CA Clique Redux

Dublin & Merry . Who correctly identified the 90’s laying on the neck position and that the Rider is merely fulfilling her contract as an advertising spokesperson for Dr. Binky’s Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Clinic of Modesto, California. WTG

Well I’m am just now getting use to being home as I was downsized last Friday. That’s the bad news Now the good news I had an employement contract so they have to pay me for the remainder of the year

More riding time! My lesson yesterday was awesome they worked me hard which was good. At one point I realized that I really suck at this however will keep plugging away.

Funny story: my old trainer has a website that she displays pictures clients awards and so forth. Well she bootlegged a pic of John French at Indio and is now posting it on her website. The inference is: (multiple choice question)

a. he’s a client
b. he’s her best bud
c. he’s her partner
d. they’re dating
e. write in___________________________

Well, I’m butting into your thread to tell Merry that I’m about as WASPy as they come, too, and it didn’t even cross my mind to be the slightest bit offended. I thought it was funny!

P.S. Can I become a card-holding (curb chain jinging?) member of the CA Clique if I do indeed move to Santa Barbara or San Francisco? You all are so funny…

Tee hee. Golf Cart Gambler’s Choice.

Merry - my previously posted photos (if you could indeed call them that) were my first foray into the fine art of scanning. Now, I am quite sure you can do better than me! We want to see your boy!

AAJumper - Oh do I have sad news. The Oaks does indeed now have the dreaded “warm up rings” - on dirt no less - sandwiched in between the grass fields. There are 3 - all side by side - all interconnected. Yuck.

I need a clue! Was the RF question formerly located at NG? (can I be more cryptic?)

[I] Ahhhhh, that is a question I try to look at periodically, to keep myself directed. I really tend to see myself in one of two places: I have a strong interest in blah, and I really enjoy blah. So, it is entirely likely that I could end up doing blah. That being said, I also find that I am good at blah, and I really find blah interesting. So, I have also not ruled out blah.

You know, though I tend to set fairly specific goals for myself professionally, I also do not ignore the “intangibles”, such as work environment, the inherent challenge of the job, and my colleagues. So it is conceivable that if I find a work environment that really challenges me where I am truly working with a talented and interesting group of people, even if my particular role in the work environment is not exactly what I had thought I wanted to do, I might end up in a very different place from where I would have envisioned, given the goals I have set for myself." [/I]

And that, AAJumper, is roughly the answer I tend to give to the “where do you see yourself in five years” question. . . .

(I offered up my monologue b/c it pretty much works for anyone - lawyer, engineer, corn farmer, Dairy Queen night manager, etc. I figured maybe it would get your creative juices flowing. . . .)

Yes, weeble, an interesting question. I would’ve died if I hadn’t been able to get Spot to behave! I felt bad, like I was tricking her, because she was already leery of that corner, and then, surprise! The tree is going to eat you, Spot!

Suave… Sounds like a perfect home for Lexi! Whoopee for you! And yes, why didn’t you do this sooner? What’s so interesting is that you paid all this $ to have John French ride Lexi at Indio (you know, Ms. Ex-T’s alleged best bud) and yet, the mare sells as a dressage horse! Ain’t life just grand? But at least she’s sold.

Now, what about poor AAJumper? Do you suppose she forgot to check the bottom of her shoes before she went to her interview?

“Sweet” and “demure” are not exactly the best adjectives …

Probably be right there with you, Merry. Not, however, before I spend a little time at shows telling all the young whippersnappers (that would be the 18-35 ammy’s) about how I had to go uphill in the snow (both directions) to get to the shows in my day. Yeah, I know I’m in California but that snow thing will give them all the chance to nod and smile and then roll their eyes as I wander down the rail to the next unsuspecting group)

Well Coreene do these wonder breeches help with a smallish waist accompanied by a baby produced bum?

dmj, very possibly our equines, knew something we did not. That the so called, cow meat, might in fact be something else? Of course that goes down the tubes when you realize our old quarter pounder with cheese, (QH), loved hot dogs with mustard. Don’t forget the orange pop to go with it. Everytime he got near a soda machine, he’d plant himself, waiting for one to appear.

wty heads for the pile of aged “Horses” magazines. Hoping to find the elusive issue with dublin in it. I know it’s here somewhere?

And the word on the street on that trainer is that they rate themselves far above Mary Gatti and Hap Hansen. They are now approaching Ludger Beerbaum legends in their own mind.

How frightening.

But on to happy happy happy, SuaveReno I look forward to meeting you tomorrow! Best place to go is toodle down to the tack shop at the bottom of the hill (Steinberg’s Tack & Feed) and ask Marie, who runs the show, where I am. Which will probably be around the tack shop because I need to garden tomorrow. And I have the gardens in front of Ginny Spooner’s barn and Steinberg’s.

