CA Clique Redux

Have you tried Tim Dutta? His number is in the Chronicle classifieds.

By the way, thanks for the ideas! I’ve already pitched the idea for next year, and am taking notes for “Un-Trained Personalities”!

That issue would be June. There’s a cute bay hunter on the cover with a white snip on its nose.

Regarding Barbie, Hammie’s half-sister (same Trakehner dam, different sire)aka “the cow beast”: She’s very cute, but the exact opposite in body type as Hammie. Hammie is elegant and TB-looking but the Barbster is, well, a tank! She’s just kind of dull, until you want her to do something she’s not of a mind to do, and then she becomes quite the brat!Last I heard, she’d been ridden twice in the round pen and twice in the arena and she was really good until something spooked her, at which point she froze and was unable to move whilst staring and snorting. Hence, she is remaining in the environs of Hemet for another couple of weeks.

Off now to go meet Beezer to take a lesson at our trainer’s. The Saturday group lesson is always so “entertaining”.

sorry guys - my very non HSF took these photos sans zoom lens and was standing on the far end of the big grass jumper field (the looong one down at the end of the grounds). Ah well. At least the ambience was accurately captured (grey, gloomy, miserable…feel free to insert your own adjective.

Ah, Dublin - ya beat me to the movie specs. But isn’t that great? Although 1.5 years is so far away!

Coreene I so agree. It was a great read, one of the best in ages – and I read EVERYTHING so that is saying alot! I am sure you have read Horse Heaven - another recent good one! Oh side note - I will email you re: the search.

Merry! I will check out the thread. Don’t tell me I am gonna have to go over there with my a** kicking boots on! hehe

A friend of mine had her brown horse
turned out overnight at WEF this year.
Around 2AM, he escaped his paddock, and
the super-genius security guards were
chasing him in their golf carts! Hello!!
I’m sure the horse thought he was being
abducted by aliens, between the noise and
the flashlights.

Luckily the night watch people
intervened, and the horse was fine. The
funniest thing was that he won the next
day, so I told my friend she should
prepare him exactly the same way every

MHM is exceedingly grateful to be granted her visitor’s status, and is well aware of the honor you bestow upon her.

Wow Wtywmn, you DO get up early!!! Thanks to everyone for the good luck wishes. I’m so nervous because I am not good at answering those “where do you see yourself in 5 years” type of questions. Yikes! The interview is at 5pm today…I’ll report back this evening.

AA & Suave…hope all went well today!

Merry, so the photographer obviously had a solution for not getting enough spook…what did he have up his sleeve if he didn’t get enough “being good”?

your road trip sounds fun! We are up in Ft. Bragg a lot, as my step-MIL lives up there and we get to stay at her beachfront cottage. I really like it there; it is so quiet and peaceful, and feels worlds away from the hectic Bay Area!

Here’s a website you might want to check out. It has lots of information on lodging, dining, and things to do in that area:

You might want to check out staying at the Little River Inn. It is a lovely historical place - I got to visit it several times when it was a worker’s comp account of mine.

A dinner suggestion would be the North Coast Brewery - named Mendocino County’s top restaurant several years ago. Great food and microbrewed beer, in a cute old historical building, right on Main Street (Highway 1), with a good selection of Mendocino wines as well.

And speaking of wines, if you are interested in doing any wine tasting, definitely stop by Navarro Vineyards, in Philo. (On Hwy 128, between Cloverdale and the coast, in the beautiful Anderson Valley). It is a small winery, but very highly regarded, and has won tons of awards. They mostly sell from the winery and by mail, and their wines, from personal experience, are wonderful!!
Greenwood Ridge, which is next door to Navarro, also has a good reputation. If you like champagne, Roederer Estate’s only American facility is also on Hwy 128, closer to the coast. For more info on the various Anderson Valley/Hwy 128 wineries:

Hope this is of some help!

“Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

No, Coreene only wears Willem’s blanket when she finds herself, sans cocktail dress, stumbling around the equestrian center about 2 a.m. mumbling, “Gilberto? Donde esta Gilberto!”

Okay, Kevin Branaugh fans, I realize it was indeed Ian McKellen in Richard III. All I remember is it being on HBO and my thinking, “Hmmm… I didn’t think Shakespeare lived during World War II.”

Speaking of senior moments, I’m wondering what we’ll all be like in our “twilight years.” Since disease has failed to claim me, I figure I’ll end up being one of those 90-something bird-thin women warehoused in some quaint resthome. I’ll be dressed everyday in my little housecoat, and stuck in my wheelchair in the hallway, where I’ll grab the sleeves of strangers that walk by and ask them plaintively, “Am I on deck? When do I go?”

