CA Clique Redux

MHM must nip out to the barn now and feed a few carrots while she is still mobile enough to do so.

Bumpkin: No, that was not QHSM in the photos of Spring Cleaning the Tackroom. Funny thing, I HATE writing those kinds of articles! I swear I keep adding to my list of “don’t even ask me to write…”. That list now includes articles on trucks/trailers, de-worming, avoiding the summer onslaught of flies and organizing a tackroom. If you could only see our tackroom, you’d understand why the photos weren’t shot at our place!

dublin: Welcome back to the land of the living!

Suave & coreene: A “uniboob look”? I’m guessing you mean the one long, rectangular boob look, often created by the use of a sports bra. I do not get a uniboob, I get a unilump. I am not particularly well-endowed. No, I gave my endowment to Beezer.

MHM, MO & Heidi: Yes, the Iron Rider idea, stolen from the Iron Chef program, would just be hysterical if accompanied by an emcee who was permitted to poke fun at the participants. Hmm… instead of a course with an Audi, what about a course where first you navigated around the jumps in a golf cart (with a filled-to-the-brim grooming tote in the back), then climbed right on a horse and jumped the same course, and added the two times together? What a crack up!

Oh Beezer, that is so sad. Couldn’t figure why I wasn’t able to sign on to the BB’s, till I looked, I was typing Beezer as my password…See what that story did?? And yes, our QH loved orange soda. He actually was mid air, over a jump, when he heard money going into the machine next to the ring. We landed, and he stopped dead, I was a lawn ornament. He did a lovely 180, and cantered happily over to the machine. We always miss them. They are our family and kindred spirits, nothing changes that ever.

She slips off her Manolos and starts doing the Lead Change Dance while jingling not one but three 18kt QVC Curb Chain Bracelets and singing “Hambola krishna, Hambola krisha.”

She then stops, horrified, and realizes she’s been dipping into the Bolly far too much.

SHOPPING??? Can hardly breath for the excitement of it all!!!
It’s the absolute most perfect day!

viney, we’ll get you a port-o-potty, sorry hon, but just in case. Bring that barbie, we’ll have a ball.

Uh people, we need to go extract Merry from this position she assumed on another thread. She was doing some sort of split, and well…IT’s pretty ugly.

Well, my horse may be seasoned, but I sure haven’t been riding like I am!!! Well, at least not at shows! Okay, but this was my first Indio (I’ve been 3 times) where I didn’t have to go to the emergency room!!! Gotta look at the positive side of things!

This is so incredibly sad. The northern people know her mom as well as her. She was a beautiful girl. They haven’t been married very long. It’s so hard to believe she’s gone… Our prayers and thoughts go out to her family… This is a tragedy.

Thank you dublin and Beezer for posting the information.

is the same horse that I spotted in that olde HORSES magazine and reported back on the dead CA thread.
I keep thinking there were other horses that she rode, but haven’t seen others.

We had a really good day, actually. It was a small county show at a private riding school, so it’s the perfect place for a baby. Hence, I brought Tigger along, since he has only “seen” a show once before. I was able to lunge him and ride him in the warm-up arena (they have a separate one just for hacking, and it’s quiet) in a big circle. He was really good! Unfortunately, the power steering went out when we tracked to the right, so I must work on that at home. I was glad Beezer saw what a good mind her young boy has. Especially since I figured he’s only been ridden maybe 20 times.

Beezer rode really well and was able to school a lot in both rings and then went in and won both her rounds. The amateur adult round didn’t fill, naturally, so we scratched and came home. Of course, that was after a kid was hauled off by the paramedics with a possible pelvic fracture after doing a cartwheel and lawn dart manuever when her horse sat down in front of the liverpool.

So now, thankfully, it looks like Beezer and the lovely Spotted Mare from Hell will have a decent time at Ride America next weekend. Now, if only I can trust the Hambola Virus to behave.

“Oh wow, is that John French aboard? Isn’t he best pals and uber-buddies with your old trainer? I hear the two of them are like ‘this’. In fact, aren’t they business partners? I saw his photo on her website.”

Me thinks Princess Beezer shall have to come to a decision about her own horse commodities. Personally, I’d like to see her down-size her own horse holdings and buy herself a mount more befitting an “older” amateur rider. I can say this without fear of a royal outrage because I am indeed several years her senior.

