CA Clique Redux

I would like to go to the show at Merry’s ranch (I would have to be the secretary or in-gate person or steward since my horse is on the east coast as opposed to out here), but I cannot.

You see, I have a DATE tonight. Yes, a date. With whom, you ask eagerly. Well, with the guy I posted about earlier this week! Yay for me. O.k, now. Everyone say soothing things b/c I am starting to get nervous.

(what if we run out of things to say? what if i drink too much and slur my words? what if i realize i don’t like him? what if i get broccoli in my teeth???)

Cannes? YOU DID CANNES TOO? Damn small world. MIPCOM? MIP-TV? The FF? MIDEM? Do tell.

AAJumper: So, you work with Commander Data? Does he step in the dog poo, or do his sensors warn him ahead of time?

Sorry, I went to Costa Mesa High School. We had no celebrities, just the children of the help for the Newport Beach wingdings. Although I dated one of my professors in college. Does that count?

What, Beezer, you mean I shouldn’t buy that smooth eggbutt snaffle I’ve been eyeing at the tack store? But it’d look so purdy on Hammie! Forget that I couldn’t stop him if he went into a snit-fit, looks are what’s important, you know! He just doesn’t seem to like the dee-rings. I think the fixed cheeks (the “D” part) bug him.

In defense of QVC: you can get some good gemstone earrings there! I know. I have an entire collection! Can anyone say “peridot”?

elizabeth you can dance on roof tops and fly thru the air if you want to. We are soooooooo happy for you !!!

SoEasy, sorry to hear about Mr SoEasy. Living on all those meds is trying. But, guess it does beat not having them. I don’t know anything about Croyn’s disease, it sounds quite awful.

Hello everyone. I am feeling a bit down in the horse department, although the story about the horse Beezer puts my measly story to shame. I hope everyone else’s weeks are going or will go better than mine!

As you may remember, a horse that I vet checked failed pretty miserably. That was step one. However, right after that I was approached about purchasing a really great horse whose owner just wanted her to have a good home, etc. I try her and love her. She’s exactly within my price range. My mood picks up considerably and I am already thinking of all the new things I am going to buy my wonderful new horse. I leave for the weekend to go to a horse trials thinking, wow, when I get back I’m going to have my very own new horse. Well, today I get the news that the owner changed her mind and doesn’t want to sell. So, I am back to square one. Sigh

I am thankful I have a nice horse to lease, but kind of at a loss about what to do. I have a very limited budget, so if any of you have any suggestions about TB or non-TB rescues or other inexpensive avenues I could pursue, please let me know here or via e-mail. I am in a good lease situation, so I can definitely spend the time to look around, but I really want a pony of my own! Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have!

Wow, Merry. You have the ability to still sound upbeat about the most trying of days! Your recitation of your day made me laugh out loud.

Next time, try muttering to Hammie some of the lines about Alpo that somebody mentioned on the thread “Do you talk to your horse.”

No time for soap operas; much too busy eating bon bons and doing needlework…

Wtywmn…the other day I caught Cypress having her rear “kissed” by Kasanova!!! She was in the crossties with her butt over by his stall door. He was sniffing her and doing the curled upper lip thing. It was so funny!

Suave, your old trainer is sounding more and more like a certifiable nutcase! So, when do we get to hear (read) your rendition of 50 Ways to Leave Your Trainer???

I’m sure you’ll be having a birthday margarita, eh?

Pilates… isn’t that a disease you get from ingrown hairs?

All the stretching sounded good until the word “dancing” became connected with it. Merry does not dance. Merry has been banned from dancing since, oh, about 7th grade. It’s just not a pretty sight.

Today I cleaned out our tackroom. It had become an abomination. It took me 2 1/2 hours! If I don’t come down with Bubonic Plague or the Hanta Virus from all the rat and mouse poop, it’ll be a freakin’ miracle! But you know what I found? We actually own a really nice, stained wooden Warner’s trunk! With a brass nameplate and everything! I had forgotten all about it, because, ahem, Beezer, it was shoved under the saddle racks and buried under umpteen saddle pads! Don’t EVER give me any grief about collecting bits!YOU have a saddle pad fetish!

