CA Clique Redux

Hello everyone…thanks for all the advice and tips for horse hunting. I actually think that tomorrow I will be bringing home a horse! It’s the same one I thought I had before, the owners decided not to sell, then they changed their mind again…anyway, it’s a LONG story, but tomorrow we are drawing up a bill of sale and the horse is coming back to my barn. Although I am 99% sure that it is a done deal, there’s always the chance that it isn’t, so I’ll need some support. I’ll keep you updated! (even with pics as my husband just ordered his “super computer” with scanner from Dell the other night)

Ohh Suave, this is fun!! Can’t see her face too well tho…Wty, scratching her head. Love the horse, he is AWESOME!!

Wty is now into muttering once again. Barbequed chicky peeps? Ewwwwwwww…sounds more like those Smores we used to make.

Okay here’s a question. Is Gene Lewis still alive? Thought I heard he was in Idaho or Utah last.

We had a little 2 day Robin Serfas show at our barn. Poor kid on Saturday fell off in Walk Trot (and in her first show, no less) and broke her wrist! We felt terrible. Then two different little gals explained how they were champion in Walk Trot (hmmmm … still haven’t figured out this one yet).

But the scary part was how they were pinning lame horses. It’s so sad, you see these poor Eq horses who should have been retired ages ago, doing their best and so lame. And they get pinned.

This is an addiction dublin. Okay rusty grab that margarita blender, pick your horses. This is FUN!!

[I]Where on earth did Merry come up with Beezer down sizing?? Must be still on that sugar high. Or maybe she was alluding to the bookstore of Beezer’s?

Well HI elizabeth and do stop again. Boy that lady is flying. Hey where’s coreene, A/A Lurker et all?[/I]

OK, I haven’t taken the time to read any of this thread- becuase it overwhelms me. But I feel that I should at least post once on a topic about the CAL clique which I should be part of geographically speaking.
Hey, Anyone know of any cheap green tb’s for sale? And I do mean cheap.

rusty, didn’t you see those old cowboy and Indian movies, where the Indian horses found water by pawing in the sand? Maybe I can send the Lovely Spot your way. She at least LOOKS like an Indian pony! Paw for water, Spot, paw!

Yes, elizabeth, the black horse I’m jumping on that grass course was a very sweet Dutch mare from… CANADA! named Syracuse. I bought her at a sporthorse auction when she was a cowboy-broke 3yr. old. I was going to pass on her because she had these enormous ears, but Beezer talked me into it! Natch, she was the highest priced horse of the sale, ahem…

I pretty much trained her myself. I won all my L.A. County medals and Pacific Coast medals on her. She was a really nice amateur hunter, too. But every now and then she’d go bonkers on course: just all of a sudden, whoopee!, bucking frenzy time! Then back to warmblood dullsville.

Sad part was, I owned her when I started getting sick and they didn’t know what was wrong with me, so I kind of had to sell her. That’s the horse Dennis sold for a ton of $, but of course, I only got what I wanted and he traipsed off with an outlandish commission. The mare later went to the Karazissis’ barn, to another amateur. I’m happy to say, no one ever won with her the way I did.

It’s been some years. I believe she is now a broodmare and a po-dunk lesson horse in someone’s backyard, eating and being fat and happy. I prefer not to know any more.

Now I’m bummed… Guess I’ll cheer myself up by going over and blanketing Hammie and trying to dodge his snapping teeth.

My show was cancelled about noon Friday… and it was a tad blustery, but no rain! I guess the management didn’t want to go through the ordeal of setting up courses, etc. if they knew it was going to rain on Saturday.

Unfortunately, that’s $ out of my pocket, plus, what makes it worse is that one of the judges for Ride America cancelled, and I got asked to judge there, but since I was doing Galway already, I couldn’t do Ride America! So talk about a double-whammy! Oh well, it forced me to sit in front of the computer and hammer out a book proposal. It’s exciting… the publisher is really, really interested. So jangle those curb chains, okay?

Suave, my thoughts are with you. I hope YOUR show isn’t rained out, too!

Elizabeth, the more you talk about this, the more you remind me of the movie “Moonstruck”, with you in the Cher role and David as Nick Cage.

Go to the opera with the man. If it’s important to him, you should give it a shot. If you can’t abide it, you might want to rethink all the sparks.

Besides, I thought all Italians loved opera.

good luck!!! jingle jingle jingle

I will try them Coreene dearest
But first let me send you that cheque I have been errant on

Oh sure dublin, just like my husband was laughing with me when it happened! He was doubled over at the far side of the ring. Just out of reach.

Merry, I believe that our horses souls are recycled. You will find Beezer, he will be back. Different color maybe, but he’s coming.