Can’t we all just get along?

OK kids. Let’s try to be nice to one another and not say what may seem like mean things about other posters. You wouldn’t want people saying similar things about you, and none of us want a flame war to start. This is a fun, lightweight, friendly thread. Let’s keep it that way, OK?

Really? RF snagged a lottery winner? Are you serious? I don’t think the state HAS that much $ for me!

Sort of a similar story with someone whose initials are AP, a “trainer” who formerly did mostly jumpers out of a barn at Industry Hills… ex-wife’s first name is Barbara…story is a little foggy, but I believe it was something like their divorce became final days before he won the lottery for millions! What a guy… he at least, rumor has it, gave her a small chunk of change, but here she’d stuck it out with AP and just when Fate was about to smile on her… she misses it by thiiiiiiss much. Dang!

Interview (3rd one) progressed smoothly. My only goal is to find a job that doesn’t interfere with the riding And make more money which unfortunately don’t seem to go hand in hand .

I Heard through a third party that Ex-T has been saying the most nasty things regarding me since I left her barn. What do you do in a situation like that. I just don’t understand what all the nastiness is all about. It’s really too bad that some people need to behave that way. I keep telling myself what goes around comes around. Any suggestions

Everybody Loves Raymond…Doris Roberts and Peter Boyle’s characters are my in-laws. (may they rest in peace) Never was a gift they couldn’t return within 24 hours, never spoke a civil word to each other, and never was one thing I could do right. Ya gotta love that.

OH NOOOOO!!! Bumpkin, the only thing on TV at that hour, including cable, is QVC!

Bumpkin arrives at the Cal Clique reunion, and everyone is aghast at her display of Joan Rivers jewelry…

Or perhaps she’s hawking our curb chain bracelets?

Thanks MO! Next time I will try to be more careful reading and actually “get” it!!
And Elizabitch daaaarling…so how was the SECOND DATE??? Come on…DISH!


It seems like I’ve been waiting forever to get this pic. So I’ve scanned it in, and posted it below.

Merry and Beezer, that is such a sad story about the original Beezer!

Merry, I was at the World Cup in Vegas…those showgirls were, uh, a little out of place, dancing around in the arena. But the whole event itself was great. I went with a bunch of friends from the barn, and 4 of us split a room at Treasure Island. We spent a LOT of time at the spa there, and did LOTS of shopping! It was a blast!

More good news on the job front - I got another call today from the manager of the office and he left a message saying that the people from the other office called people at my old job and I got rave reviews. My old job was working for the government, and this company gets lots of $$$ from them in contracts. So he wants to talk to me again. I called him from my cell phone on the way to the barn, but he wasn’t in…I’ll try again tomorrow.

Please, no comments on the fact that my heel is practically hitting me in the butt in the pic…I am working on it!!!

Thanks for your support. My business partner and I are trying to think something better will come along. The 3 fortunes that I got tonight at the local chinese resturant are:
1.Don’t always think the worst hope for the best.
2.There is true and sincere friendship between you both.
I understand these 2 but the third one has me wondering.
3.Your present plans are going to suceed.
I just wish I knew what my present plans are.
Maybe winning the lottery?

I can barely move this morning However I am determined to be on the Suave at 10:00am hackamore in place with saddle and my straw hat. You are right Merry…it is sacriledge. Maybe I need a horsey blessing? (Forgive me Merry for I have taken a header )
Loved the article this month from Grungy to Georgeous. Tigger looks wonderful! I think a little trimming goes a long way. Speaking of which, why don’t the DQ’s trim their horses whiskers? Did they all train at UC Santa Clara? I noticed in Germany they don’t do that as well Is it a new trend

I totally empathize w/ your situation. The thing is, in this industry, it is almost guaranteed that you WILL run into her again…and probably often. Do it in person, and make it short but sweet. I don’t know what circumstances you are leaving under, but I would try to make the whole thing as “pleasant” and non confrontational as possible.

Of course, this is kind of a “do as I say and not as I do” on my part…I left my last “trainer” (and I do use the term LOOSELY) under cover of darkness and in the middle of the night…heeehee…