However, I must admit that I labeled all the containers and drawers, and I thought of the Cal Clique as I wrote the label for the drawer that reads appropriately: “Bit Museum”

I’m up and running in Glendale. I’ve got my work cut out for me. NO irons for me

Coreene…e-mail away girlfriend!!

It seems as though, “little bo peep has lost her sheep?”

Can you do environmental engineering??? If so I may have an opportunity for you

OMG Coreene, you can say that again about the white dressage breeches!!! I showed dressage about 3 times (all schooling stuff) and I remember watching myself on video, lunging my horse. I was horrified at the way they made my thighs look!!!

Oh, and by the way, welcome to the thread Jair!

Why should it only be minis with plumes? Why not do some Warmblood Plumes?

That our dialect and customs are taking over North America. You can share it all you like, but you have to learn to spell without all those extra "u"s.

My uncle Fanny Lee (the State got confused by the midwife’s handwriting and put him down as a girl on his birth certificate) has spent the last two Saturdays recoating the nice green roof of his double-wide with aluminum roof coating. His place is styling now, what with four old cars up on blocks and a brand new flamingo standing next to his tire garden and bottle tree. We are all so very proud of him. The whole neighborhood looks all spruced up. N

Now if I could just convince him to have his twenty three kids treated for hookworms, we’d really be facing the twenty first century with hope and horses.

Bumpkin, my clever and resourceful friend - he’s a great afficionado of Scotch and should rightfully get at least dividends, a coupon ?, from Glenfiddich, given his investment. How’d you figure it out? Don’t tell me he’s your cousin, okay?

Query for Northern Californians: did anyone ride with a Michael Higgins? He was one of the early and fortunate employees at Netscape, who cashed out and moved to Ireland; he did name, though, all of his mounts a variation on the Netscape name, including one terribly expensive GP jumper, whose show name was “Thank You Netscape”. I think he still had a couple in North America with Hap Hansen.

You all didn’t know I was gone but I was actually in traffic school tonight and at the barn by day. And my hubby monopolizes the computer all day long so that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

I was best friends for awhile with Bonnie Ebsen (daughter of Buddy Ebsen). She lived on the Island and we rode together at the barn in CdM where Pelican Hill Golf Course now stands. Her sister Kiki rode Western and showed with Jack and Linda Baker back in the 70’s I think. Her other sister Kathy got into dressage. The last I heard of Bonnie she was an editor of a magazine geared to Western riders and living in Arizona??? Merry: Have you and Bonnie ever crossed paths?

AAJumper: Congrats on your call back! hopefully you don’t have to have a psychological evaluation (there coming to take me away ha ha…) The gal in HR called me yesterday and said I could prepare by taking practice SAT exams. They want to evaluate my critical thinking…hmmmm would this be an example, “Well she’s was behind the motion over the oxer in that horrible riding coat she was wearing”.

Say, is anyone going to be showing at the LAEC on the weekend of May 18th??? I told my new trainer that Suave and little Suave will be going. So we’ll be there…I’m not sure if it’s a Gold Coast show or not

Coreen: that is amazing about the 6 degrees of separation…it just goes to show you what a small world

Did someone mention bits It seems like everytime i turn around I’m buying a bit. Merry, you need a bit…I got 'em and I’m not using them…talk to me

Welcome Trick and great idea Rusty!!!

Hmmm how can I get Mr Bumpkin to get me a horse trailer??

I wasn’t there but know the show last weekend was at Woodside near Stanford.

Curbs jingling for Rusty and Elizabeth


There is a horseshoe shaped bruise. It’s a big time owie. His Lordship took exception to the fact that I had given him a whack for lunging towards some grass and almost sending me flying.

Then, when he went into his stall, he turned around and ran out.

So the best part of the weekend was meeting SuaveReon, which it was anyhow, but now really is!