straw.
I will learn to shovel and sweat and
Wear hay in my hair as if it were a jewel.
And I will be an embarrassment to all
Who look down on me
Who have not yet found the peace in being free
To love a horse as a friend,
A friend who waits at midnight hour
With muzzle and nicker and patient eyes
For that’s the kind of woman I will be
When I am Old.
By Lou Cadwell

Quite the contrary. What I mean is how in NYC can a law firm only spend $600.00 on a party of 5?! See what I mean? (Cheap Law Firm)!!

Well, Beezer, make me cry even harder whydontcha …

Viney, maybe you remember the room as both because the Oak Room became the Blue Room by the time you were done! BTW, Pimpmobile? This lends an interesting possible twist to the Clique’s Derby/Mayo bash…I’m afraid to ask.

And for all of you non-Californians, poolside tomorrow at weeble’s house, no wind, no humidity, and a perfect 90 degrees. (sorry, shouldn’t gloat, but neener, neener!)

You know FPQ Merry, elizabeth may have a good point! By the way, where is that darling tiara I got for you at clothes for less?

Here’s the news brief the Times ran; unfortunately, I didn’t see it beforehand so didn’t make the connection:

[I]The driver fatally injured on a crash Monday on Santiago Canyon Road has been identified as Jennifer Marlborough, 32, of Silverado
Canyon, Orange County coroner’s officials said.

Marlborough was alone in her 2001 Jaguar about 7:30 p.m. Monday when it struck a guard rail near Modjeska Canyon Road and plunged over an
embankment, police said.

She was taken to Mission Hospital Regional Medical Center in Mission
Viejo, where she died two hours later, said Officer Mark Reeves,
spokesman for the California Highway Patrol.

The accident is still under investigation, Reeves said Tuesday.[/I]

Hey Mo:
I’ll post it when I get home. She’s riding a horse called High Barbaree and I thought it said that she was trained by Gene Lewis. There were several pics of her through different issues. I’ll look them up again.

Do you think I should post a picture that we could all guess who??? AKA Yester-years Mystery Rider??

Did you both arrive home alive? With no visits to the emergency room?

I’ve been jingling.

Here’s pic of Lexie at Indio this year. Pardon me, I’m just a proud Mama

Taryn, Dave is way cute. And very handsome too, I might add. Triple Crown, welcome…we enjoy everyone!!

Enough of the snidlies!! We do not do this!! We love our fluff…That from another wasp/catholic. One of each, thank you very much.

The lovely patina of brass… Well, if Hammie likes it, does his changes, floats around the course, who cares??? Curbs will be jingling…

Suave having moved to a NT myself and just endured my first lesson, I can relate !!!
Although I still really like my ExT, and she still trains my daughter, right across a dead end street from where Elliot and I now reside.
Having learned a new way to sit the canter, my lower back is adjusting with pangs of anger at my trying to make it do something it has not done in 25 years. haha
Elliot has been very good in the new huge arena and riding on the wonderful new rubbery footing is very nice indeed.

Horses and riding come first, of course. Hey, work is a means to enjoy life, right???

NancyL, the trainer I was referring to is from So.CA. I guess it’s a pretty common thing!!!

Beezer, are you out of your freaking mind? Letting Mr. Beezer go to the Kentucky Derby and without you??? Girl, we need to talk. Wty would love to be able to be there and watch!!!

Phew, trying to catch up. In just a few days, we have elizabeth almost betrothed. Yippeeeeeee!!!
And E, if I can call you that, their is a spectatcular hauling company called Bateman out of Vermont. They are excellent with geriatric horses. The trip takes 4 days door to door. They come in a large van, with air ride. Email me if you want their phone #…

A/A any more news on the employment front? Good or bad, they are interested and thats great!

LOL Elizabeth…you are too funny! Mr. AAJumper already wishes the aging process had stopped at age 35, but alas, it’s progressed yet another 2 years. He’s very upset, however, that at his county physical, he had a whopping 17% fat.

I found a B&B! It’s called Howard Creek Ranch and it’s in Westport. It was hard to find one that didn’t have a 2 night stay required! Thanks for all the suggestions!

In regards to the ratty helmet, I remember seeing it several years ago when I first started riding. I always wondered about it!!!

Rusty, that is a scary story…no wonder you want to have you own barn!!! It’s amazing what some barn owners will do, or not do for that matter!!! I have been at some real wacky places in my many barn moves. My old trainer was like a barn gypsy. I think we were at 9 barns in 7 years, one of which was in her backyard in the middle of Canoga Park!!!

Bumpkin…what are you doing posting at 3am PDT??? Nevermind…you need to go back to sleep!!!

But first off, what a bummer that Beezer doesn’t get to go to the Kentucky Derby with him!!!

I saw he is covering the Derby for the LA Times -
I was in the same dorm in college with Suzanne Shirley (perfect cheerleader looks, perfect cheerleader name - cute, bubbly and oh so perky), whose father was at the time (I’m pretty sure upon recollection) Sports Editor there. After college, she married Jay Hovdey, who may have covered horse racing for the LA Times at some time??? He has written books about Cigar and Charlie Whittingham for the Blood Horse, writes for the Daily Racing Form and the Blood Horse now, and seems to be pretty well known and successful. Alas, he and the cheerleader did not live happily ever after, and are now divorced…

[This message was edited by dublin on Apr. 29, 2001 at 01:07 AM.]

Fantastic picture!! Oh, the envy!

Oh, Rusty. I’m so sorry you were aced out by “nepotism.” It seems that in everything, the horse scene included, it’s not what you know but who you know.

But, everything happens for a reason and I’m assuming a better situation will come along very soon.

Cheers, Maggi