Those “Shapely Breeches” (which they also do in the 18-24 Catalog) are just da bomb. Because, you know, there are truly those of us who, when it fits around their fat ass, have it too weird in the waist. And I love 'em.

And somehow I have lost my black ones. How this can happen, I do not know, for my abode is tiny and it’s not like I wear them anywhere else. As a matter of fact, The Queen Mother is very good at saying “Take those off the minute you are done riding so that no one sees you in them. And do not go to the barn without makeup, you may meet a gorgeous polo player.”

Well, like she needed to tell me about the makeup. Duh.

Willem gave up peppermints a few years ago. We have no idea why. His favorite candy is Werther’s Originals (original, since dad is Werther). Very good cheapo horse treat.

However, Red Vines go over really well!

After mercilessly rubbing it in that WE had an COVERED ring when all of you were creating your rice paddy’s and koi farms, I come to the barn to find out that the footing in our outdoor jumping arena has washed out to the ocean. Literally. And once our bridge got swept downstream, there was no stopping it (and no way to even get to to the ring, either.) I guess we deserve it…

And now a stream has magically sprouted where the trail to our track once lay. So no trail rides either!

The gods have gotten their revenge. And now I won’t brag about our nice shady covered ring during the height of the summer for fear a plague of locusts will come and carry it away!

OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH, AAAAAAWWWWWW, the clique collectively sighs. What a very happy ending to your beginning, Elizabeth.

Rusty: When do you hear about your barn??

And Merry … what’s this I hear about you riding some really cute chestnut 4-year-old? A really well-behaved, hard-trying horse? I hear he is quite the thing.

Suave Reno still at the office needs to call it a day but between works there’s always the boards.

Del Mar? Ok I know it’s a little south for a midway point but everyone seems to catch that show.

Santa Barbara??? LAEC???

Dublin, that is so freaky that we were at the same restaurant, probably at the same time!!! We got there sometime between 7:30 and 8:00, and were probably there until 9:00. We sat in the back corner…if you walked straight into the dining area, we were to the left against the window, almost all the way back. How bizarre that we were at the same place!!! The coast was very nice, and yes, we stayed in Westport at a somewhat odd but interesting B&B called the Howard Creek Ranch Inn. It was a little run down, but it sort of grew on you. And the breakfast was awesome!!! Suave, we did get to check out Mendecino…it was very nice!

So now I’m back, but I won’t be able to check the boards during the day after this week. The owner’s son, Mr.Spy, is coming back permanently, which is a really good thing (he used to be my boss. Things will once again become tolerable around here when he returns. But no more sneaking peeks at the board during the day, but that’s okay…I’ll just go back to only checking at night when I get home.

What flavor do you want now, chicky peeps , for the easter season?

I think I found the first reference to the elusive Melissa Cardenas last night in an olde issue of HORSES!!!

March 1968 Issue, Indio National Horse Show, February 16 - 25

…The biggest surprise of the show came in the Puissance class in the person of a fourteen year old miss who came all the way from Las Vegas, Nevada, with her horse, High Barbaree, to appear in this one event.
A less likely looking candidate has seldom appeared on the scene, nor done better after arriving. Miss Melissa Cardenas has great thick braids hanging down her back and the overall appearance of horse and rider does not suggest that they could negotiate any 4’ walls, much less 7’. The horse is a Standardbred, Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse cross and it moves in a sideways, lunging, sometimes trotting style, sometimes standing off from the jump and sometimes getting in very close, but ALWAYS getting over. His young rider’s style is interesting too, in that over the jumps she pushes her hands as far forward up on the neck as she can get them, which is clear up to the ears. Undoubtedly the show’s most popular and spectacular entrant, she made only the one appearance, which was a pity, as everyone wanted to see more of her…
Placings were:
Munnings - Jim Kohn
Almost Persuaded - Gene Lewis
Son of Oregon - Marilyn Hoover
High Barbaree - Melissa Cardenas
Book Learnin’ - Gene Lewis

Marilyn Hoover use to ride with Gene Lewis, so I wonder if Melissa did then also?
He came from BC to Nevada about that time as a friend of a friend went down and worked for him for awhile.

Sorry I found no photos!

Thanks for the jangling of curb chains I have a 2nd interview with a company Wednesday. You’re right Rusty It is one of the best things that has happened in my career

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on Apr. 14, 2001 at 07:17 AM.]

Oh Dublin, the bunnies have moved out. Or should I say “moved on?” They (the first batch of bunnies) come back to sleep in the shavings, but the next batch has vanished, or are under my tackbox. I need to get a photo of him with his crocheted Big Time Showjumper ear cover. Red ears and rastafarian stripes, and little colored pom-poms.

Dave and Willem together is a bit like Willem and Mini Me. He is madly in love with Dave and would mount him if he could, and Dave thinks he’s a big fat weirdo.