Look forward to seeing you then!

“Hmmmmm,” Coreene thinks, “she mentioned Manolos again. I bet there’s a real kinship with SuaveReno and I that’s already there without knowing about it. Shoe Girls rule.” And she jingles her 18kt Curb Chain Bracelet from QVC and mumbles off after a cup of coffee.

Yes, Beezer, that chestnut horse that, let’s see, belongs to YOU actually made some round circles today!

Hey, what did I say about the nurse Tina winning on Survivor? And I haven’t even watched the show at all! Just remember, I said I gotta feeling about Jamaican Rum in the Derby…

Okay, okay, wty knows that money isn’t everything. But, it would be nice, just once to come and go as you please? But you all are right. Heaving a big sigh, happily she jingles her curb.

Beezer is a wise person, that turning with no ring, is not a fun thing. Especially when one’s fav mare keeps going, with no stopping, and is next in the stabling area Having been there on several occasions, we make a concerted effort to focus only on shows with fencing! And this is a supposed hunter And NO won’t even dare go near the jumpers, way too scarey.

I just saw a headline on Towerheads saying that Ronnie Freeman’s wife was killed in an auto accident yesterday. Apparently Ronnie was in another car, and was first on the scene of the accident.

As we, too are moving barns.

Thanks to all the curb-chain jingling my trainer got the new barn. Its another 20 minutes further from my house bt when are already driving an hour and a half, whats 20 minutes? And when you have been with the same trainer for 15 years, 20 minutes isn’t going to make me change now. So no more bragging about the covered arena.

To clear the confusion AAJumper, I do have 2 horses. “Princess” Jade is with my trainer up at Tulie’s barn, and Grace is a project horse that I bought and am training. I keep her at El Toro Stables in Irvine - close to where I live. It’s like having bi-coastal boyfriends…you can get your fix no matter what end of LA County your on! LOL! And before I bought Grace, I hacked horses for SuaveReno’s trainer at the Orange County Fairgrounds…lets just say it isn’t fun to be around Chef when she has ridden less than 3 times a week.

You should track down Judith Spreckles and do an interview. Ala Vanity Fair!!!
I mean she had such an interesting life, and was married to a Spreckles and a horse trainer and then took back the Spreckles name.
Where did she come from, what made her quit doing HORSES?
Why is going to high profile LA trials such an obsession?
Domminick Dunne has written a small bit about her in his articles in Vanity Fair, so it would be a good lead in and you are a California Horsewoman who happens to write!
Honest this may be a big piece for you!!

Yes, so ONCE AGAIN, the little sister makes all right with Merry’s world. SIGH. Lemme tell you, if she hadn’t eaten that cake, Beezer would have crammed it down her.

Oh Merry … before we start singing the Hambola Virus’ praises TOO loudly, perhaps you’d like to tell the group how, in Sunday’s schooling session, he tried to leave the arena rather than do a lead change? Or how, later that same session, he kicked out like a VERY NAUGHTY horse when you asked for another one?? Said Merry at the time: “Oh, did he kick out? I thought that was just one of those ‘extravagant’ changes.”

Regarding this whole Elizabeth thing, you know we’re not trashing her by any means. There are just some issues that some of you may not be aware of that still stab a little at our backs. She leaves some of us really NASTY e-mails that are totally uncalled for and totally inappropriate.

On a lighter, more appealing subject, Coreene, I wish you could have gotten a picture of Willem and his bunnies. What a hoot!! Make sure you gals get a pic of Dave and Willem together!!

Back we go again!

heidi: $7.00 for three pints . . . and those were the expensive ones (other ones were available at $5.00 for three pints!)

You’ve come to the right place elizabeth, because I, too, was an intellectual snob! I admit it, when I was dating I wouldn’t even consider going out with someone who hadn’t graduated from college. Why? Because college and an advanced degree had given me a different perspective on life, changed my value system a little and opened my eyes to other viewpoints. I just felt more able to appreciate things in life such as art and literature. Heck, I could even keep up with Jeopardy!

Now I realize that all of those things can be achieved without a college education. There are plenty of self-educated people out there who have made millions in businesses like real estate and manufacturing without a college degree. My dad never graduated from high school but he’s a history buff and knows all these fascinating details about world history and the Civil War to the point that I’m put to shame.

So, don’t discount this David guy yet. When it’s appropriate, just bring up certain topics in conversation to see where he stands. You know, start asking questions like, “Who was the better Hamlet: Derek Jacoby or Laurence Olivier?”