Happy Cinco de Mayo

Also a very nice horse that Hap used to ride. Hit it rusty, Cinco de Mayo margarita’s if you please.

Weeble, yours does take the cake tho, fried chicken? And all this time we thought they were vegetarians

Oh dublin your horse is very cute. Love her look!! Also have to say, love that chocker Linda’s wearing, boy does that bring back memories…You know, if you take away the chrome, Instant jumps alot like Bavaria from this picture.

Trick thats wonderful!! Glad the vet was able to save his eye!

[This message was edited by wtywmn4 on May. 02, 2001 at 08:32 AM.]

Now we have to start manufacturing equine breathalizers. If the test is postitve on the breathalizer then you have to wait around for the pee sample, otherwise you don’t. Just think of the money we can make. One in every barn times a few grand fortesting and developement and we’ve got it made. Then we all can build our own barns.

actually, i found the site - - but i did not see any articles that appeared to have pixs of the best four-year-old in the universe. . . .

[I] “i can’t continue looking for the article right now,” elizabeth says proudly, “because i have to get showered and ready for my date. . . with david.”

the CA clique collectively sighs and mutters happily “ahhhhh, David.” [/I]

UGH!!! Cypress has a big pocket of fluid on her butt (towards her tail). When we went to Indio we noticed that she had a fist sized bump…it looked like she got kicked. But she was fine, not off or anything. She’s been okay the past two weeks, but this morning she had a big sack of fluid in that area. So the vet is coming out tomorrow to see if it needs to be drained or not. She was not sore from it at all. I’m hoping that she’ll be okay and it won’t get worse. Otherwise, I’m gonna have to miss the show next Sunday.

Merry, good luck with Hammie and have fun!

AAJumper jingles her curb chain bracelet at Merry for luck.


Golly, there are soooo many Birthday’s in May!! I just got back from my daughter’s best friend’s B. day party ( she’s 2). And my mother’s , my brother’s, 4 of my dear friends and (one of) my horse’s birthday are all this month!! Yikeees!!I still need to purchace those gifts.

And Rusty, I’m so sorry I never sent you a video. I ran into problems with the video people, then I just let things slip…sorry . Are you still interested? I’ve been on her a few times, but to be honest, she’s getting quite fat!! Other than that, she’s a doll.

I honestly just went with the first gut thought I had on that one.
I recognized the horse, and knew that Robin Serfass rode Sin a Men.

I just showed Bumpkin’s post on Melissa and the 1968 Indio Puissance to Mr. Mo. He refreshed my memory that she had told us that she won that class!! I remember that now. After she showed us the grainy, choppy video of that class, she told us she won! It’s not like her house has a trophy room or anything. If I did what she say’s she did I’d have a trophy room! Or at least pictures scattered about. Oooh la la!!

Hang on A/A our curbs are jingling to help. Good vibrations literally are headed to you.
You have a wonderful mind, I was going crazy with that card trick!!

Taryn what a pain! Hopefully you will get the timothy you need, is there any other kind of substitute you can give him? We have been using those cubes, problem is they are part alfalfa, lots of other things blended. Used them for the horses that can’t take the pure alfalfa. I think it’s called All in One.

Suave that person is very renowned, it even crosses state borders. So, you are well out of there!!

Not fair that we should have to kill the thread. The Canadian epic was allowed to go on for many more pages than this one - and many of the posts were about nothing, but were just to build up the number of posts and pages. But, I can understand the feeling that the ONE topic for CA people may have gone a bit far afield and become too huge, perhaps the largest knock. I don’t really agree, but will bow to the request to cool it.

Okay, how about setting up several topics that at least give us a hint that they pertain to the California horse scene - or perhaps the AHSA Zone 10 horse scene to as to make it a bit more inclusive. Each could begin with “CA:” or “Z10:” so we’d know that it was of more interest to those of us on the left coast. Examples: Z10: Pebble Beach Classic Shows; Z10: Schooling Shows in SoCal; Z10: A-Circuit Trainers near Stanford?; Z10: Successes of merry’s Hammy and beezer’s Spot; Z10: Progress on rusty’s new facility; etc.

There are so many in topics for the East coasters who all seem to know one another. I’ve felt pretty left out when the Virginia crew continually talks about places and people I’ve never heard of. They seem to think everyone should know who or what it is they’re talking about. Not true, IMHO.

So, whadya think?

Cheers, Maggi

I hope everything goes smoothly with the vet check. When it’s signed sealed and delivered, please post a picture of your new family addition. That’s what we call my horse, the family addition, beacuse for what we paid we couldn’t have had an addition to the house

Good luck